Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

26.8 +or- 1.9nmol/L before dose and then 28.9 +or- 1.7nmol/L after 12hrs and coming to a plateau of around ~31nmol/L after that, at the 2.5ug/kg dose, does not seem significant to me. That’s 204ng/mL to 236ng/mL IGF1 at pharma dose of 0.75iu/day.
You completely missed the actual point.
Have you had their phenibut before? I'm also going to order some.

I made a mistake of using the phenibut HCL in water and it was not good on my teeth. So now I put it in capsules.
This shit had the worst rebound ever, tourture, never using again
well in no offense: placebo is one hell of a drug. look it up. people cleard year long chronical illnesses just by believing they get treated when in fact it was just placebo. I think Vsauce got a good video on that if i remember correctly.

being on 150mg Test as a TRT and injecting 200mg at once in the morning will not result in rock hard boners at evening. I am 99.9% sure about that. also you said you get highis E2 and one sympton is a sloppy dick. how come with a burst of 200mg Test in the morning your problem is solved? Even more so when you theory is, that 6 hours after the pin your E2 spikes? wouldn`t that mean your dick is even weaker than before?

what are your T levels on 150mg? Maybe consider lowering your dose. you got high E2 sides so a long term fix for sure is not to be on ralox year round to fix some symptoms. better approach would be to lower T dose and dont need AI which crashes E2 or take ralox to get symptomps out of side.
Id take a working placebo over a non working treatment, everyday
Some peptides require a slightly alkaline solution for reconstitution. What is the product recommendation for that?
Been using peptides sice before they were cool or really talked about...... yeah i'm an old fucker.... but never heard that before; alkaline reconstitution medium. I think unless you make the bak water yourself, you are at the whim of the big pharma manufacturers. And I don't know if they skew their preparations towards alkaline, my thoughts would be a balanced ph. But I'm no expert.

Thanks for bringing this up. I will have to jump down this rabbit hole of research.
You completely missed the actual point.
I realize that 0.75iu for a 220lb healthy male will increase IGF1 and a low dose ie. 2.5ug/kg for any healthy male will raise IGF1 based on the study. So it essentially disproves the general rule of thumb of 1iu results in a 100ng/mL IGF1 test result.

I’ve seen Type II mention that a mean IGF1 reading from 2.85iu hGH daily over six weeks for a person weighing 100kg was 330ng/mL with lots of variance. That is why I assumed many follow the 1iu=100ng/mL IGF1 general rule.

However, in regards to the OPs comment he should definitely know his baseline to help with any future dosing of hGH, as many drugs increase IGF1 synergistically.

To check the legitimacy of the hGH using IGF1 this is an article worth checking out.

Guys, I have a problem. I forget, that I also ordered RU58441...

Since the packages are not labeled, I do not know which bag is GW501516 and which RU58841...
I don't want to smear GW501516 on my head and feed RU58841 orally.
Both are 5g...
I recieved GW a few days ago. It had a sticker on it with a G.
You’re not metabolising 75mg of test c in 6 hours resulting in a conversion of test to E2 that fast…your mind is the most powerful drug out there and it’s running a train on what you think is happening physiologically in your body after a shot of test C lmao.
So explain why a lab test 6 hours after I pin has 50% higher E2 than a lab test right before I pin.

Or, better, how about you spend $120 to get two lab tests on the same day, one right before you pin and one 6 hours after. Or one day apart, get one lab right when the lab closes, pin right before you go to bed, and get the second lab test right when the lab opens.

50% increase in E2 on labs isn't fucking placebo.

But fuck it, lets refer to actual scientific research even though I've confirmed this with my own lab tests:

> One study found that after a 200mg Test E injection, E₂ values rose significantly in just 6hrs post injection in eugonadal men and that peaked at 2 days after injection (base serum E2 was 23 ± 4 pg/ml, peaked at day 2 (45 ± 4 pg/ml). Alternatively, hypogonadal men were also studied and found to increase significantly in just 6hrs as well and peaking the day after the injection, but bringing them to a more optimal range (base serum E₂ was 7.2 ± 2 pg/ml, peaked at day 1 to 29 ± 4 pg/ml). [ https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(16)46108-X/pdf (DEFINE_ME) ]

> The basal serum testosterone was 497 ± 63
ng/dl, peaked at 6 hours (1965 ± 391 ng/dl, .:1 of
1468), and fell logarithmically, reaching baseline
levels by day 9. Levels then fell slightly below
baseline on day 11 (P < 0.01). The apparent half-
life was 3.8 days [ https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(16)46108-X/pdf (DEFINE_ME) ]

Here's another study showing E2 levels reaching their peak at least as fast as 1 day (reached peak at first blood test which was 24 hours later, could have risen much earlier but they didn't test earlier. Peak level was maintained for several days): https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/endocrj/53/3/53_3_305/_pdf

Why is this so fucking controversial on MesoRX?
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Hgh isn't something you usually feel.aspecially after the first 2iu jab lol I've been going back and forth between optis and qsc and haven't noticed any major differences between the Grey opti and qsc

And you'd want either a gh serum test or an igf 1 test, someone .more.knowledgeable with the tests can def steer you the right direction
thanks. Strangely i felt the numbness on tp’s at 2iu but not qsc. Not saying qsc 15 iu is bunk though, just strange, maybe im just healthier. But one thing i loved about opti and tp is I don’t have to keep reconstituting vials so much haha. At least this price is good.
thanks. Strangely i felt the numbness on tp’s at 2iu but not qsc. Not saying qsc 15 iu is bunk though, just strange, maybe im just healthier. But one thing i loved about opti and tp is I don’t have to keep reconstituting vials so much haha. At least this price is good.
It might be because your used to it now.

I have been using the same “batch” i purchased, so i got a bunch in one order. I have no cts, but i stopped and restarted and started getting cts a bit. I also was pinning my hgh fasted, but now i am pinning it 2 hours preworkout. Which also could make a big difference.
Telling people that they are trolls, shills, haters, alt accounts etc. is more value judgments that serve to discredit others, but we know deep down that all of this is absurd and has no really makes sense. We can easily distinguish people who try to vet/call out bullshit and trolls like lynks8, deeznuts... who will spam the thread with BS, you will see their posting history in this thread and meso in general you can only agree with me.

This is one of the main reasons why I never bet on vets as target customers, I always adopted the Wallmart / Mcdonald's scheme for my business, never bet on customers with very high standards, hardly satisfactory, they represents a minority, often not very generous.

The forums are the projections of society. Aim for medium quality, low prices, if your goal is money, it's the only way to be a hit in the business.

If your goal is getting "likes" and public "blessing", focusing on high quality and impeccable service, it will cost you dearly, for little return on investment.

Americans often make WallMart jokes, but they all shop there. Wallmart is the top-grossing supermarket in the US. Ditto for Mcdonalds, you can very well open the organic restaurant, impeccable hygiene, palm oil free, gluten free, lactose free, with employees who work in the most favorable human conditions, you will certainly receive instagram likes, people will come take a selfie next to your restaurant and spend their money at the nearest Mcdonald's.

You can dedicate your life to counter-advertising Mcdonald's, because employees work under stress, on the minimum wage, short breaks, non-fresh products, carcinogenic, with great cardiovascular risks, people will continue to eat at McDonalds and Mcdonald's will not will stop making more profits.

In the world of steroids it's the same, you can very well spend fortunes / time to have the gluten-free organic vial, customers are not going to pay the HGH kit 3 times more expensive to get an extra 1-2% purity points, or even $40 vial instead of $6 to have better quality rubber stoppers.
I’m sorry guys, but this is one of the most logical post I’ve read. Sad but true, this is how successful long term business models thrive. ( Obviously I’m not including harm reduction in this statement because that’s one of Meso’s main purposes for existence). But on a whole this is just how true long term will thrive, there will always be complaints, and not everyone satisfied. Walmart is not the leading chain in retail because of customer service, that’s for godamn sure lmao.

Anyways I apologize in advance to anyone who takes offense, but this was a very thorough and analogically put explanation @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Been using peptides sice before they were cool or really talked about...... yeah i'm an old fucker.... but never heard that before; alkaline reconstitution medium. I think unless you make the bak water yourself, you are at the whim of the big pharma manufacturers. And I don't know if they skew their preparations towards alkaline, my thoughts would be a balanced ph. But I'm no expert.

Thanks for bringing this up. I will have to jump down this rabbit hole of research.

Not sure if this is relevant here, but reconstituted TB-500 in BAC kinda burns a bit upon injection. Consistently. Not sure if this is a property of TB-500 or what. It's not unbearable and I still like it for healing properties.

@Country Club Hero
Might just be from a high concentration of peptide in the solution. That used to happen to me when I used optis 28iu hgh vials and diluted them with only 1 mL.

I would try to add 2ml and see if that does not improve the pip situation.
2.5-3.0 mL worked fine, zero or super-super-low PIP. thank you. 2mL was okay too but still some light soreness.