Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Number of orders placed with QSC: 3

Total money spent with QSC: $750-800

Value of your largest order: $390

Picture of my old order:
The non pharma orals on your website got updated with your labtests i see.
Anavar tested at 15mg
Anadrol tested at 35mg
Winstrol tested at 13mg
Dbol tested at 7.9mg & 16.8mg
Tbol tested at 16mg

Are these all QSC tabs?
Are these the original advertised dosages?

Anadrol 50mg/tab yellow
Turinabol 20mg/tab green
Winstrol 20mg/tab orange
Dianabol 10mg/tab purple
Anavar 20mg/tab blue

Testing came back on QSC orals that bgpharma ordered.

All over the place, mostly underdosed.
About to do my first order with Tracy
50 kits to Australia
I'm noticing people saying 4-5 weeks for international delivery.

Can anyone chime in if the lyophilized gh will stay okay threw transit

About to do my first order with Tracy
50 kits to Australia
I'm noticing people saying 4-5 weeks for international delivery.

Can anyone chime in if the lyophilized gh will stay okay threw transit

l have had 3 orders of HGH get delivered to Australia, they took 2-4 weeks.
HGH will be perfectly fine for the transit time.
This isn't illegal here in Canada homie. We also don't have DAs here
Depends on if your local LE jurisdiction wants to build a distribution case.
No- it's not worth going after the small fish. But if you have 20 vials or so they just need enough to take to the courts to say they have the grounds to make a case against you that they can argue possible intent. You won't necessarily go to jail but was the headache worth it?
zero proof in the ways of actual distribution. But they can argue possible intent.
Someone in my family had a prior. He was at a house party that someone else with a prior was at. Said dude (not the family member) got caught at a DUI stop with oxy amount that equates to how much a fiend would have for personal use. They asked him where was where he's going etc etc. Because both guys had priors and were at the same house party and the oxy fiend violated his parole, an investigation was opened on him, my family member and 3 other people. 2 of whom didn't have priors. In the end the only one who got any shit was the dude caught with a fist full of oxy pills in his car but why invite headache into your lives lol
Pretty specific case study? Yes. I'm not saying this happens all the time, just that from time to time it does happen. And I know first hand as I had to help said family member while he was on restricted curfew and needed me to sign as his grantor for police check ins until the case was dismissed. It proves that if Canadian Govt and their LE shills want something they'll burn heaps of tax dollars to get it. The truth can be one guy with 20 vials of test, couple packs of raws and 500 pills that cost him maybe $800cad to get but the optics can be spun "drug bust of illicit steroids with associated street value of 20,000$" or something stupid.
I'm not saying that in deterrence of people posting their stash just that this is a country that printed money so people didn't have to work for 2 years and arrested people who wanted to work freely.
The narrative that Canadian LE illusion doesn't care is misleading. If the season calls did it- they'll care.
Last edited:
Number of orders placed with QSC: 15

Total money spent with QSC:
3074 $

Value of your largest order:
579 $

Photos of my last orders

Good thing you clarified how small 1cm was
I bet he thought you were paying him compliments until you told him the difference
I bet you two have great rough anal sex.... considering the lack of penetration. Steroids are legal in Canada for personal use moron. Look it up dum dum.
Depends on if your local LE jurisdiction wants to build a distribution case.
No- it's not worth going after the small fish. But if you have 20 vials or so they just need enough to take to the courts to say they have the grounds to make a case against you that they can argue possible intent. You won't necessarily go to jail but was the headache worth it?
zero proof in the ways of actual distribution. But they can argue possible intent.
Someone in my family had a prior. He was at a house party that someone else with a prior was at. Said dude (not the family member) got caught at a DUI stop with oxy amount that equates to how much a fiend would have for personal use. They asked him where was where he's going etc etc. Because both guys had priors and were at the same house party and the oxy fiend violated his parole, an investigation was opened on him, my family member and 3 other people. 2 of whom didn't have priors. In the end the only one who got any shit was the dude caught with a fist full of oxy pills in his car but why invite headache into your lives lol
Pretty specific case study? Yes. I'm not saying this happens all the time, just that from time to time it does happen. And I know first hand as I had to help said family member while he was on restricted curfew and needed me to sign as his grantor for police check ins until the case was dismissed. It proves that if Canadian Govt and their LE shills want something they'll burn heaps of tax dollars to get it. The truth can be one guy with 20 vials of test, couple packs of raws and 500 pills that cost him maybe $800cad to get but the optics can be spun "drug bust of illicit steroids with associated street value of 20,000$" or something stupid.
I'm not saying that in deterrence of people posting their stash just that this is a country that printed money so people didn't have to work for 2 years and arrested people who wanted to work freely.
The narrative that Canadian LE illusion doesn't care is misleading. If the season calls did it- they'll care.
Dude if you are buying raws and have over 500 pills that might put you into minor hot water. If you are carrying them around then you are double retarded. However any lawyer worth his weight is going to get you several weekends in jail with a wrist slap even if they prove their case.
Dude if you are buying raws and have over 500 pills that might put you into minor hot water. If you are carrying them around then you are double retarded. However any lawyer worth his weight is going to get you several weekends in jail with a wrist slap even if they prove their case.
So basically
It's not worth the headache like I said....?
I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or arguing are you from Quebec?
I bet you two have great rough anal sex.... considering the lack of penetration. Steroids are legal in Canada for personal use moron. Look it up dum dum.
Ah yes you are from a Quebec. I can tell by how much of a hostile closeted bear you sound like

So it's not legal- per se- it's a weird grey space because you can't sell or buy it (export/import). And really- no one here said it was illegal to use. It's the amount you show off that can motivate local or queens bench to at least try a case against you.

When you came out to your dad did he disown you or something? I feel like a LOT of this pent up angry sexual energy can be worked through if you both just talk.
Ah yes you are from a Quebec. I can tell by how much of a hostile closeted bear you sound like

So it's not legal- per se- it's a weird grey space because you can't sell or buy it (export/import). And really- no one here said it was illegal to use. It's the amount you show off that can motivate local or queens bench to at least try a case against you.

When you came out to your dad did he disown you or something? I feel like a LOT of this pent up angry sexual energy can be worked through if you both just talk.
People from Quebec are so fucking annoying. Makes perfect sense now.
So basically
It's not worth the headache like I said....?
I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or arguing are you from Quebec?
I'm an albertan. All I'm saying is if you go full retard there's always consequences. Really hate to say it but carrying 500 pills of your own prescription if it's controlled will get you in hot water period. Just use common sense. If I was American I probably wouldn't even pirate TV shows. They are fucked.
Wishing, hoping, promoting or calling for physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, and/or encouraging self-harm is prohibited.
I know it's hard living with the knowledge the French are more gay than you are. Don't worry.... plenty of time to get that old chocolate starfish prolapse going with some BBC baby.
Where do you live? I'm in Beddington on top of nose hill. Come by so I can knock your teeth out.

