Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I mailed a member scammed of 700 by Pinnacle elements free gear. In the year you've been here you haven't tested a single thing either so why are you saying I haven't done anything? Try looking in the mirror before you preach.
You are the one taking the “high moral road”. Defend your position.
I mailed a member scammed of 700 by Pinnacle elements free gear. In the year you've been here you haven't tested a single thing either so why are you saying I haven't done anything? Try looking in the mirror before you preach.
I applaud that. I'm sure you made a big different in his life. Thank you for being such a nice person. We need more people like you in this world (and espeacially on this forum)
Questions about color of tops start to becoming a pain in the ass to my assistants.
For international orders, we number the kits, for domestic orders we have SKU on the boxes.
Customers should be able to identify easily their products using the SKU, and if they have doubts, they can ask about the meaning of the SKU.
Some customers to get extra confirmation, claim they threw the boxes, or the packs have no SKU which is impossible. This add extra work, and wasting time emails over this subject.
From now on you only can ask questions about SKU (domestic) and numbers (international) to identify your multiple items.
If you threw the packaging, or your wive or daughter opened your packs and threw the packaging that's your problem from now on, either find a way to know what it is it or send it for testing.
From now on all questions regarding color of tops will not be answered.
I hope this will be very clear.
I posted that information on here all the time. It does no good. First thing in the morning someone will be asking what color tops are the mast e.....
LOL, so boasting before actually doing it? Well at least he's locked in now.

I'm still waiting for you to address my very reasonable questions.

No boasting before actually doing any of the little fancy testing proposed for "harm reduction." Nice try. You clearly don't believe it's worth a dollar of your own money, even to quiet people like myself. Send some samples in for endotoxin testing even if you poison the vials yourself to make a point.
And that is why you, personally, only use gear that has been through the process of Terminal Sterilization, I guess
My post was on error. Should have said "I would take that bet".

I've sent hundreds of our product for endotoxin testing over the years, all with high microbial counts, and 99% were below the detection limit of 0.5 EU. Only 1 ever came back with a level of 5 EU.

Only Gram negative organisms produce endotoxin, so if you do have a dirty process but it's mostly Gram positive organisms (staph, strep, micrococci, etc), you get no endotoxin result.
My post was on error. Should have said "I would take that bet".

I've sent hundreds of our product for endotoxin testing over the years, all with high microbial counts, and 99% were below the detection limit of 0.5 EU. Only 1 ever came back with a level of 5 EU.

Only Gram negative organisms produce endotoxin, so if you do have a dirty process but it's mostly Gram positive organisms (staph, strep, micrococci, etc), you get no endotoxin result.
You know you are fking up @Ghoul's arguments and that will throw him in a posting spree of "science" that disapproves you...

P.S. @Ghoul you post some interesting stuff mate, but you choose to die on multiple hills that really don't matter. Homebrew sterility isn't perfect by all means but it's adequate. I have been personally injecting my concoctions for 2 decades with zero infections to speak of. So cut the bullshit posting and stick to things that you have a better understanding because you have ZERO understanding of homebrew and the resilience of the human body