I recently saw a thesis on the topic of declining birthrates globally. There are plenty of known causes. Among them are urbanization, women are more well-educated and more frequently focused on careers, rising costs of having children and so on, but those reasons don’t explain it all. The thesis suggested that one common reason is the increasingly political polarization between women and men. Didn’t attempt to verify, but it was good for thought.
As for DEI there’s nothing wrong with it in principle. There’s plenty of conscious and subconscious bias that exists that precludes various businesses from considering certain candidates. As practiced however, it has always been performative in my experience.
As such, I have my own approach when making hires. I’ll simply devote extra attention to candidates that might be precluded because of bias. Unfortunately there’s some common trait differentiation that leads to certain genders preferring certain fields over another. Nurses, for example are disproportionately women. In my field, engineers as disproportionately men.
The social justice warriors writing and administering the DEI policies would have me believe that half the qualified candidates I see are talented women excluded because I must be a mouth breathing goon, when often I have 1 woman to every 100 men.
There are other biases that exist as well, in terms of personality and so on. Outspoken, overconfident bullshit artists tend to be over represented. My last hire was an introverted and shy Asian woman that was interviewed by several other engineers before her resume landed on my desk. Given my “extra attention” policy I mentioned I went through the interviewing notes carefully. The interviewers, including one that was same gender and ethnicity all basically put her on the spot and told her to dance, ie whiteboard code challenges. One interviewer even wrote, “she solved the problem correctly but when I interrogated her about her solution she failed to explain it satisfactorily”.
Anyway, she’s my most productive engineer at the moment.