Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Can someone help me

Ordered NPP and Mast E. Both came with white tops. Unfortunately I opened the package and can't remember which barcode belongs to which Oil..

Only difference.
One oil is clear and one is very light yellow. Somebody can tell me, which is NPP and which could be Mast E?

Clear is masteron
Light yellow npp
Next time pay attention to SKu next to bar codes
When are people going to learn to send an email first or simply read the labels and label the vial case first. Most of the barcodes are a dead giveaway of what is in each box. There’s no reason to take the stuff out and start playing with it. No your only true way to tell is to pay to have it tested.

Never , because I’m a Reddit zoomer and you can’t stop me

You know the bubble boy? That’s me, but instead of pathogens I avoid life experiences. That’s where you guys come in.

Anytime I don’t know what to do I ask you guys because doing things on my own is too scary. I just need that reassurance, thanks for understanding
If anyone is wondering about the 50mg Tirz I just got mine , I sent hash id about midnight on Friday no tracking info or payment conf was replied but I normally just pay and get tracking info 3 to 5 days later but this time got the package instead.
Good. Abortion isn't a form of birth control. It's nice to see a female be accountable for her whore actions once in awhile

>but what about rape

What is that 1 in 80 cases, if that?

1 in 80? Closer to 1 in 800 max. The overwhelming majority are a matter of convenience, not health or SA. Let's not get gaslighted by emotional manipulation. Not getting into politics, just the stats.

I was drinking an average of 4 drinks a day until I started Mounjaro. I lost all interest in drinking after that first week. Didn't touch alcohol for a few months. It's really pretty amazing. I have the occasional beer or glass of whiskey now and then but only once per week at most
This ☝️

You know you can’t control it but spend an inordinate amount of time convincing yourself you can.

As to the food noise. Only time I get that is when I’m high . I guess obese people are walking around with the constant munchies. That’d suck ass.
It does suck. And it gets worse when I'm high. I once ordered 16 tacos at Jack in the crack.

