Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

He blacked out the first three pages and missed the fourth and then you see on the bottom of each page has his name.

The address is C/O which is the medical facility and not his personal address but his date of birth and mobile number is there so there is that.

@ironmaster73 delete it and just screen shot the relevant section next time.
Its a good post but he needs to get all that personal info deleted agreed.
You came here to lecture me about API and when I laid out the facts you hit up the old familiar "that works for me, I don't care what you do"

Eat dirt boy and bugger off.
So let’s put this into perspective. For a TRT dose of 200 mg of actual testosterone. You would be injecting .34 ml of test p @100 mg/ml a day and .27 ml of test pp @150mg/ml a day. You are saving a whole .07 ml a day for an ester that is 2.5 times longer but hey, you can claim that you are unique.
So let’s put this into perspective. For a TRT dose of 200 mg of actual testosterone. You would be injecting .34 ml of test p @100 mg/ml a day and .27 ml of test pp @150mg/ml a day. You are saving a whole .07 ml a day for an ester that is 2.5 times longer but hey, you can claim that you are unique.
If you are using short esters for trt, you are doing it wrong.

I mentioned Test Decanoate for a reason.
did people try bold cyp from qsc?

How is pip? I read bold cyp gives alot more pip then bold u

You prefer bold u or c?
I've been using it for a year, not once have I had pip with 3 pins per week. Made it at 2% BA 20% BB in castor oil at 150mg/mL. Went to 500 mgs/wk with bold c with test c (250 mg/mL) at 500 and npp (100 mg/ml) at 300 for 3 months on two separate cycles. Great shit. Vascularity insane, blood work great, no AI needed.
If you are using short esters for trt, you are doing it wrong.

I mentioned Test Decanoate for a reason.
Our discussion was about test p and test pp. You can try to move the goal post if you want but at the end of the day you are on here crying about a little extra injection volume, pip, and wanting to be a special unique flower. I am done wasting my time with you.
What's the highest mg/ml you can brew it?

And ain't that enanthate hl territory? Long esters Decanoate wins by a mile.
I was just fucking with you.

I think iso can be brewed pretty high actually. Edit: it can be brewed to 400mg/ml and 3.5day HL

But I agreed, I use Test D as the long ester in my personal blend. It’s Test P / Test E / Test D
You mind sharing the ng/ml version?

I'm gonna get so fucking roasted for this because it's only based on a few anecdotes and has a huge margin of error, but OK.

For every IU of GH injected:

expect + 100 IGF-1 ng/mL (this is moderately variable)

expect x 4 serum GH ng/mL (this is very highly variable)

For example: injecting 4 IU/d GH. Expect IGF-1 around 400 ng/mL and serum GH around 16 ng/mL.

Yeah tren base only. 1000mg a day. no test base.
When statements like these are made, there's a risk that people might adopt them as credible information and use them to support misguided arguments. As an illustration, consider the individual who claimed to have front-loaded 3 grams of trenbolone.