Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Not much u have is actually made in the US. I do like nfl tho
That's true for every Western country. Probably only a few countries like China make most their stuff. I hate this aspect of living in the US. I try to buy things made here when I can.
yes by email.
For Canada we arrange what's available as carrier, so systematically the safest for you.
I systematically include reship insurance for all canadian and australian orders, except when customer insist to not include it and accept the risk.
Thank you. I appreciate the proactive nature on the insurance.

Do you know what kind of Semax you have?
Cause all the best actors are Canadian in shows shot in Vancouver, Montreal, or Toronto. Love to see the library play US embassies and catch the CN tower in b-roll. Half our acting classes are just dialog lessons in how to not sound Canadian.

We don't buy your products. We buy China's products -- like everyone else. Which takes us back to the purpose of this thread...
All your best actors and actresses bail on Canada and come here! I've been to Canada a few times and love it. Beautiful country. Still feels like being in the US except the British queen is on the money though.
First, you're libeling the rock. Maybe he has a defect in the myostatin gene. Maybe he's just awesome. Secondly, tons of young guys idolize the Rock and others. Do you think it would be of benefit for him to come out and say "Wanna be massive like me? Steroids. That's the answer."
It’s would be super beneficial, steroids are cool.
This thread lol.. I’ll say one thing . I don’t see anyone trying sneak into any other country, anyone trying to cross into Canada . I mean I wish they would .. soon as grandpa is decommissioned, things will get better. And the rest of the world will be on high alert and have the fear god put back into them with a few Low level fly bys some F35 fighter. . Again when grandpa is done shitting all over us besides in his diapers
Now back to you.. continue your useless comments on. A steroid forum .. can u imaging half these idiots in the gym .. omg .. 35’mins to set up the tripods. 20 min to fix there ridiculously bad broccoli haircuts to barely bench 135 with 2 spotters and a trophy celebration shortly after
If I placed a US domestic order right NOW, how long might it take to arrive following payment? And how long for the Whatsapp of the order to be answered in the first place? I emailed an international order on the 18th but if it's gonna be 2 months until I get it ...
Yeah, pretty much correct. Do a search on the forum for recipe's for L-carn. Its a bitch to filter at higher concentrations though if your trying to run a 0.22um filter. I gave up and run a 0.45um and that was still bad. I ended up at 600mg/ml, didn't have to buffer it though I did test ph and it was in the sweet spot.

Make your bac water from scratch for it though. Recipe's will walk you through it. I also found putting the finished product once bottled into a pressure cooker on high for 45min stabalised it and zero crashing/seperating.

Smells like fish oil when your drawing it :rolleyes:

Pins nice and no pip (for me anyway). Was shooting 2ml into calves and had some light swelling for a day or so but nothing to bad.

Did you notice any benefits? I was running 1 g/d for a while (6 months or so) of a couple different injectable carnitine preparations.

One of them burned like hell at first, but didn't see any gains on top of 125 TRT.
Hi everyone, hope you're fine and sorry for the lack of presence in forums.

I just finished catching all the delay on whatsaaps, I strongly recommend that you use it, for the simple reason that it avoids the multiple conversations, unlike emails. It's time saving for me, and of course a day I spend on whatsaap I process x 3 number of orders compared to the day I am gonna spend on email.
For security, c'mon, even biggest sources here use whatsaap to reach me, and since when emails are 100% secure, nobody cares about your personal use orders, so this kind of debate can be avoided, but sure if you aren't feeling confortable with it, understandable, wait for my replies on emails, that might take a lot of time.
During this time I don't have yet the assistants to help me on emails, and I am suffering.

View attachment 275483

So it will be great if most of you switch to whatsaap and make my life easier.

I will spend today on emails, trying to catch up the maximum I can.

WhatsApp : +86 16503300980

Test e is available now us domestic,

From middle of the week, we can consider the holidays started, so domestic orders can be processed, international orders are considered as preorders, preorders cannot be modified during holidays, nor refunded.

preorders will be interesting once we test the new peptide series: HGH 24iu, BPC157 and TB500 versions, sermorelin, hexarelin, TA1, MT1, AOD9604 new batch, DSIP and the HCG, I saw that someone posted the results of HCG 2500IU testing around 4800-5000iu, 2 vials tested, the next batch is expected to be above 8000IU and price will be much better $/IU.

If you have some questions, feel free to ask them, I'll find sometime to answer all questions posted in forum tomorrow.
are the 24iu hgh vials the same size as all the other peptide vials you carry?

also i remember in the past the hcg was hard to test accurately, is that still the case? is the hcg recombinant?
If I placed a US domestic order right NOW, how long might it take to arrive following payment? And how long for the Whatsapp of the order to be answered in the first place? I emailed an international order on the 18th but if it's gonna be 2 months until I get it ...
Assume two weeks. Maybe you'll get it a few days earlier, maybe not