QSC Cialis raws bunk? (Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd)

You're tallying up good boy points by pissing and moaning about people asking questions answerable with a single word on a roider forum and I'm the loser lmao.

Also, the people who scream pedo the loudest usually have something to hide, judging by your tranny pms demeanor, I think I know what it is.
Holy sheet. Get your stuff. Get on the bandwagon. Give it 2 years and you'll be over the hype and wonder why you have low test and messed with your hormones only to have an average body.
I'm not looking for a community I was just looking for something people keep on mentioning they find stupid cheap that I can never find when I do look.
If they don't like what I ask, why don't they ignore it? Why is the onus on me? I'm not the one starting fights over non issues here. I just like lifting weights and want to go a bit further than where I was when I was 20 but these guys want to take that personally for some reason.
Well, isn't it fascinating how people in this community have differing opinions and preferences? It's almost as if this forum is designed for the benefit of the entire community and not just for individual requests. Silly, right?

But, all jokes aside, let's remember the primary purpose of this forum: harm reduction and community support. While you have a genuine interest in lifting weights and improving your fitness, it's important to understand that this forum primarily serves as a platform for harm reduction and the sharing of valuable information for the well-being of its members.

When people provide feedback or suggest that your inquiries might not align with the forum's core mission, it's not necessarily about starting fights but rather an attempt to steer the discussions toward topics that promote safety and well-being.

So, while you're free to ask questions, it's a good practice to be mindful of the forum's overall purpose and the community's guidelines. If you receive responses that seem negative or off-topic, consider engaging in constructive discussions or redirecting your queries to better align with the harm reduction objectives of the forum. In the end, fostering a supportive and collaborative atmosphere benefits everyone here.
Holy sheet. Get your stuff. Get on the bandwagon. Give it 2 years and you'll be over the hype and wonder why you have low test and messed with your hormones only to have an average body.
I've been on the sauce for about two years now after pretty much hitting my natural limit for strength gains relative to the time I can afford to spend at the gym. Just because I'm new to this forum doesn't mean im new.
Well, isn't it fascinating how people in this community have differing opinions and preferences? It's almost as if this forum is designed for the benefit of the entire community and not just for individual requests. Silly, right?

But, all jokes aside, let's remember the primary purpose of this forum: harm reduction and community support. While you have a genuine interest in lifting weights and improving your fitness, it's important to understand that this forum primarily serves as a platform for harm reduction and the sharing of valuable information for the well-being of its members.

When people provide feedback or suggest that your inquiries might not align with the forum's core mission, it's not necessarily about starting fights but rather an attempt to steer the discussions toward topics that promote safety and well-being.

So, while you're free to ask questions, it's a good practice to be mindful of the forum's overall purpose and the community's guidelines. If you receive responses that seem negative or off-topic, consider engaging in constructive discussions or redirecting your queries to better align with the harm reduction objectives of the forum. In the end, fostering a supportive and collaborative atmosphere benefits everyone here.
very rational way to word it, unfortunately people here, through incompetence or more likely malice aren't capable of clearly and concisely providing that feedback without layering allegory and innuendo like the first guy or straight up pmsing like the second.