Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I cant tell if youre joking or not, is it actually fine to store the unreconstituted gh in room temperature or not? Planning on buying enough kits for like a year
Its ok to store at room temp prior to reconstituting. Once reco stituted then store in fridge
Its ok to store at room temp prior to reconstituting. Once reco stituted then store in fridge
Thank you for your response, first time running gh and since I’m stocking up for long term this was something I needed to know. Guessed so though because international shipping can take 5-6 weeks and they ship without ice packs im guessing so it should be alright
Thank you for your response, first time running gh and since I’m stocking up for long term this was something I needed to know. Guessed so though because international shipping can take 5-6 weeks and they ship without ice packs im guessing so it should be alright
Yes its a powder and in a vacuum. Its stable in the vial as is. I would then use BAC, which to save money can make yourself very very easily.
Use Google my friend, store in fridge on freezer for long term storage of unconstituted hgh.

Thank you for your response, first time running gh and since I’m stocking up for long term this was something I needed to know. Guessed so though because international shipping can take 5-6 weeks and they ship without ice packs im guessing so it should be alright
I cant tell if youre joking or not, is it actually fine to store the unreconstituted gh in room temperature or not? Planning on buying enough kits for like a year
Yes it's completely fine to leave it a room temperature (unless you live in a very hot climate) but I would leave it in the fridge even if unreconstituted because why not?
But a dark secluded space is totally fine.
Yes it's completely fine to leave it a room temperature (unless you live in a very hot climate) but I would leave it in the fridge even if unreconstituted because why not?
But a dark secluded space is totally fine.
Thank you, simply because I dont have the capacity to store that many kits in the fridge. But im glad ill be fine with a dark space.
Not sure if this is relevant here, but reconstituted TB-500 in BAC kinda burns a bit upon injection. Consistently. Not sure if this is a property of TB-500 or what. It's not unbearable and I still like it for healing properties.

@Country Club Hero
Thanks. Yeah I’m talking about a few peptides like GHK-cu won’t fully dissolve without a slightly alkaline solution. I’m just wondering where to look for a slightly alkaline solution for injections.
I think QSC had some great writing ideas and then ran with them. He's a good writer. Very creative. In that post, he's sort of patting himself on the back for his business intelligence.

The mistake he makes is he's confusing the snobby high standard customers with the trolls that come here and attack him. They aren't the same thing.

I don't think QSC is describing bad gear. He's trying to say, awkwardly, that he is catering to the common man, and that the common man customer is the best customer base for him because those conditions will create high sales volume. He's not focusing on uppity "high standard" customers because those customers don't reflect society as a whole and end up not making a huge percentage of his customer base.

Something like that.
Uppity high standards...
Are these the people who expect Properly dosed gear, no insane pip, no foreign floaters in the oils?
this is why it's confusing to me because it's just like he is saying "I can sell substandard quality gear because it's SO cheap and I move SO much so it shouldn't matter when some of it is proven to be garbage or dirty gear. I'm not saying its good gear I'm just saying it's cheap gear" etc
why just come out and say it like that- comparing people who expect to receive what they were told they bought to snooty high end snobs is a bad look.

If for example you sell me 20mg tabs that test at 4mg and I raise a stink over it then what? I'm a just a snob who's used to buying appropriately dosed gear and my expectations are too high of you to be honest?
I read it as most raws are top notch but doesn’t paint a big flashy image to attract customers by pretty lights. Walmart has very good products just as good as the big high society competition ie.. Super 1 Foods, Brookshires, etc but the drawback is Walmart customer service is complete and utter could care less fucking dog shit.

In the end Walmarts business corporation trumps the flashier business chains by a very high margin due to their business model. Most people don’t give three shits and a fuck less as long as the spend less money and happy with what they receive.

You have an option in life, but from Super 1 spend more, or buy the same shit at Walmart and spend less (but have to deal with employees that could care less about anything and most have shitty attitudes to begin with

I choose Walmart because I save money and generally happy with my purchases.
Not everyone is though you will have your upsets. Take the good with the bad. The choice is ultimately up to you. No one forces you where to shop.

These are just my thoughts on the topic bros, but again, I agree that is why Walmart remains on top of retail and revenue.
I hear you brother but I just think the very premise is off putting..
Not to make a joke- but most times Walmart stuff isn't bad quality- Walmart shoes don't fall apart nearly as quickly as a pair of vans. Eating Walmart brand no name Cannes goods won't make you sick or cause you pain. There's nothing floating around in a jar of Walmart pickles other than pickles and a 200gram bag of Walmart nuts will have 200grams in it

people are not paying for safety or fairness when they go elsewhere. They're paying for imagery. Gluten-free garbage is not safer than the normal stuff, like QSC stated it just makes you feel cooler for buying it

If the point he's saying is that this relates to him providing non flashy products (no pressed tabs- only raw oral powder, no labels on any vials, etc etc) then he would have landed it.
You tried any?
Clearly it'd still have to pass rigorous testing to make it into Walmart- Walmart can't sell so much as a faulty fidget spinner that caused pain or injury... so if script free testosterone was offered at Walmart we'd all buy it
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You have serious comprehension problems ^^
The issue is you're trying to use 100 words to convey what 10 words would convey easily. You think this makes you look more professional. Ultimately what would make you look more professional is an ability to handle criticism- no matter how much you receive of it.

But, I mean, go ahead let's see your response where you basically say "ME CHINESE- ME NO DUMB, ME SELL BUNK GEAR TO CHEAP CHUMPS" but reworded like a laureate

For the record @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ultimately I want there to be a "walmart" option (as far as being just as safe and dosed appropriately) and I want you to thrive. But there are checks and balances. Walmart has the FDA and you have your online critics.
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Wow, in general i meant, i guess i just react horribly to it.
Are you sure you didn't psych yourself into expecting bad withdrawals? There was an obsessive campaign on the internet to hype up the withdrawal effects of these substances and it kind of snowballed over the years. I fell victim to this thinking before when I took different benzodiazepenes.

In regards to phenibut or any other delicate substance, I also make sure my nutrition is very abundant and consistent, and I have all of my vitamins and minerals. If everything is well supported, that also promotes positive outcomes. I can say though when I took a related drug named Lyrica for a like 6 weeks for nerve problems in my arm, I did feel withdrawal effects. I had some strange panic while driving. I knew it was from the Lyrica. But this happened for a few days and lasted no more than a week. And I felt fine. It wasn't that bad but I did feel it was from Lyrica, and I didn't like that.
Unconstituted Semaglutide. Fridge or no? I know it's not HGH but I'm just curious again. I stored some of mine in the fridge and some not in the fridge.