Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There’s a lot of great info being argued here but I’ve somehow become dumber from reading all of it..

I know what you need, brother. Modafinil.

It cures what's known as "Testosterone induced learning impairment", which is well documented in numerous studies.

In this experiment, they tested the ability of lab rats to solve a puzzle.

Then they injected them with increasing doses of Test-E, which made them dumber as the dose increased.

When they added Modafinil along with Testosterone, their ability to learn and solve problems returned to normal.

I know what you need, brother. Modafinil.

It cures what's known as "Testosterone induced learning impairment", which is well documented in numerous studies.

In this experiment, they tested the ability of lab rats to solve a puzzle.

Then they injected them with increasing doses of Test-E, which made them dumber as the dose increased.

When they added Modafinil along with Testosterone, their ability to learn and solve problems returned to normal.

idk about that bro I was a dumbass before I took exogenous testosterone
I know what you need, brother. Modafinil.

It cures what's known as "Testosterone induced learning impairment", which is well documented in numerous studies.

In this experiment, they tested the ability of lab rats to solve a puzzle.

Then they injected them with increasing doses of Test-E, which made them dumber as the dose increased.

When they added Modafinil along with Testosterone, their ability to learn and solve problems returned to normal.

Looks like a good bonus while taking Modafinil. Is there a specific brand that is better than the others? I recently ordered from 2 different places and the only thing I seem to get from any of them is it feels like my pulse is slightly up for about 3 or 4 hours and just a slight bad mood feeling. Most recently I have tried Modawake 200mg, Modalert 200. I also tried Modasafe-a 250 which is a combination. modafinil 200mg and armodafinil 50mg, artvigil-150 and waklert 150.
Looks like a good bonus while taking Modafinil. Is there a specific brand that is better than the others? I recently ordered from 2 different places and the only thing I seem to get from any of them is it feels like my pulse is slightly up for about 3 or 4 hours and just a slight bad mood feeling. Most recently I have tried Modawake 200mg, Modalert 200. I also tried Modasafe-a 250 which is a combination. modafinil 200mg and armodafinil 50mg, artvigil-150 and waklert 150.

It's an atypical psychostimulant, unlike any other kind of stimulant. If you're looking for conventional stimulant effects, especially if you're coming off an amphetamine like adderall you won't find them, they're entirely confined to specific areas of the brain, best with continued use, and reveal themselves in unexpected ways.

Throw away the Modasafe, it's garbage, not made by any legit pharma company. God knows what the garlic smell in those tabs is from.

Modalert is the best of the Modafinils you have, though they all work, just not as bioavailable so despite the same dose, they're not quite as potent, but still fine to use.

Artvigil and Waklert are both good brands of Armodafinil, a longer lasting variation of Modafinil , exclusively boosting the "spatial" or "reasoning" portion of the brain, useful for scientists for instance, while Moda effects both that and the areas that process emotion, enhancing the ability
to "read" people, so is used by Wall Streeters to enhance negotiating skills, for instance.

There's a good discussion that gets more serious and detailed around page 4, with links to numerous studies here:
