Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Is ignoring perceived bad faith a reasonable strategy in life? I don't understand why people cannot deal with any hint of confrontation.

You're not really making much sense but I'll try answer.

up45 has made clear his take on Irish history. While I don't agree with him I don't see a point in entering a discussion, especially in a sources thread.

Main reason being that our fundamental beliefs difer, made clear from his vaccine stance. I've had enough discussions with bad faith anti vaxxers to know there really is no point in attempting to change their mind, even though the scienctific literature over the last 2-3 years goes against their beliefs.

I think it's a fair assumption to make that his mind won't be changed on Ireland either.
Holy shit! How much E2 you taking and did you get a massive gyno flareup?

You transitioning MTF, or injecting E2 for some other reason? Never heard of anyone doing E2.
I’m just normal mid-30’s male, TRT/TRT+ cycles. Prescribed 150mg/week pharma test from the ubiquitous Hallandale pharmacy. Sometimes add some QSC test E that I brewed from raws for a few weeks at a time. Usually pinning 150mg/week as 2x75mg.

What I meant was when I pin 75mg of test Cyp my E2 levels spike 6 hours later and remain high for 1-2 days in absence of arimidex.

I primarily take ralox now (Indian, AIPCTShop) to control E2 sides. Prescribed pharma Adex gives me crashed mood issues even in tiny doses at TRT/cruise but works fine if I’m pinning >=400mg/week.

E2 spikes to around 72 same day as pinning 75mg Test Cyp. Trough around 50. Total T on 150mg/week peaks just over 1300. Trough at 900-1250 depending on (diet and sleep and exercise?? Not enough data yet)

Primary high E2 symptoms are: puffy nipple area, itchy nipples. Overly sensitive about stuff, easy to cry uncharacteristically — not usual male upset/distraught/angry at myself crying but like “feels” relationship crying. Really need to hug/cuddle and get explicit confirmation that everything’s okay and strong aversion to any negative/aggressive emotional conversation. Generally much much lower “shit-talk/strong-together banter” with the male friends and more “I’m here to support you”, “oh that sounds like you’re really suffering”. Dick is somewhat more reluctant to get/stay hard and orgasms are weaker but still satisfying. Viagra/Cialis helps wonderfully in carrying erection through any “down time” during sex activity transitions. The high E2 does boost my emotional EQ and can help me navigate difficult conversations with my wife in a way that makes her feel safe in our relationship.

30mg Ralox fixes the puffy nipples and general bloat/expanded skin everywhere and also fixes my mood without getting “crashed” E2 anxiety/depression/suicidal compulsive thoughts/can’t get out of bed in morning like adex gives me.

No “gyno” yet that I’m aware of. But I’ve always had Adex, Asin, and ralox on hand. Just let E2 sides go for a bit so I could get labs done to see put hard numbers to “high”, “low” and “dialed in” feels.

The mind is a powerful thing. I don't think it's possible to feel your hormones spike 6 hours after a trt shot.
When I was first getting E2 sides I was injecting 2x per week and got the high E2 sides like itchy nipples for 1-2 days after pinning, starting ~6-8 hours after pinning. These would subside and I’d feel “dialed in” for the 1-2 days before the next pin when that would repeat.

I wanted to measure not just my trough T, E2 and DHT but also peak. So I looked up some studies and found some data which showed that E2 peaks about 6 hours post-injection. So now that’s when I get bloods to measure peak E2 to see how stable my AI regimen keeps me.

I’ll try to find the study again but will have to be later this weekend, gotta do chores/errands now.

When I pin 200mg instead of 75mg dick gets diamond hard super easily, stays so hard it hurts, and orgasms are powerful as fuck. Cialis/Viagra 100% not needed lol. This also happens the same evening after the morning that I pin first higher dose. High test and E2 on the lower side of “dialed in” makes me very prone to banter, e.g. “yeah fuck you too best friend ur face is ugly. Here come do this fun thing and cheer up/forget about it.” And more likely to be a bit more aggressive/snarky. Have to use conscious EQ skills to make sure I’m not being an asshole but that’s generally not very hard, just an extra slip-up here or there. if I’m resentful about something I might “snap-decision” let out a snarky comment to communicate my resentment that isn’t productive instead of pausing, introspecting, and addressing it intentionally, like I 100% always do when my E2 is high enough to cause puffy nipples.
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I mean I can *absolutely* feel E2 and some other hormones spike like 6 hours after pinning even TRT doses (75-100mg 2x/week). Pinning 200mg is even more obvious.

But 5-10 minutes later? Nah.

Def same-day feedback though for “yes there is some kind of hormone in this oil” vs “it’s just vegetable oil”.
Good ol` Test No Ester TRT
Nice country you got there :cool:

Are you able to say who that was? If it was made public and in the news I can't see an issue posting it.

Did you see the RTE investigates documentary back in 2014? All those lads selling gear were from my gym. Not a single one got charged.

Proud Irish!!
Not sure ok to post hyperlinks here but if you Google Former 'Mr Ireland' Hans Vogel that's him, court case was in 2019 I think.
Yup - Irish & Proud!
proud that your, once a strong warrior people, got suckered and forced into taking the clot shot ?
your whole nation couldnt wipe their ass if they didnt have a vax pass.
your ancestors who fought the english and who built new york city, hide their faces in shame.
We're doing fine pal, but thanks for the kind words Screenshot_20221008-113815~2.png
I agree. QSC has been solid.
Other than their tada raws(which seems to be a global issue, not specific to QSC), everything else has been on point.
I received tada powder 3 days ago and I have stuffy nose and headache with a mere 15mg dosage. Lowered today to 5mg and headache disappeared.
I think the different taste I'd due to different manufacturing process
You're not really making much sense but I'll try answer.

up45 has made clear his take on Irish history. While I don't agree with him I don't see a point in entering a discussion, especially in a sources thread.

Main reason being that our fundamental beliefs difer, made clear from his vaccine stance. I've had enough discussions with bad faith anti vaxxers to know there really is no point in attempting to change their mind, even though the scienctific literature over the last 2-3 years goes against their beliefs.

I think it's a fair assumption to make that his mind won't be changed on Ireland either.
You need to go read the actual data. For your own health. Please. It's not what you think it is.......consider his message a blessing from God, if it got your attention and makes you revisit the literature.
I’m just normal mid-30’s male, TRT/TRT+ cycles. Prescribed 150mg/week pharma test from the ubiquitous Hallandale pharmacy. Sometimes add some QSC test E that I brewed from raws for a few weeks at a time. Usually pinning 150mg/week as 2x75mg.

What I meant was when I pin 75mg of test Cyp my E2 levels spike 6 hours later and remain high for 1-2 days in absence of arimidex.

I primarily take ralox now (Indian, AIPCTShop) to control E2 sides. Prescribed pharma Adex gives me crashed mood issues even in tiny doses at TRT/cruise but works fine if I’m pinning >=400mg/week.

E2 spikes to around 72 same day as pinning 75mg Test Cyp. Trough around 50. Total T on 150mg/week peaks just over 1300. Trough at 900-1250 depending on (diet and sleep and exercise?? Not enough data yet)

Primary high E2 symptoms are: puffy nipple area, itchy nipples. Overly sensitive about stuff, easy to cry uncharacteristically — not usual male upset/distraught/angry at myself crying but like “feels” relationship crying. Really need to hug/cuddle and get explicit confirmation that everything’s okay and strong aversion to any negative/aggressive emotional conversation. Generally much much lower “shit-talk/strong-together banter” with the male friends and more “I’m here to support you”, “oh that sounds like you’re really suffering”. Dick is somewhat more reluctant to get/stay hard and orgasms are weaker but still satisfying. Viagra/Cialis helps wonderfully in carrying erection through any “down time” during sex activity transitions. The high E2 does boost my emotional EQ and can help me navigate difficult conversations with my wife in a way that makes her feel safe in our relationship.

30mg Ralox fixes the puffy nipples and general bloat/expanded skin everywhere and also fixes my mood without getting “crashed” E2 anxiety/depression/suicidal compulsive thoughts/can’t get out of bed in morning like adex gives me.

No “gyno” yet that I’m aware of. But I’ve always had Adex, Asin, and ralox on hand. Just let E2 sides go for a bit so I could get labs done to see put hard numbers to “high”, “low” and “dialed in” feels.

When I was first getting E2 sides I was injecting 2x per week and got the high E2 sides like itchy nipples for 1-2 days after pinning, starting ~6-8 hours after pinning. These would subside and I’d feel “dialed in” for the 1-2 days before the next pin when that would repeat.

I wanted to measure not just my trough T, E2 and DHT but also peak. So I looked up some studies and found some data which showed that E2 peaks about 6 hours post-injection. So now that’s when I get bloods to measure peak E2 to see how stable my AI regimen keeps me.

I’ll try to find the study again but will have to be later this weekend, gotta do chores/errands now.

When I pin 200mg instead of 75mg dick gets diamond hard super easily, stays so hard it hurts, and orgasms are powerful as fuck. Cialis/Viagra 100% not needed lol. This also happens the same evening after the morning that I pin first higher dose. High test and E2 on the lower side of “dialed in” makes me very prone to banter, e.g. “yeah fuck you too best friend ur face is ugly. Here come do this fun thing and cheer up/forget about it.” And more likely to be a bit more aggressive/snarky. Have to use conscious EQ skills to make sure I’m not being an asshole but that’s generally not very hard, just an extra slip-up here or there. if I’m resentful about something I might “snap-decision” let out a snarky comment to communicate my resentment that isn’t productive instead of pausing, introspecting, and addressing it intentionally, like I 100% always do when my E2 is high enough to cause puffy nipples.
well in no offense: placebo is one hell of a drug. look it up. people cleard year long chronical illnesses just by believing they get treated when in fact it was just placebo. I think Vsauce got a good video on that if i remember correctly.

being on 150mg Test as a TRT and injecting 200mg at once in the morning will not result in rock hard boners at evening. I am 99.9% sure about that. also you said you get highis E2 and one sympton is a sloppy dick. how come with a burst of 200mg Test in the morning your problem is solved? Even more so when you theory is, that 6 hours after the pin your E2 spikes? wouldn`t that mean your dick is even weaker than before?

what are your T levels on 150mg? Maybe consider lowering your dose. you got high E2 sides so a long term fix for sure is not to be on ralox year round to fix some symptoms. better approach would be to lower T dose and dont need AI which crashes E2 or take ralox to get symptomps out of side.
how come with a burst of 200mg Test in the morning your problem is solved? Even more so when you theory is, that 6 hours after the pin your E2 spikes? wouldn`t that mean your dick is even weaker than before?

what are your T levels on 150mg? Maybe consider lowering your dose.
1) because I take arimidex with higher doses of testosterone.

2) peak and trough test are listed in my post. Maybe consider reading.

Sure I could lower dose…or I could use frequent lab tests at the beginning of my steroid journey to validate what E2 ranges correlate to various side effects and then use AI’s to keep E2 in tight control. I’ve played around with allowing my E2 to go high and taking various doses of AI so that I can understand the progression of symptoms and decide what E2 level is most optimum for me personally.

Ralox controls my symptoms pretty much perfectly. Why shouldn’t I use that? If there’s a good reason I’m all ears but it doesn’t seem any more dangerous than arimidex or aromasin which are widely accepted in this community. If anything, Ralox may improve bone density and some other areas. Right now, comprehensive blood work and physical exams don’t show any concerning results. My doctor prescribes me arimidex to go with the TRT. My numbers above only had test results with Test Cyp but since then I’ve also added hCG and HMG which additionally raise my E2. Many many people on TRT w/ hCG need estrogen control (Asin/adex) and it’s widely accepted to be healthier than test-only TRT.

I may lower my test after this blast but I do plan to be on TRT for the rest of my life, because life pre-TRT fucking sucked. Now I’m doing a couple blasts so I can at least partially make up for decades of lost time in physical development. This blast I’m focusing on powerlifting and working with dedicated trainers. Next year’s will be for sports and probably add some Turinabol.

The science agrees with me though, high E2 causes these symptoms and high E2 peaks ~6 hours after pinning Test Cyp. My puffy expanded nipple regions aren’t lying to me when they dramatically flatten out the same day I add in E2 controls (be it ralox or adex). Those puffy also aren’t a placebo when it’s observable and measurable that they grow the same day I ping in the morning.

If a single morning pin can cause puffy nipples the same day, why couldn’t that same pin (or a higher dose) have affected my dick? If a single morning dose of AI can eliminate those puffy nipples in the same day l, why can’t it also change my dick?

I subscribe to the belief that everyone is different. I don’t think everyone will have the same side effects and experience as me. But I get multiple lab tests every month which include total T, free T, ultra sensitive E2 and DHT and have a pretty damned good idea of what’s going on. I want to do a bit more work to understand and control pregnenolone but for test, E2, and DHT I’m pretty confident in my measurements and observations.
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Any Canadians get any finished oils though customs? I have made four orders. Two of raw powders and two of peptides. The raws were untouched, the peptides were opened and inspected by cbsa. All orders made it to me unscathed and complete though.
With juice being quasi legal in Canada (legal to possess but not to sell) I am wondering from other members if they have had success in getting vials of finished oils though? Tks.
Yeah I got oils and tablets and it went through customs fine but before my shit came for some reason it was just chilling in Vancouver for like a good 7 days
You need to go read the actual data. For your own health. Please. It's not what you think it is.......consider his message a blessing from God, if it got your attention and makes you revisit the literature.

My DMs are open, I'm always happy to read scientific journals! But I'm gonna end this conversation in this thread as it's completely OT.
Order update: I have now recieved my 2nd international order from QSC (36 days total from payment). This now makes 6/6 (4 dom. & 2 int.) orders delivered.

I continue to be impressed with this source. The first and only issue I have ever had Is in this past order. Its missing 10x10 ml vials, which is not a big deal. I contacted the rep last night waiting to hear back.

I already have another order planned so will hopefully get everything squared away on the next one placed.

NPP 1 kit
HGH 6 kits
Bacteriostatic water 1 kit
Ipamorelin 5mg 1 kit
BPC 157 1 kit

Anavar 50mg - 200
Cialis 20mg - 200

GW501515 (Quantity 10 grams)
Mesterlone Proviron (10 grams)
DMAA (50 grams)
View attachment 173747
Heard a lot about DMAA, do you build tolerance on it?