Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I’m sorry guys, but this is one of the most logical post I’ve read. Sad but true, this is how successful long term business models thrive. ( Obviously I’m not including harm reduction in this statement because that’s one of Meso’s main purposes for existence). But on a whole this is just how true long term will thrive, there will always be complaints, and not everyone satisfied. Walmart is not the leading chain in retail because of customer service, that’s for godamn sure lmao.

Anyways I apologize in advance to anyone who takes offense, but this was a very thorough and analogically put explanation @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
I'm sorry... but did he just say his gear is at cut throat prices because the quality is substandard and because people are cheap that it's why he'll stay on top?

I'm legit asking because I think I missed something my bad
So explain why a lab test 6 hours after I pin has 50% higher E2 than a lab test right before I pin.

Or, better, how about you spend $120 to get two lab tests on the same day, one right before you pin and one 6 hours after. Or one day apart, get one lab right when the lab closes, pin right before you go to bed, and get the second lab test right when the lab opens.

50% increase in E2 on labs isn't fucking placebo.

But fuck it, lets refer to actual scientific research even though I've confirmed this with my own lab tests:

> One study found that after a 200mg Test E injection, E₂ values rose significantly in just 6hrs post injection in eugonadal men and that peaked at 2 days after injection (base serum E2 was 23 ± 4 pg/ml, peaked at day 2 (45 ± 4 pg/ml). Alternatively, hypogonadal men were also studied and found to increase significantly in just 6hrs as well and peaking the day after the injection, but bringing them to a more optimal range (base serum E₂ was 7.2 ± 2 pg/ml, peaked at day 1 to 29 ± 4 pg/ml). [ https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(16)46108-X/pdf (DEFINE_ME) ]

> The basal serum testosterone was 497 ± 63
ng/dl, peaked at 6 hours (1965 ± 391 ng/dl, .:1 of
1468), and fell logarithmically, reaching baseline
levels by day 9. Levels then fell slightly below
baseline on day 11 (P < 0.01). The apparent half-
life was 3.8 days [ https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(16)46108-X/pdf (DEFINE_ME) ]

Here's another study showing E2 levels reaching their peak at least as fast as 1 day (reached peak at first blood test which was 24 hours later, could have risen much earlier but they didn't test earlier. Peak level was maintained for several days): https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/endocrj/53/3/53_3_305/_pdf

Why is this so fucking controversial on MesoRX?

Thank you for citing evidence.
I’ve been running the test E. My pip has been terrible. Injection sites swollen for 2 weeks.
I’m sure others have had great results.
My body has not taken kindly to the gear.
For context, I’m on week 6. Rotate my sites, proper injection site cleaning, aspiration, etc..
...Walmart testosterone
I'm sorry... but did he just say his gear is at cut throat prices because the quality is substandard and because people are cheap that it's why he'll stay on top?

I'm legit asking because I think I missed something my bad
I read it as most raws are top notch but doesn’t paint a big flashy image to attract customers by pretty lights. Walmart has very good products just as good as the big high society competition ie.. Super 1 Foods, Brookshires, etc but the drawback is Walmart customer service is complete and utter could care less fucking dog shit.

In the end Walmarts business corporation trumps the flashier business chains by a very high margin due to their business model. Most people don’t give three shits and a fuck less as long as the spend less money and happy with what they receive.

You have an option in life, but from Super 1 spend more, or buy the same shit at Walmart and spend less (but have to deal with employees that could care less about anything and most have shitty attitudes to begin with

I choose Walmart because I save money and generally happy with my purchases.
Not everyone is though you will have your upsets. Take the good with the bad. The choice is ultimately up to you. No one forces you where to shop.

These are just my thoughts on the topic bros, but again, I agree that is why Walmart remains on top of retail and revenue.
how do you store non mixed hgh vials? Do they still have to be refridgerated or lets a say basement would be fine? And for how long they stay effetive? Thanks
I have blood work . Definitely not bunk.Great results.
thanks for sharing I switched back to my Optima stash already feel great in a matter of days

Jano wants 120 to test lol, I’ll just grab some bloods to see what’s up if I choose to test the QSC gear again

I’m thinking I prob got a bad batch or something dunno. Plus normal mild pip with my Optima same dosage 250mg/ml whereas QSC I had no pip whatsoever over 5 injections
I mean I can *absolutely* feel E2 and some other hormones spike like 6 hours after pinning even TRT doses (75-100mg 2x/week). Pinning 200mg is even more obvious.

But 5-10 minutes later? Nah.

Def same-day feedback though for “yes there is some kind of hormone in this oil” vs “it’s just vegetable oil”.
Correct you can tell within a few days as no matter the ester some amount will be released immediately after injection
thanks for sharing I switched back to my Optima stash already feel great in a matter of days

Jano wants 120 to test lol, I’ll just grab some bloods to see what’s up if I choose to test the QSC gear again

I’m thinking I prob got a bad batch or something dunno. Plus normal mild pip with my Optima same dosage 250mg/ml whereas QSC I had no pip whatsoever over 5 injections
Grab some bloods? Are you serious? You already switched back to Optima. Doing blood work while using two different labs will not prove anything. Go send a vial in for Janoshik lab test or your claim that the gear is bunk is out of the window. It is highly unlikely that QSC did such a small batch that only you got bunk testosteron oil. Highly unlikely. And as others have said you cant judge testosterone by feels only or by the pip it gives. This is retarded my friend. I never had pip with any testosterone, not even with 400 susta (and not speaking about QSC oils in general, most good labs dont give any pip with testosterone lol).
Anyone? Is it okay to store them in room temperature in powder form?
The basement for years like a wine cellar. Collect 1000 kits and leave them there. You skin will age like fine wine my friend.only if its purchased from qsc though. Its like you have a pantry of unlimited canned soup for the inevitable doomsday friend
This shit had the worst rebound ever, tourture, never using again
Do you mean phenibut in general or from QSC?

I've never had any negative effect from phenibut. No withdrawal, nothing. I've gone from using a few grams every night for months to no phenibut and absolutely nothing happened.
I'm sorry... but did he just say his gear is at cut throat prices because the quality is substandard and because people are cheap that it's why he'll stay on top?

I'm legit asking because I think I missed something my bad
I think QSC had some great writing ideas and then ran with them. He's a good writer. Very creative. In that post, he's sort of patting himself on the back for his business intelligence.

The mistake he makes is he's confusing the snobby high standard customers with the trolls that come here and attack him. They aren't the same thing.

I don't think QSC is describing bad gear. He's trying to say, awkwardly, that he is catering to the common man, and that the common man customer is the best customer base for him because those conditions will create high sales volume. He's not focusing on uppity "high standard" customers because those customers don't reflect society as a whole and end up not making a huge percentage of his customer base.

Something like that.
QSC is just applying common sense business practice that volume of sale on low price is better than low volume high sale price. You maybe get the same profit but you have a bigger customer base. And in the end a bigger customer base is a good thing in the long run.

Niche businesses go out of business often, wholesale giants never.
The basement for years like a wine cellar. Collect 1000 kits and leave them there. You skin will age like fine wine my friend.only if its purchased from qsc though. Its like you have a pantry of unlimited canned soup for the inevitable doomsday friend
I cant tell if youre joking or not, is it actually fine to store the unreconstituted gh in room temperature or not? Planning on buying enough kits for like a year
Do you mean phenibut in general or from QSC?

I've never had any negative effect from phenibut. No withdrawal, nothing. I've gone from using a few grams every night for months to no phenibut and absolutely nothing happened.
Wow, in general i meant, i guess i just react horribly to it.