Quad injection an nerves



I am on TRT (0.2 ml per injection). I inject every 3.5 days.

To avoid scar tissue I rotate between :

- Delts
- Glutes
- Quads

Delts and Glutes go very easy. Volume is so small that I don't have any PIP.

Quad unfortunately is another story.

One day I pinned to low near the knees and I hit a nerve. I didn't like the sensation but still injected my 0.2ml. Was limping for an hour but all was fine after that.

To avoid hitting a nerve again (you gotta hate that muscle twitching) I looked on the internet to find the right spot I have done a few injections without issue. Inserting the needle there is not the most amazing feeling but that is ok.

Bad thing is that while looking for quad injection spots on the internet I found some bad stories and people warning about quad injection (like hitting a nerve can provoke an infection or an abses . The be honest that can of scares me a little

I would like to know what is the risk to hit a nerve or blood vessel if I inject in the middle of vastus lateralis. Of course following the right injection protocols with pharma grade gear.

Also I never aspirate when I inject IM. Should I do it for quads ?

I use 25G 1 inch needles. My quad are big but there is fat around them.

I've never injected quads. Seems like such a bad spot to stick a needle idk why its so popular. Delts, lats, glutes, ventroglutes, + pecs/traps if the dosage isnt too big.

Tbh with only injecting twice a week you could just rotate both delts and glutes. Thats 4 spots over the course of 2 weeks. plenty imo.

No need to aspirate either.
Tbh with only injecting twice a week you could just rotate both delts and glutes. Thats 4 spots over the course of 2 weeks. plenty imo.

No need to aspirate either.

But on that note, lats are much easier than people think if you really need to add a spot. Also, if your semi lean you could slin pin (shallow IM) your delts (read, side, front) and lats. I also found bi's and tri's with a slin pin not bad at all.
The lest painful way I find is with a 1" orange about halfway down the vastus lateralis. When sitting, the needle and syringe would run parallel with the ground. Going right into the rectus femoris perpendicular to the ground or at a 45 degree angle is sore as.
I've never injected quads. Seems like such a bad spot to stick a needle idk why its so popular. Delts, lats, glutes, ventroglutes, + pecs/traps if the dosage isnt too big.

Tbh with only injecting twice a week you could just rotate both delts and glutes. Thats 4 spots over the course of 2 weeks. plenty imo.

No need to aspirate either.

I don't know why but I am not able to find the ventro glute site. tried to follow several videos on the internet, each time a find a different sport.

Lats would be nice if I had them. I feel I have absolutely no muscle there.

Pecs I just have to much fat for the moment (just started trt 9 weeks ago), and not much of a muscle.

I think I will keep with delts and glutes until I have built some muscle in my lats.
The lest painful way I find is with a 1" orange about halfway down the vastus lateralis. When sitting, the needle and syringe would run parallel with the ground. Going right into the rectus femoris perpendicular to the ground or at a 45 degree angle is sore as.

I am not worried about the pain. I am worried about something going bad there :(
I don't know why but I am not able to find the ventro glute site. tried to follow several videos on the internet, each time a find a different sport.

Lats would be nice if I had them. I feel I have absolutely no muscle there.

Pecs I just have to much fat for the moment (just started trt 9 weeks ago), and not much of a muscle.

I think I will keep with delts and glutes until I have built some muscle in my lats.
To inject the VG just aim for the most protruding area
I am not worried about the pain. I am worried about something going bad there :(

You should absolutely always aspirate with quads. They're the muscle I tend to find blood coming back into the syringe the most. I never get this with ventro, glutes or delta. Quads are usually a last option for me.
With insulin syringes and veiny legs with other visible details (genetics) I find it easy to inject. One of my favorite locations.
Quads are a regular part of my rotation and I never have a problem. I inject the outside of the quad near halfway but always in the upper half. I can see the viens in my quads so inject in between them. I would never inject quads in the lower half or towards the knee. I inject EoD quads along with VGlute in rotation and my quads are taking just under 3ml per injection currently. It’s the location of injection in the quad if your having a problem. Just anywhere is not how it’s done lol
So looking at the quad from your POV. You split your quad into three part from the knee to hip. You wanna pin the middle third and the 2 o clock position, so to the outside a little. If you do this you wont have much trouble. Ive been pinning quads for years. I use delts, quads, glutes, ventro glutes, and sometimes lats but i hate pinning lats. The bigger the muscle the more juice you can push in there. I never go over 1ml in each delt tho. It just wont take it.
Quads are a regular part of my rotation and I never have a problem. I inject the outside of the quad near halfway but always in the upper half. I can see the viens in my quads so inject in between them. I would never inject quads in the lower half or towards the knee. I inject EoD quads along with VGlute in rotation and my quads are taking just under 3ml per injection currently. It’s the location of injection in the quad if your having a problem. Just anywhere is not how it’s done lol

I see now, the time I hurt a nerve was because I was too close of the third near the knee.
So looking at the quad from your POV. You split your quad into three part from the knee to hip. You wanna pin the middle third and the 2 o clock position, so to the outside a little. If you do this you wont have much trouble. Ive been pinning quads for years. I use delts, quads, glutes, ventro glutes, and sometimes lats but i hate pinning lats. The bigger the muscle the more juice you can push in there. I never go over 1ml in each delt tho. It just wont take it.

The lest painful way I find is with a 1" orange about halfway down the vastus lateralis. When sitting, the needle and syringe would run parallel with the ground. Going right into the rectus femoris perpendicular to the ground or at a 45 degree angle is sore as.

OK, here I am confused between these 2 sentences :

- You wanna pin the middle third and the 2 o clock position, so to the outside a little

- When sitting, the needle and syringe would run parallel with the ground.

It's clear I need to pin in the middle third. Outside. But being at 2 o clock means that if I am sitting I will not be parralel to the ground
I pin ED and rotate quads, delts, pecs. Once in 5 yeara hit a nerve in the quad.

Put the palm of your hand on your hip and your pointer finger down. It will look like a gun in a hip holster. Anywhere near the tip of your finger is great for quad injection.
With insulin syringes and veiny legs with other visible details (genetics) I find it easy to inject. One of my favorite locations.
Agree. Been pinning quads for over a decade. Never an infection, swelling or hitting nerves.
OK, here I am confused between these 2 sentences :

- You wanna pin the middle third and the 2 o clock position, so to the outside a little

- When sitting, the needle and syringe would run parallel with the ground.

It's clear I need to pin in the middle third. Outside. But being at 2 o clock means that if I am sitting I will not be parralel to the ground
There are alot of blood vessels and tendons at the 3 oclock region. I mean you can be paralell to the ground but just stick to the 2 oclock area
I can’t figure out the VG. I’ve tried 3 different times. Every time it’s gone in like butter and zero pain…. Until the following days. Limping around like hell. Almost a sciatic feeling. Never any swelling. Idk what I’m doing wrong. I’ve watched videos and looked at pictures. Sucks bc it’s so easy to do I’d love to add it to my rotation.
There are alot of blood vessels and tendons at the 3 oclock region. I mean you can be paralell to the ground but just stick to the 2 oclock area

I think I can manage now. Will use 25G and 5/8 inch needle. Will just push the needle a little bit on the fat. with only 0.2 ml I don't think I shallow injection will hurt even if some of the oil end up in the fat area