Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You just started and giving the g2g? Kool

I started Qsc hgh before 14 days - I felt it working at the evening 1. Day of injection! From there on I am feeling the impact of hgh every day by using 2iu.

This is my first time using hgh and I am also running 600mg TestE, 300mg PrimoE, 380mg MastE - maybe in combination with that amount of gear it synergies extreme good or something.

Hgh - best stuff ever
I’m just normal mid-30’s male, TRT/TRT+ cycles. Prescribed 150mg/week pharma test from the ubiquitous Hallandale pharmacy. Sometimes add some QSC test E that I brewed from raws for a few weeks at a time. Usually pinning 150mg/week as 2x75mg.

What I meant was when I pin 75mg of test Cyp my E2 levels spike 6 hours later and remain high for 1-2 days in absence of arimidex.

I primarily take ralox now (Indian, AIPCTShop) to control E2 sides. Prescribed pharma Adex gives me crashed mood issues even in tiny doses at TRT/cruise but works fine if I’m pinning >=400mg/week.

E2 spikes to around 72 same day as pinning 75mg Test Cyp. Trough around 50. Total T on 150mg/week peaks just over 1300. Trough at 900-1250 depending on (diet and sleep and exercise?? Not enough data yet)

Primary high E2 symptoms are: puffy nipple area, itchy nipples. Overly sensitive about stuff, easy to cry uncharacteristically — not usual male upset/distraught/angry at myself crying but like “feels” relationship crying. Really need to hug/cuddle and get explicit confirmation that everything’s okay and strong aversion to any negative/aggressive emotional conversation. Generally much much lower “shit-talk/strong-together banter” with the male friends and more “I’m here to support you”, “oh that sounds like you’re really suffering”. Dick is somewhat more reluctant to get/stay hard and orgasms are weaker but still satisfying. Viagra/Cialis helps wonderfully in carrying erection through any “down time” during sex activity transitions. The high E2 does boost my emotional EQ and can help me navigate difficult conversations with my wife in a way that makes her feel safe in our relationship.

30mg Ralox fixes the puffy nipples and general bloat/expanded skin everywhere and also fixes my mood without getting “crashed” E2 anxiety/depression/suicidal compulsive thoughts/can’t get out of bed in morning like adex gives me.

No “gyno” yet that I’m aware of. But I’ve always had Adex, Asin, and ralox on hand. Just let E2 sides go for a bit so I could get labs done to see put hard numbers to “high”, “low” and “dialed in” feels.

When I was first getting E2 sides I was injecting 2x per week and got the high E2 sides like itchy nipples for 1-2 days after pinning, starting ~6-8 hours after pinning. These would subside and I’d feel “dialed in” for the 1-2 days before the next pin when that would repeat.

I wanted to measure not just my trough T, E2 and DHT but also peak. So I looked up some studies and found some data which showed that E2 peaks about 6 hours post-injection. So now that’s when I get bloods to measure peak E2 to see how stable my AI regimen keeps me.

I’ll try to find the study again but will have to be later this weekend, gotta do chores/errands now.

When I pin 200mg instead of 75mg dick gets diamond hard super easily, stays so hard it hurts, and orgasms are powerful as fuck. Cialis/Viagra 100% not needed lol. This also happens the same evening after the morning that I pin first higher dose. High test and E2 on the lower side of “dialed in” makes me very prone to banter, e.g. “yeah fuck you too best friend ur face is ugly. Here come do this fun thing and cheer up/forget about it.” And more likely to be a bit more aggressive/snarky. Have to use conscious EQ skills to make sure I’m not being an asshole but that’s generally not very hard, just an extra slip-up here or there. if I’m resentful about something I might “snap-decision” let out a snarky comment to communicate my resentment that isn’t productive instead of pausing, introspecting, and addressing it intentionally, like I 100% always do when my E2 is high enough to cause puffy nipples.
You’re not metabolising 75mg of test c in 6 hours resulting in a conversion of test to E2 that fast…your mind is the most powerful drug out there and it’s running a train on what you think is happening physiologically in your body after a shot of test C lmao.
Heard a lot about DMAA, do you build tolerance on it?
I always found dmaa a lot better to use a couple times a week. It works every time but you get a much better feeling from it when its not something you are used to taking.
I started Qsc hgh before 14 days - I felt it working at the evening 1. Day of injection! From there on I am feeling the impact of hgh every day by using 2iu.

This is my first time using hgh and I am also running 600mg TestE, 300mg PrimoE, 380mg MastE - maybe in combination with that amount of gear it synergies extreme good or something.

Hgh - best stuff ever
Im patiently waiting for more us domestic hgh. Got great results at 5iu 10iu and 15iu per day.
I started Qsc hgh before 14 days - I felt it working at the evening 1. Day of injection! From there on I am feeling the impact of hgh every day by using 2iu.

This is my first time using hgh and I am also running 600mg TestE, 300mg PrimoE, 380mg MastE - maybe in combination with that amount of gear it synergies extreme good or something.

Hgh - best stuff ever
You fucking clown lol
I started Qsc hgh before 14 days - I felt it working at the evening 1. Day of injection! From there on I am feeling the impact of hgh every day by using 2iu.

This is my first time using hgh and I am also running 600mg TestE, 300mg PrimoE, 380mg MastE - maybe in combination with that amount of gear it synergies extreme good or something.

Hgh - best stuff ever
Feeling 2iu after your first injection of hGH! Fucking wild!

If you read any posts prior where @M@NU discussed that IGF1 levels correlate positively to 1iu hGH=100ug/L IGF1 to a certain point whereafter it’s no longer linear, you would understand what you’re doing may be counter productive if you don’t know your natural IGF1 levels.

I have never tested below 200 on IGF1(Just went through my blood work) naturally, the lowest I had was 278.

So 2iu of exogenous hGH is going to cause your liver to produce less IGF1 than what you would produce with your own endogenous hGH, in theory, or I guess anecdotally based on the blood work of others.

You also sound like the guy saying he knows his test c is being converted by aromatase into e2 after 6 hours post injection.
So 2iu of exogenous hGH is going to cause your liver to produce less IGF1 than what you would produce with your own endogenous hGH, in theory, or I guess anecdotally based on the blood work of others.

Yeah, you're definitely talking ferociously out of your ass here, and should probably be less condescending about it.

In this study, they found a significant increase in IGF-1 in *healthy* men at a dose as low as 2.5ug/kg, which would be a whopping .75iu for a 220lb man.
New member, first order, process really fast! From ORDER to arrived in less than 3 weeks.

1 Kit Test E 250mg
1 Kit Mast P 100mg
5g GW
100 Tabs Cialis 20mg

If the Kits were in one package, I would have no clue which Kit is Test, which is Mast P. But everything was clarified per private message.

I will start to take the equipment on the first of november. So I can not write anything about the effect at this time.
Guys, I have a problem. I forget, that I also ordered RU58441...

Since the packages are not labeled, I do not know which bag is GW501516 and which RU58841...
I don't want to smear GW501516 on my head and feed RU58841 orally.
Both are 5g...


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You fucking clown lol

Talking to me like that seems to have reasons based on 2 options

A = you a just retarded

B= you have serious knowledge about the theme which will proof my subjective feelings wrong by letting all of us take part your explanations Wich will be based on proofen facs

For all of us I hope it's option 2
Guys, I have a problem. I forget, that I also ordered RU58441...

Since the packages are not labeled, I do not know which bag is GW501516 and which RU58841...
I don't want to smear GW501516 on my head and feed RU58841 orally.
Both are 5g...
Email Q and you will have the answer
Talking to me like that seems to have reasons based on 2 options

A = you a just retarded

B= you have serious knowledge about the theme which will proof my subjective feelings wrong by letting all of us take part your explanations Wich will be based on proofen facs

For all of us I hope it's option 2
There is option C that you have not thought about.

C: You are a fucking retarded clown and as one you don't deserve my time in explaining how fucking ridicolous your claims are.
Which blood test to order to check gh? 10 iu IM a few hours before too drawing bloodwork, right?
I have been doing 2iu pre workout and 2iu at night from qsc and its barely felt (no carpal tunnel, as expected, better quality sleep at least if not due to the power of expectation) but ive been running it for a couple months and notice progress.

The telmisartan and gw makes me feeling good/healthy overall as well. Tada raws yet to try because i dont have scoopers yet lol.

Is the topical ru expensive per dose relative to the other kits, i was calculating but i might be stupid. Only cheap here^^
Which blood test to order to check gh? 10 iu IM a few hours before too drawing bloodwork, right?
I have been doing 2iu pre workout and 2iu at night from qsc and its barely felt (no carpal tunnel, as expected, better quality sleep at least if not due to the power of expectation) but ive been running it for a couple months and notice progress.

The telmisartan and gw makes me feeling good/healthy overall as well. Tada raws yet to try because i dont have scoopers yet lol.

Is the topical ru expensive per dose relative to the other kits, i was calculating but i might be stupid. Only cheap here^^

Hgh isn't something you usually feel.aspecially after the first 2iu jab lol I've been going back and forth between optis and qsc and haven't noticed any major differences between the Grey opti and qsc

And you'd want either a gh serum test or an igf 1 test, someone .more.knowledgeable with the tests can def steer you the right direction
Just pulled blood Saturday on 1 gram of test c and 1 gram of primo. I’ll be posting it this week if anyone is interested.

The primo has been jano test and is on point. I upped my test from 750 bc my estrogen was 19 still so I’m curious what it’s at now.
Just pulled blood Saturday on 1 gram of test c and 1 gram of primo. I’ll be posting it this week if anyone is interested.

The primo has been jano test and is on point. I upped my test from 750 bc my estrogen was 19 still so I’m curious what it’s at now
I would love to see another primo blood work, so keep us updated!
Yeah, you're definitely talking ferociously out of your ass here, and should probably be less condescending about it.

In this study, they found a significant increase in IGF-1 in *healthy* men at a dose as low as 2.5ug/kg, which would be a whopping .75iu for a 220lb man.
26.8 +or- 1.9nmol/L before dose and then 28.9 +or- 1.7nmol/L after 12hrs and coming to a plateau of around ~31nmol/L after that, at the 2.5ug/kg dose, does not seem significant to me. That’s 204ng/mL to 236ng/mL IGF1 at pharma dose of 0.75iu/day.
26.8 +or- 1.9nmol/L before dose and then 28.9 +or- 1.7nmol/L after 12hrs and coming to a plateau of around ~31nmol/L after that, at the 2.5ug/kg dose, does not seem significant to me. That’s 204ng/mL to 236ng/mL IGF1 at pharma dose of 0.75iu/day.
You're really going to try and play this game?

You said that 2iu will lower someone's liver production of IGF-1, and here's an example of .75 raising it. It doesn't matter if you think it's "significant" or not, it flies directly in the face of your statement.

Since you want to play that game, the AUC increase from the 5ug/kg dose (i.e. 1.5iu for a 220lb man) was double that of the 2.5ug/kg dose. And that's still lower than the 2iu dose that you claim is counterproductive.

FWIW, we're using doses for a 220lb male for calculation simplicity, which is an above average sized male, and the actual average doses were even lower than that.

Just take the L on this one, man.