Qingdao Sigma HCG - 5000IU

He's not gonna do anything but act like a cocksucker.

I hate when people say "back in the day..."
But man I'd love to see Brutus, bbbg, mighty mouse, hell even cdngay aka kp300 and some other og's give that thread a visit. But they wouldn't even bother with all the broke retards touting them as the best thing since sliced orals.
Fucked. Crashed my estrogen. Not working, only at 200 levels cuz I shot 200 iu of pharma hcg 4 days before. Thought it would show if I test anyway and nope fml I feel like shitt I just wanna eternally sleep at this point

Where to get hcg??


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Fucked. Crashed my estrogen. Not working, only at 200 levels cuz I shot 200 iu of pharma hcg 4 days before. Thought it would show if I test anyway and nope fml I feel like shitt I just wanna eternally sleep at this point

Where to get hcg??
Skankhunt pharma or expresspct are probably gunna be ur fastest options and best prices... U might pay alil more cause ur prob gunna order domestic if u order intl u can get a pretty decent deal but it takes awhile I would buy some kits domestic and then stock up on some intl kits this way u have them on hand ..... And u would probably be better doing 500iu shots twice or three times a week
why do you guys order hcg among other drugs from UGLs? I never really understood that when there is cheap ass pharma from multiple places online not even here.

Is it your country and have an issue sourcing it or what? Genuinely curious
why do you guys order hcg among other drugs from UGLs? I never really understood that when there is cheap ass pharma from multiple places online not even here.

Is it your country and have an issue sourcing it or what? Genuinely curious
can't buy stuff online like that in the US without a script I'm pretty sure, which sucks.
Overseas. Aipctshop and reliable rx are just two,others too. Intl sellers here, along with skank have it as well.
thought he meant like an actual pharmacy haha not pharma grade...brains a little tired today. Thanks for the heads up though. Need some mestane and caber soon myself.
why do you guys order hcg among other drugs from UGLs? I never really understood that when there is cheap ass pharma from multiple places online not even here.

Is it your country and have an issue sourcing it or what? Genuinely curious
I can only speak for myself. First time I checked an overseas pharmacy, I saw mention of needing to upload script and figured it wasn't an option.

It wasn't until I was inquiring about price of trips shit till someone told me to check an online pharmacy, took over a month but I got pharma hcg waaay cheaper than any domestic source.

So for me, it was just sinply not knowing. Now I know. Also thanks to @fooba I know the same is true for ai stuff.
can't buy stuff online like that in the US without a script I'm pretty sure, which sucks.
I do it all the time. You don’t need one from many. They “include” a script. Just have to get it from India among other places. Takes quite a bit of time to ship but it’s cheap to stock up.
I do it all the time. You don’t need one from many. They “include” a script. Just have to get it from India among other places. Takes quite a bit of time to ship but it’s cheap to stock up.
yea I just misunderstood what they meant. I thought the meant from a US pharmacy source. Intl is definitely easier and can be done. But with anything, how would I know that pharmacy from India is 100% legit haha.
yea I just misunderstood what they meant. I thought the meant from a US pharmacy source. Intl is definitely easier and can be done. But with anything, how would I know that pharmacy from India is 100% legit haha.
I use safemeds4all.

Never had an issue been using them for 5-7 years at this point. Just saying.

Not saying they’re good to go but.
I use safemeds4all.

Never had an issue been using them for 5-7 years at this point. Just saying.

Not saying they’re good to go but.
Totally understand. Anything can happen so no source is ever g2g even if they have 10 years of good business, it only take's one bad mess up or something to happen or accusations of scamming to be thrown around haha.
I use safemeds4all.

Never had an issue been using them for 5-7 years at this point. Just saying.

Not saying they’re good to go but.
how do you get around the sending a prescription part though? Just checked them out and says you need to email or fax your prescription when ordering online.
how do you get around the sending a prescription part though? Just checked them out and says you need to email or fax your prescription when ordering online.
With reliable rx, it shows you the prescription page but you do not need to submit anything
. You can proceed to the next page wo one.