Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

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Offered $170 compensation for enclo testing

I contacted janoshik last month about testing enclo.

I asked him:
Can you test enclomiphene tabs for quantity of zuclomifene, enclomifene, and any other unwanted active ingredients?

His reply was:
>quantity of zuclomifene, enclomifene
yes, no problem, 170 USD

>any other unwanted active ingredients

What did you ask him to test the enclomiphene for?

Seems that he would have tested for both clomid isomers, but if you didn't specify, who knows. It does seem odd though. I'm wondering if the other 37% could possibly be the zuclomifene isomer of clomid?

There has reportedly been clomid sold as enclomiphene. The only way to know for sure would have been to test for both the zuclomifene and enclomifene isomers AFAIK.

Edit to add info:
Clomiphene citrate is approximately 62% enclomiphene and 38% zuclomiphene.
Source: https://www.imedpub.com/articles/th...edresults-of-a-mouse-adme-study.php?aid=18622
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I contacted janoshik last month about testing enclo.

I asked him:

His reply was:

What did you ask him to test the enclomiphene for?

Seems that he would have tested for both clomid isomers, but if you didn't specify, who knows. It does seem odd though. I'm wondering if the other 37% could possibly be the zuclomifene isomer of clomid?

There has reportedly been clomid sold as enclomiphene. The only way to know for sure would have been to test for both the zuclomifene and enclomifene isomers AFAIK.

Edit to add info:

Source: https://www.imedpub.com/articles/th...edresults-of-a-mouse-adme-study.php?aid=18622
0 zuclomiphene detected
Anyone tried this lab recently? Is it g2g ?
Yes it’s good to go. But are you just really going trust word from a stranger online? Do your own research through the 800 pages and see if the source is good 2 go lol. Your first two posts are asking people if the source is good to go. What if someone says yes and you end up buying it and get some shit gear? What do you do then?
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Yes it’s good to go. But are you just really going trust word from a stranger online? Do your own research through the 800 pages and see if the source is good 2 go lol. Your first two posts are asking people if the source is good to go. What if someone says yes and you end up buying it and get some shit gear? What do you do then?
You sound like a true UGBB vet
Thought I would share my experience with my order for others to see.

I ordered quite a bit in raws to home brew for myself and some close friends.

Ordered august 25. Arrived today, September 9. So just two weeks to ship from China and arrive here in the US.

Packaging was packed extremely well. The raws had an outer wrapping. I ordered Test C, Deca, Equipoise, anadrol, and dianabol raws.

The equipoise arrived in a bottle considering it’s a liquid. Deca was in a triple wrapped bag, with the actual raws in a resealable ziplock bag thing. It was also a liquid, the heat wave here in the US is killing me. I imagine the deca will be more of a solid once the weather cools off here. The Test C, anadrol, and dianabol raws were all in similar packaging as the deca.

Insanely fast shipping, safe and secure packaging. I’ve seen plenty of Qingdao raws HPLC test results on this forum, so I likely won’t test myself. Will definitely be ordering again.
You sound like a true UGBB vet
Lol. But it’s the truth. It’s not hard to do some research and see what the acc product is your putting in your body. Instead of asking a random stranger to tell you if a product is safe lol. And he joined today and it’s the first two things he posts.
I have had ozempic before and the semaglutide from QSC is so far on par with ozempic at the 1.0 mg weekly dose I take. Maybe it's different for everyone but I didn't notice it being any weaker so I'm quite happy since I bought the 4mg vials expecting to need more to get the same effect.

I had to quit Sigma's semaglutide because it works too well. I felt like I was wasting, trying to force-feed 2 protein-rich meals per day and feeling full. No bueno. Context: I don't have a lot of fat to lose. Was more curious about the effects and well shit. It's a helluva drug.
I had to quit Sigma's semaglutide because it works too well. I felt like I was wasting, trying to force-feed 2 protein-rich meals per day and feeling full. No bueno. Context: I don't have a lot of fat to lose. Was more curious about the effects and well shit. It's a helluva drug.
Love hearing this. I'm about to do one last hard month of cutting and planning on using Metformin + Semaglutide to help me feel sick of food after eating a single grain of rice and 1 oz and a chicken tender. gotta finish getting nice and lean before the long winter bulk begins
I had to quit Sigma's semaglutide because it works too well. I felt like I was wasting, trying to force-feed 2 protein-rich meals per day and feeling full. No bueno. Context: I don't have a lot of fat to lose. Was more curious about the effects and well shit. It's a helluva drug.
Is this working to eliminate food and hunger more so or as a calorie/fat burner? Haven't looked into these much just keep hearing everyone's success stories. I do need to cut like 20#s but don't wanna lose gains, muscle or not properly feed the current stack. Thanks.
Is this working to eliminate food and hunger more so or as a calorie/fat burner? Haven't looked into these much just keep hearing everyone's success stories. I do need to cut like 20#s but don't wanna lose gains, muscle or not properly feed the current stack. Thanks.
They work by form of appetite suppression. Delayed gastric emptying and working on glp-1 receptors. And if you are in a hard cut and not on drugs, you will lose muscle.
Love hearing this. I'm about to do one last hard month of cutting and planning on using Metformin + Semaglutide to help me feel sick of food after eating a single grain of rice and 1 oz and a chicken tender. gotta finish getting nice and lean before the long winter bulk begins
Dont start both. Start sema first at 0.25mg, then after a couple weeks just stay at 0.25mg and add 250mg metformin. They boosts each other's effect and you might feel like youre about to die when starting them both at the same time. I tried the combination and had to stop after a week, it was crazy strong on my stomache and appetite suppression.
am herring mixed story’s of the primo 200 can anyone who’s used it speak about the pip everyone says it’s works i’ve seen the jano report it’s real that’s not my question just want to no about pip