Qingdao Sigma + Meditrope Golden Tops Bulk Log


Well-known Member
I have started my cycle yesterday.

Goal: extra hypertrophy. Not trying to become a mass monster. I have osteoarthritis of the spine. The cycle will increase my bone density and cartilage repair, and significantly slow the progression.

500mg/week of test c, split twice weekly. So far, slight pip because of improper insertion.
450mg/week of NPP, split thrice weekly (first time trying NPP).
5.77 iu/day of HGH (first time trying HGH)
50mg/day of clomid (prescription). This is an experiment to see if it works good as HCG. If not I’ll switch.

I’m taking 12 different vitamins and supplements to support my liver, kidneys and cholesterol.

On the first day I did 2.8iu of HGH in the morning and another in the evening. I’m switching to evenings only after realizing I can’t do fasted cardio right now.

Trying to keep bad carbs out of my diet completely. Low carb is my general diet anyway.

Starting weight: 285lbs
Starting height: 6’10” (like I’m gonna gain height lol)

Initial gym session:

85 minutes
900+ calories burned
140 bpm average
175 bpm max
113 bpm minimum
67 bpm average today

Workout: 2 minute break between sets.

Reverse hyper: 5 sets of 7 reps @ 215lbs
Lat pulldown: 5 sets of 5 reps @ 205lbs
Back-facing Low rows: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 205lbs
Alternating dumbbell press: 5 sets of 10 reps in each hand at 60lbs (30 degree incline)
Alternating dumbell curls: 5 sets of 10 reps at 20lbs (lol, I was fucking sore after the above)
Chest press: 5 sets of 10 reps at 110 and 120lbs. Keep in mind, really sore after the dumbbells. This was just one of those “let’s do a little bit more” after i started getting really sore.

I’d love to start squatting again, but waiting for my Safety Squat Bar before I do that.

All machines are plate-loaded, so lots of carrying plates around too.

Target daily protein: 385g. Today: 140… I fucked up.
Target calories: 9000. Today: 3500…

For lat and low rows, I am holding the weights in place at my maximum for 5-10 seconds each. Gives a crazy burn.

I started working out with my son. He’s 8, and wants to join me. He’ll just do protein, lol.
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I forgot to add that I'm taking T4 by prescription daily.

Pre Cycle bloodwork:

IGF-1: 50 on a reference range of 78-300. WTF? This is why I need HGH.
Test: 600 ng/dl with clomid monotherapy. 190 without. :(
TSH: 8.00.
PSA: 0.08

Blood pressure: 117/79.
Second drop of NPP-100 today. Took 1.5ml to get 150ml. No bad sides at all. Surprisingly, no PIP with QSC stuff. I had horrible PIP with Para Pharma…

Second bolo 5.77iu HGH shot yesterday. Throbbing headache for 12 hours afterwards. Third shot today, headache seems to be showing up again after 2 hours. We’ll see if it lasts. If it does, I’m going back to 2.885 iu twice a day.

Started taking TB-500 and BPC-157 to help with a bunch of stuff things that healing.

I went too hard in the gym and I’m still sore. Not seeing any increased healing speeds at all, but I suppose it’s too early.

Resting heart rate has climbed from 60 to 79 in ~4 days.

Monitoring blood pressure: 134/75

Cut out all caffeine from my diet, and am drinking lots of water and sugar-free Gatorade.
No known bad sides from continued HGH injections at 5.77 iu/day. Previous headache was likely unrelated. However, I feel like I’m getting a crazy pumping feeling for a couple hours after injection.

I’m still not recovered from the gym session 4 days ago, but I should be ready tomorrow. My safety squat bar showed up and it’s amazing!

Did another BPC-157 injection, but upped it to ~500mcg.

Also did a second shot of Test C 250 today with QSC’s gear. No PIP!!! I really hope I’m not disappointed in 4-5 weeks when I go for bloods.

Blood pressure is still decent.

Found some problems with my diet, and other members shared a bunch of really useful info. Gonna buy all the right foods from Costco tomorrow.

One problem is energy and tiredness. I believe this is a food problem right now, despite my bad appetite. According to my heart app, I’m burning almost 3200 calories a day just by existing. If I don’t eat above that, I’m really fatigued, weak and sluggish.

I’ve noticed that after eating, my heart is beating funny. I monitor my ECG with my Apple Watch, and it looked bad and I felt weird, so I went to a doctor who said they’re premature ventricular contractions and just gave me… Pepcid…? That cured it!

All these supplements and vitamins for liver and kidney support are really annoying to take… I’m only 4 days in and it’s getting to me, but I need to reduce my risk as much as possible.
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How long are you planning to run TB and HGH concurrently? I hear a lot about how helpful TB is but I am always concerned about cancer risk running GH and TB together.
How long are you planning to run TB and HGH concurrently? I hear a lot about how helpful TB is but I am always concerned about cancer risk running GH and TB together.
Wouldn’t that be CJC-1295 and HGH? I wasn’t aware of this risk of TB-500 and HGH, so now I’m concerned too!

I was only planning to try TB-500 until my back feels sufficiently healed, so 2-3 months max. So far, it DOES seem to be working… we will see.
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Wouldn’t that be CJC-1295 and HGH? I wasn’t aware of this risk of TB-500 and HGH, so now I’m concerned too!

I was only planning to try TB-500!until my back feels sufficiently healed, so 2-3 months max. So far, it DOES seem to be working… we will see.
TB 500 seems to also have some research that shows a connection to cancer forming, while BPC doesn’t, but the TB is supposed to be a lot stronger for healing. Probably better to look into it yourself Cus I don’t have a link rn.

I know folks w/ cancer risks aren’t supposed to take GH since it makes it develop faster, so I assume if TB can Cause it and GH can make the cells multiply quicker it might be better not to run it too long. Idk about CJC-1259 though.
Good luck with the back injury tho!
Just did a gym session after finally digesting my food 12 hours later… another member posted in another thread suggested I try digestive enzymes.

Went and got some, and they worked very quickly.

Gym session (light weight):

2x10x70lb alternating dumbell curls
5x10x70lb alternating dumbbell chest presses on 30 degree incline.
1x10x61lb squat (testing new safety squat bar)
^ this bar really seems to suck. I can only lift 1/2 as much with it. Usually doing 335lb squats or higher, but there’s something odd about the SSB; I could not do 300lbs!
Dumbell curls to failure
Lots of moving plates around for 20 minutes.
Brief cardio.

Light day since I have no damn strength or energy. I am about to give up and turn this into a cut.
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GH can cause lethargy in many ppl. This may be part of why your fatigued.

I know on my most aggressive GH protocols i was constantly napping throughout the day. Honestly i was probably accumulating 3-4 hours of sleep throughout the day, excluding actual bedtime. I found this only apparent on the higher doses for me though (i went as high as 10iu/day). I normally never nap, so this was definitely triggered by GH.
GH can cause lethargy in many ppl. This may be part of why your fatigued.

I know on my most aggressive GH protocols i was constantly napping throughout the day. Honestly i was probably accumulating 3-4 hours of sleep throughout the day, excluding actual bedtime. I found this only apparent on the higher doses for me though (i went as high as 10iu/day). I normally never nap, so this was definitely triggered by GH.
I am sleeping really well, maybe too long, since starting GH. I do nap occasionally, but I’m only doing 5.77 iu and I started out with this amount.
I am sleeping really well, maybe too long, since starting GH. I do nap occasionally, but I’m only doing 5.77 iu and I started out with this amount.
Most folks usually ramp up a bit slower with the gh. You may want to consider backing off to about half and getting your body used to it for a few weeks or a month before going higher. If you reduced your dose by half, you will likely have less adverse side effects.
Most folks usually ramp up a bit slower with the gh. You may want to consider backing off to about half and getting your body used to it for a few weeks or a month before going higher. If you reduced your dose by half, you will likely have less adverse side effects.
This is a good point. Also, this raised my fasting blood sugar to 102, so I may need to take something to alleviate that. Got some Berbarine and we'll see how this works.

I also wonder if I used the blood glucose monitor properly... because I don't think I did. Last night I was at 134 roughly 2 hours after eating.

As for side effects, right now they aren't very bad at all...
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If your BG levels were good before you started but are now elevated to prediabetic or diabetic levels, that is a side effect. It's more or less expected that it will raise BG and most guys usually like to run metformin, if not insulin, to control it. Berberine may do the trick, but I'd pick up some metformin to get that under better control.
If your BG levels were good before you started but are now elevated to prediabetic or diabetic levels, that is a side effect. It's more or less expected that it will raise BG and most guys usually like to run metformin, if not insulin, to control it. Berberine may do the trick, but I'd pick up some metformin to get that under better control.
Yes, they were normal before. We’ll see if Berberine does it, if not, I’ll look into metformin. I’ll have berberine tomorrow… but metformin will take me weeks to get anyway.
Well this is interesting. Maybe I didn’t go hard enough. But last week, I had a 5 day recovery time. Previously it was a 7 day recovery time.

Today, there is no soreness. I’m hitting the gym after dinner.
This is ridiculous. I seem to have no standards on this cycle. My libido is in overdrive and I’m losing my shit over a basic pair of titties.

In fact, I have have tons of fat chicks queued up on tinder and bumble, and I just want to fuck them until they love me!!!