Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

will you ever sell caffeine powder? (someone could homebrew it with your DMAA)
curious about price you could match for 50/100/250gr
At least they COULD care less. That means they do care some. It’s the ones that COULDN’T care less that really don’t give a fuck. They care so little that they could NOT care any less.

People need to stop using that phrase if they don’t even know what it means. Funny though how many people use the expression ass backwards.
Glad there are ppl like you that use your free time look into an expression to pick out logic reasoning to something that is pretty commonly said. Very proud of you for catching my off sentencing.

Kinda like when people start a sentence with “Needless to say” but end up saying the comment anyway. People need to stop using a catch 22 phrase.

See I can be a smart ass too

But I would rather save my comments to help or explain proactively instead of being a douche canoe.
as far as i know, this is not true.
even in sterile water the degradation should be quite slow.
There are some guys out there that stated the same issue with other peptides like Mots-C, etc., some even said HGH with sterile water degradates within 2-3 days which is bullshit.
if stored properly (fridge, best inside another packaging that does block lights) it should be g2g for at least 2 weeks

Ya for sure not HGH, and I have a humalog pen that I received at room temperature, that I've been drawing from for 4 months, I even at one point left it for 3 days at 85 degrees during the day in my car, and it doesn't appear to have lost any potency.
He could have mentioned megestrol. Wish I listened better but he was talking fast. It sounds familiar tho.

But yet he was unwilling to give it to me under any circumstances even with a family history of stomach issues which ultimately affect appetite as well.
No need to ask the doctor, ask daddy sigma

Megestrol acetate
醋酸甲地孕酮 595-33-5 1kg = $730
So i didnt can edit my Thread for winning Game ,
But here is the Photo of my peptides by QSC♥️


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Hello everyone,

I would like to announce some news (good and bad too):

Regarding reship policy:

The following countries are no longer entitled to reship: Peru, Mexico, Chile, Norway, for all orders placed from today.

All European countries have the right to reship, cost free, without the need to place a new order, valid for all orders placed after October 1st.
Any order placed before follows the old reship policy.

For the United States you are the luckiest country with a 100% pass rate so we can clear customs even for a dinosaur you get the best reship policies for free unconditionnaly.
On the other hand please do not ask me for the trackings when you choose the reship service, as I told you before we do not provide the tracking before two weeks.

And besides, we will stock more products for you, including raws for personal use (small amounts): Test C, anavar, primo, tadalafil, sildenafil, in small quantities.
Semaglutide, IGF-1 kits.
As soon as the new oils are ready we will stock this for you as before.

Australians, this month was the worst month in terms of seizures, we had had no seizures since April, and this month Boom 6 seizures, we are now warned that Australian customs will be more and more strict, all packages that are transferred to Milbourne are heavily inspected, those in Sydney are released easily.
Packages spend more time in customs, we will now suggest a paid insurance to Australian customers.
If you wish to benefit from the free, unconditional reshipment policy, you pay an additional 20%.
If you want to take the risk without paying it, then you would not be eligible for the reship policy.
We are talking about a risk of passage rate of around 91%, instead of +99% in previous months.
This applies to all orders placed from today, all previous orders will follow the old previous reship policy.

For Canada we have very good news for you, we now have a domestic warehouse, we will stock several products, including raws, peptides, HGH and soon oils when they are ready.

Availability is estimated in 1 month, so please do not contact me before mid-November on warehouse news.

That said, small parcels to Canada will be more and more complicated to clear customs, so we offer Canadians 3 scenarios:

If parcel is small, it can be shipped immediately:
1) if customer pays 20% extra, he get the reship
2) he don't pay the extra, no reship.

3) he don't pay the extra but he is willing to wait some time, we ship together with many parcels via the warehouse. Parcels shipped to the warehouse are minimum 20kg.

Canadian customers are strongly encouraged to place very large orders from now on, orders of several kg because we can easily clear customs for this type of order, you do not have to pay extra, you benefit from the reship policy cost free, with no need to place a new order.

So I invite you to really place orders of several kg, as long as this line is very secure, domestic.

Example of recommanded orders:
100 HGH kits ($4500)
10kg test e $3000
20kg Viagra $2600

The bigger the orders you place, the easier it is to clear customs, and the faster it is sent.
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