Qsc pip!

Not how it works my friend, I have dragon pharma prop that I cut my test e/ deca with to take the pip away from that 500mg blend. Not all compounds have pip, it’s more about how they brew it. Outside of my test/ deca blend none of the other gear I have give any issues
Lol I know how it works buddy. But the op is in a different scenario he isn't using high mg/ml gear so choosing prop to cut it with isn't the smartest. In majority of cases prop is going to cause more pip then enanthate or cyp from the same brewer. Sterile oil would be better to cut it with not something that is short ester.
Man, does anyone else get horrible pip from QSC gear? I have ordered from them twice now. The first was Test C 250mg/ml. The pip was unbearable. Everyone said that the high mg/ml gear came with worse pip. So, this time I ordered Test P and NPP both 100mg/ml and again, the pip sucks bad. I have been on pharma trt for a year and a half and have never had any pip.

My first shot of this cycle was last night and the pain in my VGlute literally woke me up this morning. For reference, my shot was 150mg of each**
unbearable PIP the next day and two days after from injectable winstrol and then also from test -p

BUT, I switched to 1.5 inch needles (25g) and, having finally found where the ventrigluteal muscle is , I can say that most of the PIP is gone

What helps as well is I got a massage gun and I spend about 5-10 min massaging the area after the injection.

This isn’t bro science just my guess. The mct oil is thin so the oil is absorbed quicker than the compounds can be taken in and thus ur left w these compounds causing irritation. The deep needle into Vg works VERY WELL. I Used to use insulin pins for Trt and used the same on my quads. Couldn’t walk for a day after.

Now it’s Vg. Always. Oh and I tried 1 inch 25g in dts. Sore next day, but not as bad. I’d still prefer vg. And I pin 1.75-2cc per day. 3m Syringe 1.5” 25g. Draw the winny with 18g cuz crystals don’t get picked up by the 25g
I had to cut their primo 200 in half with test c and warm it up before pinning to reduce the almost unbearable pip. It makes it usable but I won't be buying more from them. I just hate paying 3x as much for it, but it is what it is...
Get raws and brew yourself
unbearable PIP the next day and two days after from injectable winstrol and then also from test -p

BUT, I switched to 1.5 inch needles (25g) and, having finally found where the ventrigluteal muscle is , I can say that most of the PIP is gone

What helps as well is I got a massage gun and I spend about 5-10 min massaging the area after the injection.

This isn’t bro science just my guess. The mct oil is thin so the oil is absorbed quicker than the compounds can be taken in and thus ur left w these compounds causing irritation. The deep needle into Vg works VERY WELL. I Used to use insulin pins for Trt and used the same on my quads. Couldn’t walk for a day after.

Now it’s Vg. Always. Oh and I tried 1 inch 25g in dts. Sore next day, but not as bad. I’d still prefer vg. And I pin 1.75-2cc per day. 3m Syringe 1.5” 25g. Draw the winny with 18g cuz crystals don’t get picked up by the 25g
The massage gun mostly fixed it for me. I forgot to use it in my VG last Friday and walking sucked for 2-3 days. As long as I massage it for 5-10 minutes immediately after, it’s just a little sore and bearable.