Quercetin as a Myostatin inhibitor - Study

I'm just as obsessive over my gut microbiota's health and nutrition as my own. We're starting to figure out just how incredibly important diverse and abundant gut bacteria really is for us. Easily 50% of our mental and physical health starts with them.

Have you tried oral BPC157 for gut recovery? Any special probiotic recommendations?
That thought has definitely crossed my mind, but no, as far as feeling and functioning I'm great.

I do stay heavily on top of using different probiotic strains and feed them plenty of fiber every day, and I never take a large amount of supplements in an empty stomach.

I start every day with a smoothie that has at least 40g protein and 18-25g of fiber and absolutely loaded with different probiotic strains as a solid baseline, and only a couple things go into my stomach before that, and aside from that I eat a ridiculously clean whole food pescatarian diet. Pretty much only raw fruits, veggies, ancient grains, nuts, beans, lentils, Shrimp, Mackerel, sardines, local organic eggs and local dairy. I'll do chicken sometimes, but chicken, beef, pork, and other denser proteins have always sat funny for me. I try to really stay on top of gut health since that's where everything else health wise begins.
Do you know of Labdoor.com?

Its a website that tests vitamins and other health products like aminos, probiotics etc., to see the amount in them is as advertised, and if there is any other non specifed ingredients or heavy trace minerals in them. So at least you can find stuff of the label claims and is accurate for sure or a fraud.
Do you know of Labdoor.com?

Its a website that tests vitamins and other health products like aminos, probiotics etc., to see the amount in them is as advertised, and if there is any other non specifed ingredients or heavy trace minerals in them. So at least you can find stuff of the label claims and is accurate for sure or a fraud.

Not sure if they still have it, but Labdoor used to have a service like Jano for specific product testing. Cool website either way.
Not sure if they still have it, but Labdoor used to have a service like Jano for specific product testing. Cool website either way.
They have really upped there game on the testing, tons of new tests, and many more different catergories that are being tested now.