Question about Test No Ester and Test Base


New Member
i wanted to know if "test no ester" is the same as "test base"? I have raw test base and I am hoping it is the same thing as TNE - it makes sense to me that it is, but I want to be sure. Secondly, does anyone here administer TNE orally? Sorry if these are stupid newbie questions - I swear I have looked for an answer without successs
i wanted to know if "test no ester" is the same as "test base"? I have raw test base and I am hoping it is the same thing as TNE - it makes sense to me that it is, but I want to be sure. Secondly, does anyone here administer TNE orally? Sorry if these are stupid newbie questions - I swear I have looked for an answer without successs

TNE and test base are not the same thing. They are made from the same base constituent compound (testosterone free of any ester modifications) but as the resulting pharmacokinetics of the end product behave somewhat differently, due to, as mentioned above, one being a solution and the other a suspension, a summation of them "being the same", would be a wrong statement; ie. the compound from which they are made is the same but the end product are two different compounds.

You seem to be answering a question that nobody asked…

Moody huh
TNE and test base are not the same thing. They are made from the same base constituent compound (testosterone free of any ester modifications) but as the resulting pharmacokinetics of the end product behave somewhat differently, due to, as mentioned above, one being a solution and the other a suspension, a summation of them "being the same", would be a wrong statement; ie. the compound from which they are made is the same but the end product are two different compounds.

Finally someone who can express his ideas clearly !

Moody huh

Yeah I don't know about this guy he keeps making sentences with big words but I doubt he is as relevant as @ChestRockwell was.
TNE and test base are not the same thing. They are made from the same base constituent compound (testosterone free of any ester modifications) but as the resulting pharmacokinetics of the end product behave somewhat differently, due to, as mentioned above, one being a solution and the other a suspension, a summation of them "being the same", would be a wrong statement; ie. the compound from which they are made is the same but the end product are two different compounds.

*Oil vs water (regardless of it being a solution or a suspension) also effects absorption. Forgot to mention that.

Yeah I don't know about this guy he keeps making sentences with big words but I doubt he is as relevant as @ChestRockwell was.

Appreciate you pointing out ChestRockwell. I looked him up briefly and he sounded clear and concise, without notable ego issues.