Quad injection an nerves

Yes there are less nerves on the outer side and higher up on the leg. I have a freackle on both sides i use as my guidline lol.

But going to outer is IT bandand too middle not good either. Its a huge muscle easy to hit
Yes there are less nerves on the outer side and higher up on the leg. I have a freackle on both sides i use as my guidline lol.

But going to outer is IT bandand too middle not good either. Its a huge muscle easy to hit
I went dead center once, thats the one time I hit a nerve
1) SpotInjections.com
2) you should aspire to prevent to hit a vein. This is a major topic especially into the quad. Furthermore to see if the muscle/area is already full and not fully used oil is there. Not common at your dose.
3) you cannot prevent scar tissue.
4) 0.2 ml i would try to inject s.c.
1) SpotInjections.com
2) you should aspire to prevent to hit a vein. This is a major topic especially into the quad. Furthermore to see if the muscle/area is already full and not fully used oil is there. Not common at your dose.
3) you cannot prevent scar tissue.
4) 0.2 ml i would try to inject s.c.
Agree with spot injections but disagree with rest especially aspirating. I havent done it in years and theu dont even teach nurses to do it anymore.
Weirdos over here won't pin their quads but they found lats quite normal lol

Quads one of my favorite spots if not my favorite, is in front of me and can take big amounts of oil. Gluten are harder because I can't reach them properly.
I've hit a nerve sometimes some muscle twitch but that's about it.

As another member suggest middle third and I go 3 o'clock can pin more than 5ml each quad very easy
Agree with spot injections but disagree with rest especially aspirating. I havent done it in years and theu dont even teach nurses to do it anymore.
Really bullshit. For i.m. injection you have to aspire!
It is not mandatory for agents which can also been applied i.v.
But do what you want and if you hit a vein... Be a man.

I aspire. It cost no time and I can be sure that the agents land where they should be.
1) SpotInjections.com
2) you should aspire to prevent to hit a vein. This is a major topic especially into the quad. Furthermore to see if the muscle/area is already full and not fully used oil is there. Not common at your dose.
3) you cannot prevent scar tissue.
4) 0.2 ml i would try to inject s.c.
I wish i would do subq for such a small amount, but the castor oil gives me redness, pip and lump for a week

I am mostly concerned by the redness and the possibility to become allergic to the oil. That’s the only oil we have in my country, so if i become allergic to it i am screwed
Really bullshit. For i.m. injection you have to aspire!
It is not mandatory for agents which can also been applied i.v.
But do what you want and if you hit a vein... Be a man.

I aspire. It cost no time and I can be sure that the agents land where they should be.
Umm not BS but do as you wish agaim they dont even teach it anymore as it is unnecessary. If it makes you feel better go for it

I am just stating it is not a needed step.
How you make sure that you don't hit a blood vessel?
Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't happen.
Don't understand to take the risk of feeling bad when it happens although it just takes a second?!
I used to be iffy on pinning quads until I realized I was pinning in the wrong spot. I always had issues inserting the needle. Come to find out I was injecting too high up on the quad. Think of your quad as 3 sections, the lower (closest to knee), the middle (where your outer quad sweep is), and the higher part (closest to hips). You want to be injecting in the middle part, towards the outside of the leg.
I regularly use quads, it's just so easy and convenient. The nerve's are a pita and I seem to hit one every 7th or 8th injection. So I tend to avoid quads if I'm not lazy.

@Klimmzugernie yes, aspirating is kinda a ting of the past. It's been debated ad nauseum here on meso. I never do it too.
How you make sure that you don't hit a blood vessel?
Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't happen.
Don't understand to take the risk of feeling bad when it happens although it just takes a second?!
You do realize how small a chance there is of hitting a blood vessel or vein and actually staying in it, and injecting the oil in it? You may pass through it but never stay in it.

Let me ask you this how long have you been pinning, and how many times have actually drawn up any significant blood into the syringe aspirating?

I pin daily as well so odds of me doing what you suggest is against me, and I love my tren, but guess what no issues.

Again if it makes you feel better aspirating do it, just know its not needed.

I am on TRT (0.2 ml per injection). I inject every 3.5 days.

To avoid scar tissue I rotate between :

- Delts
- Glutes
- Quads

Delts and Glutes go very easy. Volume is so small that I don't have any PIP.

Quad unfortunately is another story.

One day I pinned to low near the knees and I hit a nerve. I didn't like the sensation but still injected my 0.2ml. Was limping for an hour but all was fine after that.

To avoid hitting a nerve again (you gotta hate that muscle twitching) I looked on the internet to find the right spot I have done a few injections without issue. Inserting the needle there is not the most amazing feeling but that is ok.

Bad thing is that while looking for quad injection spots on the internet I found some bad stories and people warning about quad injection (like hitting a nerve can provoke an infection or an abses . The be honest that can of scares me a little

I would like to know what is the risk to hit a nerve or blood vessel if I inject in the middle of vastus lateralis. Of course following the right injection protocols with pharma grade gear.

Also I never aspirate when I inject IM. Should I do it for quads ?

I use 25G 1 inch needles. My quad are big but there is fat around them.

Quads appear to be an iffy site for a lot of users... I would avoid quads altogether based on the frequency and volume of injections. I wouldn't be particularly worried about developing scar tissue which such a small amount and small needle. One thing to consider would be to use shorter needles in your delts... The reason for this is longer needles are naturally "harder" to push the oil through than shorter needles of the same gauge. So, when pushing the oil "harder", there's more wiggle. I am assuming the wiggling of the needle, over time, will cause more scar tissue than the oil.

For delts, I believe 5/8" is adequate here, assuming you are fairly lean.

Lastly, I have found warming the shot prior to injection makes it go in much smoother (less wiggle time) and spreads it a bit smoother (less lumps). I use a heating pad from Walgreen's, set to medium, with the shot pre-filled in it for about 5-10 minutes. Just keep it in the little wrapper the syringe comes in to add another layer of protection from outside contaminants.
Don't get your argument because aspire is no effort. But ok.
No argument here just saying its on going to aspirate or not.

I asked you how many times you have actually drew blood into your syringe aspirating, meaning you were literally in a vein or blood vessel
Watch for the IT Band whem you hit there.
I use a similar spot but what I do is imagine a line dividing my upper thigh in half on top, and another line dividing my upper thigh in half from the side. I inject halfway between the two. For me, I had a lot of pain when I injected too low on the quad. And some gear is painful no matter where you put it.
I use a similar spot but what I do is imagine a line dividing my upper thigh in half on top, and another line dividing my upper thigh in half from the side. I inject halfway between the two. For me, I had a lot of pain when I injected too low on the quad. And some gear is painful no matter where you put it.
To low is awful