Question about these 2 vials


New Member
I have this vial in the refrigerator since 2 months. Its a 2020 batch. Can i still use it? There are some powder leftovers at the
bottle neck. It looks like snowflakes. Are they normal? Here 2 pictures:
I also destroyed the vacuum today with a air filled syringe, and then saw that i dont have another needle to fill in the bac water.
Is this a problem, that there is now air inside the vial and i can only put the bac water inside tomorrow?
It's fine.
1. Unreconstituted GH, especially if kept in a cool/dry environment (e.g. a fridge), should be good for years before any significant degradation occurs.
2. The "snowflakes" are fine. It's ok for the 'puck' to break up. I've seen no evidence that this hurts the hormone.
3. Your equalization of the vacuum is also just fine. Ambient air isn't going to hurt the GH in one day.

Reconstitute and enjoy.
It's fine.
1. Unreconstituted GH, especially if kept in a cool/dry environment (e.g. a fridge), should be good for years before any significant degradation occurs.
2. The "snowflakes" are fine. It's ok for the 'puck' to break up. I've seen no evidence that this hurts the hormone.
3. Your equalization of the vacuum is also just fine. Ambient air isn't going to hurt the GH in one day.

Reconstitute and enjoy.

I just thought it could be mould or something else, because all the other vials look different and "cleaner". But i think "opt"i are very trusted and safe to use? They only had heat for 4-5 days when i ordered them.
Now 2 days after i destroyed the vacuum i filled the vial. Its okay right?
The pics are no longer working, but from what I remember, it looked liked perfectly normal "gh dust". Sometimes the "puck" or "disk" breaks up and/or slides up to the top during shipping, leaving little particles stuck to the glass. It isn't a big deal.

Heat from shipping is also pretty much a non-factor as the lyophilized powder is much more resilient than when reconstituted into a liquid.

Yes, the vacuum being released is also fine. It's good that you're concerned and doing your research, but your vial is still A-OK.