Is this some kind of new autism?
People multiple quoting others and themselves and spamming threads with that shit.
Liking each other’s shit.
Disliking anyone who answer them, lol
These fuckers have the same disease, some weird autism.
If it wasn't for "These fuckers" what incentive would you have to make improvements. If everyone was just stroking you with "I thought asians had tiny pee pee's" and "We don't mind floaters. We're so impressed with your manners" you'd be too busy filling your hut with self portraits and raping your japanese lady boys(are there such things?) to make the improvements I understand that you all are making?
I trust
@Ghoul when he says you seem to be coming around. As a being with a narcissistic personality you run the risk of being overtake with hubris. If and when this happens its just a matter of time before you fall victim to yourself. Your undoing is all but guaranteed. Check yourself, dickhead.
Fully agree. If you want that kind of BS, there are plenty of better places to get it. Also don't understand the obsession with harassing a source non stop. Plenty of sources I don't like, I just don't give them money nor participate in their forum. Harassment after a certain isn't going to do fuck all to get them to change. Nor does insulting people that chose to buy from them help either. General human nature will just cause them to dig in and probably they will end up buying even more from said source.
Why are you noobs so worried about the way we talk to this source? You do realize where you are? Harm reduction. This idiot can't stand the criticism? We demand he fall in line as others who have come before him have done.
He's special because he seems to be giving his shit away? He'd be special if he did as he was told and gave his shit away.
Are you concerned that improvements will cause the prices to go up? Wouldn't it be worth it. These guys exist rent free on our board. Why shouldn't we demand he follow the rules that have without a doubt improved the quality of the products sold here and the overall safety of The Community?
If you can't grasp what I'm telling you trust the process. Or don't. It will sink in at some point and you'll get what we're after. If there isn't pressure to improve why on earth would this bottom feeder spend anything to make improvements. He wants us silenced so he doesn't have to face the truth and take anything from his profits to make the improvements he needs to make if he wants to be left alone. And believe me...if he makes the changes he will be left alone.
We will always be watching and pointing out when it looks like he's slipping but thats the cost of no board fees. And he's chosen to set up shop here. He then has the nerve to insult members and loves when his cheerleaders stick up for him. Another day he can put off coming out of pocket.
It's not good for it, but neither has it become useless or toxic.
It would be better if you could filter it, to remove the shock cavitation induced aggregates, but beyond that, it's likely only lost a small amount of efficacy.
The pharmaceutical industry has made improvements to mitigate protein degradation during the drug manufacturing process, storage, and transportation. However, there is less quality control after the manufacturer releases the drug. Previous research has shown that drop shock due to mishandling...
I had no idea. Thanks, Ghoul.