Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Another weak willed Ivy league educated self made millionaire turns to "fatty shot" instead of doing thing the correct way, ie, "self control" and lots of steroids:

PS: Patient referred to in this article is an acquaintance of mine. After a conversation HE brought up Tirz to his doctor to address his alcohol use, and she insisted on Naltrexone, finally agreeing to prescribe Zepbound if he'd take a small dose of Naltrexone. He came off the Naltrexone quickly and attributes his lack of desire for alcohol to the Tirz, which is in the process of being FDA approved to treat alcoholism.

Further evidence of how important it is to be the primary driver in your medical care, not leaving things entirely in the hands of doctors.

Even better, take fatty shot, add in self control and take lots of steroids

Another weak willed Ivy league educated self made millionaire turns to "fatty shot" instead of doing thing the correct way, ie, "self control" and lots of steroids:

PS: Patient referred to in this article is an acquaintance of mine. After a conversation HE brought up Tirz to his doctor to address his alcohol use, and she insisted on Naltrexone, finally agreeing to prescribe Zepbound if he'd take a small dose of Naltrexone. He came off the Naltrexone quickly and attributes his lack of desire for alcohol to the Tirz, which is in the process of being FDA approved to treat alcoholism.

Further evidence of how important it is to be the primary driver in your medical care, not leaving things entirely in the hands of doctors.
I may have to look into this….so does this have the possibility of lessening substance use? All substances?
I may have to look into this….so does this have the possibility of lessening substance use? All substances?

The TLDR version from what I've seen from my own casual observation, personal experience, what much of the early research into this aspect of GLPs is pointing to, and what's now been clinically proven to the point of Sema getting FDA approval to treat alcoholism is this:

GLP receptor activation in the brain seems to reduce the drive behind many forms of compulsive behavior.

We know the impact on overeating, besides physical appetite reduction effects on digestion, there is a less well understood, despite the mockery from the willfully ignorant, a lowering of "food noise", shorthand for the psychological drive to seek out food. Something most people don't realize is there until it isn't. It's not brought up because it's an "excuse", it's because it's startling and unexpected when you experience it. I've done just about every hallucinogen out there, at heroic doses, and I don't think I've ever felt such a profound, lasting change from any of them that compares to that.

Whatever that mechanism is, it appears to be shared with addictions of all types.

Alcoholism is confirmed to be significantly impacted and GLPs will likely become first line treatment. It's more effective than AA meetings or behavioral counseling.

Anecdotally, cannabis, cocaine, nicotine, even gambling and shopping addictions all seem to be lessened or eliminated after initiation of GLP use thus far.

I personally know a woman who could never, ever leave her pot vape behind. She told me that one day a month or so after starting Sema, she was leaving her house and noticed the vape on a table. Instead of going back to get it she thought. "meh, whatever", and left without it. When she got home she said it was like she was seeing it for the first time and just wasn't interested in it anymore.

Many behaviors, when people are compelled to do them to excess, are linked to dopamine and the reward system we evolved to do the things necessary for survival. So it stands to reason if GLPs are doing something to the brain to correct that dysfunction, it's affecting everything related to it.
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The TLDR version from what I've seen from my own casual observation, personal experience, what much of the early research into this aspect of GLPs is pointing to, and what's now been clinically proven to the point of Sema getting FDA approval to treat alcoholism is this:

GLP receptor activation in the brain seems to reduce the drive behind many forms of behavior.

We know the impact on overeating, besides physical appetite reduction effects on digestion, there is a less well understood, despite the mockery from the willfully ignorant, a lowering of "food noise", shorthand for the psychological drive to seek out food. Something most people don't realize is there until it isn't.

Whatever that mechanism is, it appears to be shared with addictions of all types.

Alcoholism is confirmed to be significantly impacted and GLPs will likely become first line treatment. It's more effective than AA meetings or behavioral counseling.

Anecdotally, cannabis, cocaine, nicotine, even gambling and shopping addictions all seem to be lessened or eliminated after initiation of GLP use thus far.

I personally know a woman who could never, ever leave her pot vape behind. She told me that one day a month or so after starting Sema, she was leaving her house and noticed the vape on a table. Instead of going back to get it she thought. "meh, whatever", and left without it. When she got home she said it was like she was seeing it for the first time and just wasn't interested in it anymore.

Many behaviors, when people are compelled to do them to excess, are linked to dopamine and the reward system we evolved to do the things necessary for survival. So it stands to reason if GLPs are doing something to the brain to correct that dysfunction, it's affecting everything related to it.
Is there anything the GLPs don't do?

Also, are you invested in the companies producing these GLPs?
Is there anything the GLPs don't do?

Also, are you invested in the companies producing these GLPs?

Feel free to hit the ignore button to stop the "Ghoul noise" if you feel like it :)

Does Testosterone boost muscle growth, skin thickness, energy levels, fat metabolism, sex drive and mood? Does it help to reverse and prevent metabolic disorders? Depression?

If you can understand all of that, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to comprehend another hormone, GLP-1, with even more receptors throughout the body than androgens, can have equally widespread and potent effects, whether you have a shortage or an abundance of it.
Feel free to hit the ignore button to stop the "Ghoul noise" if you feel like it :)

Does Testosterone boost muscle growth, skin thickness, energy levels, fat metabolism, sex drive and mood? Does it help to reverse and prevent metabolic disorders? Depression?

If you can understand all of that, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to comprehend another hormone, GLP-1, with even more receptors throughout the body than androgens, can have equally widespread and potent effects, whether you have a shortage or an abundance of it.
Dude you sound like a jehova witness forcefully jamming the message of Christ monologue every time you post about glps lol. Sure it’s the best thing since sliced bread for you but this is a steroid forum hence the demography of membership gets tired of your incessant ramblings.

You’re better off preaching about the second coming of lard reduction medication and how it can save the whole world from cancer in weight watcher/obese forums, they will appreciate this kind of gusto.

Again, no hate but this is called think steroids not think glps.
You can test melting point . Anavar 32-39. Marino enanthate 70-75 .
Nice suggestion, I'm assuming celcius yeah? Is this tested by seeing if the product goes into solution at that temperature, or would I simply place some powder on a hot plate and see if it melts?

I've never tested melting point, apologies if this comes off as a dumb question.