Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Of course, we're all amusing ourselves in the floaterless void left in QSCs absence.

Did you check the site and contact info?
Yeah. Interesting huh?

Edit: I was originally referring to the “domain had expired” message I received, but didn’t initially check the contact info
Of course, we're all amusing ourselves in the floaterless void left in QSCs absence.

Did you check the site and contact info?

You changed your tune.
I remember when Declan brought this up, about Tracy not being Chinese/China based etc...
You seemed to disagree with him
Don’t know if you’re aware, but he first appeared on Meso-FR, which is a French speaking only forum. Then there’s his trip to see Jano in Czechia, which he made a thread about - that’s a fucking long way from China to go for a brew & a chat.

In short, my money’s on him being an ethnic Chinese Frenchman & likely one time active member of Meso-FR, who after members there started posting a lot about buying from QSC via alibaba / made-in-China (can’t remember which now) from “Alisa”, saw a unique opportunity, with him speaking Chinese, understanding the culture etc.

As for his use of English being more “American” - that’s the internet generation for you.

But it’s all conjecture at the end of the day & the only way we’ll know for sure is if I’m right & he gets busted. With that in mind, I think my point about his potential retention of his big & regular buying customers is still something people should consider if they fall into that category.
Also slips in French words like destockage from time to time.
You changed your tune.
I remember when Declan brought this up, about Tracy not being Chinese/China based etc...
You seemed to disagree with him

Thanks for holding me accountable for what must've such a trivial conversation I don't ever recall it happening. It may have, but my god what a steel trap of memory you must have to bring that up.

However, if I did, it would have been before I saw the contact info and changed my opinion.

I'm always willing to my revise my views in light of new information. To do otherwise, to maintain a position like it's set in concrete regardless of new information coming to light is a hallmark of 1) low intelligence and/or 2) an "old" mind (seriously, a biologically "old" mind that's lost neuroplasticity).
Err, no one said anything about “more” taxes or more government oversight. Moving to a mileage based tax is much better and more fair system than just imposing random fees like a $200 use tax on EV’s or other alternative fuel vehicles
I think the problem is that they’re not replacing one tax with another. They’re not getting rid of the gas tax when road use tax goes in, they’re keeping both. At least in my state, and to some extent every state until all cars have the ability to be tracked because they’re hybrids or electric. For example, I drive a 95 wrangler and can make my odometer go to zero just by hitting the dash in the right spot. They’re also having a field day figuring out what to do when a car drives across state borders. But you’re right about the arbitrary feels taxes. Those can fuck right off.
Thanks for holding me accountable for what must've such a trivial conversation I don't ever recall it happening. It may have, but my god what a steel trap of memory you must have to bring that up.

However, if I did, it would have been before I saw the contact info and changed my opinion.

I'm always willing to my revise my views in light of new information. To do otherwise, to maintain a position like it's set in concrete regardless of new information coming to light is a hallmark of 1) low intelligence and/or 2) an "old" mind (seriously, a biologically "old" mind that's lost neuroplasticity).

Like, who cares, anyway.

And I remember it because Zeb wrote to me about this on another thread, some time ago.
That's all.
Of course, we're all amusing ourselves in the floaterless void left in QSCs absence.

Did you check the site and contact info?
That’s “Alisa’s” info, I believe. If you make an account on that site, I think that’s how you get his number on a certain app I can’t mention here without moderator review. That’s what’s been causing confusion on the other app I can’t mention (starts with D and rhymes with Bisscord) for about a year now, with people thinking the Alisa and Tracy team are the same.
You said you are ok with the government tracking everyone’s miles and taxing them based on it. Pretty sure that checks both boxes.
Yeah, to replace the current fuel tax based model that is correct. That’s not more taxes. That’s a different tax system, some people will pay more, some will pay less and i got news for you, MOST people in the US miles are already tracked via annual vehicle inspections and smog checks so nothing changed there either
That’s “Alisa’s” info, I believe. If you make an account on that site, I think that’s how you get his number on a certain app I can’t mention here without moderator review. That’s what’s been causing confusion on the other app I can’t mention (starts with D and rhymes with Bisscord) for about a year now, with people thinking the Alisa and Tracy team are the same.

I referring to the physical address.
I think the problem is that they’re not replacing one tax with another. They’re not getting rid of the gas tax when road use tax goes in, they’re keeping both. At least in my state, and to some extent every state until all cars have the ability to be tracked because they’re hybrids or electric. For example, I drive a 95 wrangler and can make my odometer go to zero just by hitting the dash in the right spot. They’re also having a field day figuring out what to do when a car drives across state borders. But you’re right about the arbitrary feels taxes. Those can fuck right off.
This has nothing to do with electric vs ice cars. I have a 20 year old german car, which has dozens of computers (ECUs) from the factory and 5 different networks connecting them, two of them optical.

GM cars had OnStar for over 20 years. What do you think is the purpose of a telematics unit with GPS and cell phone modem?

ICE vs electric makes no difference.

Also, nothing stops you from ripping telematics unit from a newer car. You may lose GPS, but it sounds like you are enjoying your 95 Wrangler without it.