Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I have never experienced an increase in appetite on HGH either, on the contrary you can even experience a decrease in appetite following the hyperglycemic effect following the injection, if the blood sugar is not regulated with a minimum of insulin.

Mk677 is not bad for the appetite, I find it very effective. You also have insulin (long and fast acting), when you start to have the effects of hypoglycemia, there are people who like to play this, it's dangerous but effective, when you start having blurry vision and you're sweating, you can take the whole fridge down
Yeah a few times i went hypo and said fuck it and ate the whole damn house
Seth Spartan said igf-1-des and lr3 are completely degraded 48 hours after reconstitution. Does anyone know how true this is? I need these 1mg vials to last 10 days, are they worthless after the second day? He said to add 100 micrograms of acetic acid per ml to the vial when you reconstitute it and that there is a pharma igf-1 manufacturer saying to do this. Also there was another youtube channel saying to freeze it in between shots
Seth Spartan said igf-1-des and lr3 are completely degraded 48 hours after reconstitution. Does anyone know how true this is? I need these 1mg vials to last 10 days, are they worthless after the second day? He said to add 100 micrograms of acetic acid per ml to the vial when you reconstitute it and that there is a pharma igf-1 manufacturer saying to do this. Also there was another youtube channel saying to freeze it in between shots
You can order 0.1mg vials. It's one shot dosages

IGF LR3 10x0.1mg $50
IGF DES 10x0.1mg $50
I read it as most raws are top notch but doesn’t paint a big flashy image to attract customers by pretty lights. Walmart has very good products just as good as the big high society competition ie.. Super 1 Foods, Brookshires, etc but the drawback is Walmart customer service is complete and utter could care less fucking dog shit.

In the end Walmarts business corporation trumps the flashier business chains by a very high margin due to their business model. Most people don’t give three shits and a fuck less as long as the spend less money and happy with what they receive.

You have an option in life, but from Super 1 spend more, or buy the same shit at Walmart and spend less (but have to deal with employees that could care less about anything and most have shitty attitudes to begin with

I choose Walmart because I save money and generally happy with my purchases.
Not everyone is though you will have your upsets. Take the good with the bad. The choice is ultimately up to you. No one forces you where to shop.

These are just my thoughts on the topic bros, but again, I agree that is why Walmart remains on top of retail and revenue.
At least they COULD care less. That means they do care some. It’s the ones that COULDN’T care less that really don’t give a fuck. They care so little that they could NOT care any less.

People need to stop using that phrase if they don’t even know what it means. Funny though how many people use the expression ass backwards.
You can order 0.1mg vials. It's one shot dosages

IGF LR3 10x0.1mg $50
IGF DES 10x0.1mg $50

You told me it would store fine in the fridge! Haha I guess I might have to order those. I just did my first two shots of LR3, simultaneous 50mg shots into each bicep, well almost simultaneous...it seemed to dip my blood glucose so I'd say the shit is real as fuck.
I believe so since I haven't seen any study or data proving that IGF LR3 degrades after reconstitution with bac water. It's mainly some bro science that on internet with no solid data to prove it.
Lol you can't be expected to know things that even almost all veterans in this game don't even understand. I mean I can't even find a definitive answer in my search for it
Nobody bought these tabs, because it was a custom order of colored tabs, so for this customer only, our tabs are white and rarely colored.
So the customer was the only one affected and was compensated according to the well-known policy.
That said, I did not tell the client any justification/excuse, my answer was following his question if it was the tab coloring process that affected the dosage? I said whatever the reason, I can't give you an excuse whether it's a problem with the coloring process or if it was done on purpose (eg. stealing raws sent) by our former tab engineer, it doesn't really matter, the result is not to justify, and since we stop the production of tabs, it does not deserve more of my time, compensate, learn the lesson and move on.
Although we sent him the highest quality raws (all tested +98%), he screwed up on the final product of a custom order, and that's something I can't control.
Ok. I assumed BG put in an order for the tabs you had been selling to everyone else.
He was the engineer who made the tabs in general for all the tab products in the price list and the one who master the core technology of tabs manufacturing, and as you know very well we stopped the production of the tabs due to the context in China, so our collaboration was over.

That said, we can't generalize about the quality of his work, especially since we've all seen accurately dosed results from the same person.
We have all already seen the results of winstrol 10mg, anavar 10mg and which was blind tested, perfectly dosed.
We have also seen results that are not up to par, and that do not match our standards, for example the enclomiphene and this custom order of 50k colored tabs from BG.

When you work in a big structure and you're a third party manufacturer, you can't control all the results, especially with regard to custom orders, so certainly there was a lack of lab tests and control. of quality vis-à-vis the tabs on the basis that it is simple, that it has been well tested by customers, that the raws are pure at +98%.

But it's true that you can never trust just anyone, whether it's intentional or not, my role as a sales agent in a large structure that receives an average of 100 orders per day is to provide after-sales service, compensate when things go wrong, improve quality control for products that I have doubts about, and if necessary test all products.

In our shop we offer a variety of products:

The raws: very regularly tested, internally and externally (Janoshik), almost all at +98%, the only product that was not in the standard was withdrawn which is enclomiphene at 63%.
We are confident about the quality of our raws which is considered the best on the market, and whoever knows better just has to prove it to me.
This is our core business, hence the very high quality control frequency.

Peptides and HGH: The engineer who does the lyophilization work is different, he is a real highly qualified chemist. We also subcontract 3 types of products including semaglutide, HCG and HMG.
I have tested several peptides, excellent purity, acceptable dosage, within the standards, the quantitative tests of these products can only be made externally at Janoshik and that's what we do.
By the end of 2023 we will have tested all the peptides, the tests are expensive, but we are doing them gradually, in the frequency of most sold to least sold.

Oil injectables: This is a finished product that took a little more work to get to the current quality, at the very start the variance was not up to par, we put more pressure on the brewer, more quality control, and it has given these fruits, now at the latest results, the quantitivae results are perfect, and it is a product on which we have committed ourselves as an objective in 2023 to test the entire catalog, so several injectables have been sent to Janoshik, and I think next week we will already have almost 90% of the injectables tested.

The tabs were neglected on our part, as we were confident about the quality in view of the first blind lab tests, I already sent tabs to Jano a month and a half ago but the package was lost, an order of around $1300 of tab testing + variance, Jano can confirm that.
In the meantime, the company announced the decision to stop production, and here we are seeing this type of catastrophic results, it's a shame, but I can't do anything at this stage because it's a product that doesn't is more topical, and the most I can do is compensate those who have had a bad experience like BG, without me making generalizations.
Will you be providing jano testing every time you guys roll out a new batch?
Seth Spartan said igf-1-des and lr3 are completely degraded 48 hours after reconstitution. Does anyone know how true this is? I need these 1mg vials to last 10 days, are they worthless after the second day? He said to add 100 micrograms of acetic acid per ml to the vial when you reconstitute it and that there is a pharma igf-1 manufacturer saying to do this. Also there was another youtube channel saying to freeze it in between shots
as far as i know, this is not true.
even in sterile water the degradation should be quite slow.
There are some guys out there that stated the same issue with other peptides like Mots-C, etc., some even said HGH with sterile water degradates within 2-3 days which is bullshit.
if stored properly (fridge, best inside another packaging that does block lights) it should be g2g for at least 2 weeks