QSC US Domestic SKU List

Watch your tone, kid. You ordered domestic which has never and does not use SKUs. (ADDED: I forgot they started printing SKUs replated to product name on boxes this summer.) My comment was that international products now have SKUs attached... and it was not to you. For your edification, packs have been labeled 1, 2, 3, etc., but I'll let your lazy ass use the Search function to figure out how.

The only person with their panties in a bunch is you, and that's because you're being called out as an entitled, whiny punk. Do you realize you could already have your information and probably contact with Tracy by now if you did a little work with what was given you? But no... you gotta get pissy because people don't just spoon-feed your sorry ass.
Never once have I complained that nobody got me the information. I mentioned above if nobody had it, it was no harm no foul. In responding to degenerates like you that has me in a mood due to your lack of IQ and reading abilities.
I will go ahead and stop responding and entertaining all who replied. There are some who hsd legitimate contributions, but most just are unaware of the new procedures, or are flat out imbeciles looking to be keyboard warriors. I ended up getting the appropriate information needed, so all is well. If someone does in fact want the domestic US SKU list, I now have it. PM me.

Have a good rest of the week y’all.
Never once have I complained that nobody got me the information. I mentioned above if nobody had it, it was no harm no foul. In responding to degenerates like you that has me in a mood due to your lack of IQ and reading abilities.
I think it's best if you just move on and leave this board. So far you have done nothing for this community other than calling names and behave like a slow minded 5 year old boy.

A lot was said here that you have absolutely no insight to. I simply asked for an SKU list. Could I have asked for it before? Yes. At least I still have the packaging and am not just ordering a bunch of random things and injecting without knowledge. You are making a lot of assumptions ‍♂️
You know. All flaming aside.

We all made mistakes when we first came aboard. Certainly as young bone heads in the gym. Myself included.

Where you really went sideways is you didn’t realize this isn’t redit and it is a brotherhood/sisterhood.

You lashed out and behaved immaturely, being disrespectful with senior members when people pointed you in the right direction.

That is a fatal mistake here. We just won’t help you or promote that behavior.

Perhaps re-assess, be a bit self critical and adjust.

Honest advice