Quercetin as a Myostatin inhibitor - Study

Really interesting study out of the cultured meat arena.

Quercetin apparently works as very potent Myostatin inhibitor in vitro.

Obviously this doesn't directly translate to a guaranteed thing for humans, but definitely deserves to be investigated in human pharmacotherapy further.

First off Quercetin has a terrible bioavailability. You can use Liposomal or galactomannan bound Quercetin though to boost bioavailability around 25x however.

Yeah, a myostatin inhibitor would be a fantastic find!
I've been on Quercetin the last 3 years now while dealing with cancer, and have kept taking it daily since. I've been able to pack muscle on insanely fast this time around on a mild trt dose coming back from like #130 all bone and organ weight, lol.

Ive been attributing it to muscle memory returning to stuff (I was a serious athlete pre diagnosis) but I wonder how much the quercetin has contributed if at all.

This is injected into growth media in dishes though to grow muscle tissue for lab grown meat, who knows if it's shuttled that way in vivo.
I truly wish you the best on your battle with cancer. I hope it's in remission.

It must have been about 25 to 30 years ago that I first read about myostatins. First article was either about "bull whippets" or "Belgium Blue" cattle, one article lead me to the other, both with a myostatin anomaly in their genes that make them bigger than F***. Both body builders and power lifters would love to NOT have their muscle growth limited by myostatins.

I'm 54 and not too interested in getting huge as much as I am interested in a higher quality of life through the information I find on these forums. I wish the same for you!
I truly wish you the best on your battle with cancer. I hope it's in remission.

I'm 54 and not too interested in getting huge as much as I am interested in a higher quality of life through the information I find on these forums. I wish the same for you!
Thankfully I am! It's been a good last few months ramping back up to feeling great again.

I did dig this study up as well on humans, but it doesn't directly address Myostatin, just significant athletic performance and.muscle mass increases. Negligibly significant VO2 max increase.

I remember reading a T Nation article about this probably 25+ years ago.

What did I do?

Immediately go to the nearest GNC and steal a bottle.
I wish so much for this to be true. Results on Bimagrumab looked promising, short-term for bodybuilding purposes: study

Maybe this is some CRISPR shit they're doing at Oxygen gym in Kuwait.

I wish so much for this to be true. Results on Bimagrumab looked promising, short-term for bodybuilding purposes: study
Same here. Not only finding a valid Myostatin inhibitor, but one without a plethora of off target effects and/or health risks.

Biologic/immune therapy agents in general scare me. I used one for cancer that was fantastic, but I could only get.myself to do it in cases like that. I don't think I could even risk it rolling the dice for skin conditions and such. Modulating with your immune system long term is still a huge unknown as far as potential negatives in later life.

Quercetin? Actively heals your body in all forms. Clears senescent cells, induces mitophagy, increases insulin sensitivity, on and on. Flavenoids are incredible important compounds.

This should be something relatively easy to test, and I'm sure quercetin or a close analog can be compounded for injection use (Like synthesizing 4-dma-7,8-dhf from the flavenoid 7,8-dhf).

Like I said, I already take quercetin and a list of other flavonoids daily, but it would be really cool to set up a community study to compare results in identical workout/macro plans.
Are you using Quercetin-PS? Any cheap sources?
I make my own Liposomes. I've got ready access to two labs for work, both have ultrasonic probes.

I just dump powdered quercetin in with MCT and Lecithin then let it run until the probe has effectively blasted apart and encased the powder. Volumetric dose from there. Liposomes by nature won't break down into each other anytime soon, I just do one batch a month.

I'm going to try scaffolding to galactomannan fiber like life extension does, it should be far easier to end up with a powdered finished product. Make a hydrogel out of soluble galactomannan fiber (fenugreek as the source), add the quercetin and probe, then finish in a freeze dryer to end up with powdered bio-quercetin. I plan on doing the same with Fisetin and 4-dma-7,8-dhf.

Cheap sources right now of it already completed? Idk. Life extension's is more affordable than Renue's at least, I'd go that route.

I had to shut down my nootropics business when I got sick in late 2020, I'll probably get it running again though towards the end of the summer. Once it's up and running I fully plan on having enhanced bioavailability flavonoids around too.
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Would be interested what other supplements are actually worth taking in your ex-supplement vendor opinion?
Would be interested what other supplements are actually worth taking in your ex-supplement vendor opinion?
Lmao, man if I listed out eveything I took in this thread, dosages, and timing I'd be typing the next half hour.

I plan on detailing my full stack in my log in pulling together right now. It's loosely based off Brian Johnson's blueprint protocol but with quite a few personal tweaks.

I take probably 40 pills AM, 25 noon, 20ish at 5pm and another 14 before bed.

Plus 10-15 powders I mix into protein shakes/smoothies and a few sublingual powders.

Then the list of injectables (Glutathione, carnitine, NAD+, MIC, etc)

I'll get around to it in the next couple days, I'm starting the main part of that mild cycle today so I was going to some point soon anyways when I updated the thread.
Then I've got situational compounds on top of all that that I use sparingly, as well as a rotation of peptides on a 30 on 30 off fashion.

Should be said, I've had my diet and training dialed in long before I went hard on supplementation. Those are obvious square ones that without them the pills are almost pointless.

Better living through chemistry starts with better living.
Same here. Not only finding a valid Myostatin inhibitor, but one without a plethora of off target effects and/or health risks.

Biologic/immune therapy agents in general scare me. I used one for cancer that was fantastic, but I could only get.myself to do it in cases like that. I don't think I could even risk it rolling the dice for skin conditions and such. Modulating with your immune system long term is still a huge unknown as far as potential negatives in later life.

Quercetin? Actively heals your body in all forms. Clears senescent cells, induces mitophagy, increases insulin sensitivity, on and on. Flavenoids are incredible important compounds.

This should be something relatively easy to test, and I'm sure quercetin or a close analog can be compounded for injection use (Like synthesizing 4-dma-7,8-dhf from the flavenoid 7,8-dhf).

Like I said, I already take quercetin and a list of other flavonoids daily, but it would be really cool to set up a community study to compare results in identical workout/macro plans.
I found a supplier of srk-015 but it is quite expensive if one were to buy it in small quantities.
Then I've got situational compounds on top of all that that I use sparingly, as well as a rotation of peptides on a 30 on 30 off fashion.

Should be said, I've had my diet and training dialed in long before I went hard on supplementation. Those are obvious square ones that without them the pills are almost pointless.

Better living through chemistry starts with better living.
Sounds like a hefty fee too. Would you be willing to post a photo of some supplements or of the stash of supplements? I would love to believe and gather the info you are sharing. I would really appreciate, because you sound very knowledgable. Or can do in PM?
Sounds like a hefty fee too. Would you be willing to post a photo of some supplements or of the stash of supplements? I would love to believe and gather the info you are sharing. I would really appreciate, because you sound very knowledgable. Or can do in PM?
Yeah absolutely, I was going to take the time today to type it out and such. I'm on vacation but I'll gladly have my girlfriend shoot me a picture, she's gotta run by and pick up a couple packages for me anyways.

As far as money I try not to think about it, lmao.
Yeah absolutely, I was going to take the time today to type it out and such. I'm on vacation but I'll gladly have my girlfriend shoot me a picture, she's gotta run by and pick up a couple packages for me anyways.

As far as money I try not to think about it, lmao.
Thank You, i appreciate it too. Sounds so very interesting,

Yes out of sight out of mind lol. Or at least out of thoughts.