Quickest way to get systolic under 130 mmHg

I would like to see your blood work.

Id also like to see what your cortisol numbers are am pm , aldosterone, sodium,Potassium, dhea, acth and immunoglobulin g2. Also would like to see thyroid panel ft3 ft4.
That was last night.

This morning:


Taken twice this morning back to back, trying to relax and breath deeply and sit still and keep my feet planted flat.

Weird, huh?
How much cardio are you doing? My numbers dropped considerably when I added 30 walking on treadmill at an incline 15% and around 4-4.5 mph.
How much cardio are you doing? My numbers dropped considerably when I added 30 walking on treadmill at an incline 15% and around 4-4.5 mph.

I was going to ask the very same question. I turned fifty this Spring and my blood pressure is creeping up, too. The worse I've had was 140-145/90. I'm trying to do more cardio as I think this would help a lot. But I'm having a tough time squeezing four to five cardio sessions weekly into my hectic schedule.

Years ago I used to ride my bike as my main form of transportation. I'd spend at least an hour total each day getting around. Not all at once but twenty-five minutes here, thirty minutes there, etc. My blood pressure was 120/80 which I'd like to have again.

In my case it may also be because I'm carrying more muscular weight than I have in years. I'm up about fifteen pounds. I'm not ready to give up the big boy look just yet. In fact, I'd like to be around 230lb of lean muscle. I'm so damn vain.

I stopped riding my bicycle, by the way, because the city I moved to had such horrible and stupid drivers and I became too worried for my physical safety. I was literally dodging being run off the road or crushed by driving cars about twice a week, on average. That alone was making my blood pressure spike.
This is a serious post. I am 53. I am on 100mg testosterone weekly, along with 2 iu hgh daily. I also take 80mg telmisartan.

Blood pressure just now was 134/66.

Occasionally it is lower, e.g., 123/71 almost 3 weeks ago. 110/73 a week before that. But the 134/66 is more representative.

I am kind of getting sick of this. On cycle, with blood pressure meds, I am in the 140s or 150s over 80s or 90s. I dropped any plans of bodybuilding competition this year after my bulk to 251 pounds due to my blood pressure and concerns over longevity. I have no desire to die just for the reward of placing well or even winning again in an amateur bodybuilding contest.

Obviously, my blood pressure went down, but I would like to drive that top number down into the 120s consistently without blood pressure medicine.

I am soliciting thoughts here on how I might go about doing that, and the quickest way of doing so.

I took two months off lifting weights and stopped eating 4000 - 5000 calories a day. I dropped testosterone down again and again, and 100mg is where I am now. I recently started back in the gym, and it is amazing how little strength I lost during that time. My wife also kind of chuckled about how I still look good without working out and without a bunch of hormones. I lost more than 10 pounds (currently weighing 238-240 each morning), mostly water coming off a bulk and high carbs and testosterone.

I am guessing a severe calorie restriction and some hard fucking cardio, like riding my road bike and increasing speed and distance, or maybe upping the intensity and speed on some cardio machine like a step mill, which I normally keep my heart rate between 120 and 140 or so, bump it up. I am 53, so my maximum heart rate is supposed to be 167 (220 - 53 = 167).

Please share your thoughts.
How do you feel on 100 mg test?
@malfeasance I would suggest the following:

1. Cut out caffeine and any other stims, or at least cut back to green tea.
2. Ensure electrolyte balance is good; you aren't eating too much sodium
3. Start doing breath exercises 2 to 3 times per day. I personally like the 4-7-8 breath exercise. Inhale for 4, hold for 7, exhale for 8. There are many others though too.

Do you have access to a Sauna? There is a plethora of studies on regular Sauna use and improved cardiovascular function, including lowering blood pressure. Especially if you are able to use it 4-5 days per week long term. It should be a traditional sauna at 180 degrees, not an infrared. I am going to be getting a sauna at my house very soon to use daily for the physical (and mental) health benefits

I think at least lowering the HGH might be worth a try. There's several things there. You can try them in whatever order you like.
@malfeasance I would suggest the following:

1. Cut out caffeine and any other stims, or at least cut back to green tea.
2. Ensure electrolyte balance is good; you aren't eating too much sodium
3. Start doing breath exercises 2 to 3 times per day. I personally like the 4-7-8 breath exercise. Inhale for 4, hold for 7, exhale for 8. There are many others though too.

Do you have access to a Sauna? There is a plethora of studies on regular Sauna use and improved cardiovascular function, including lowering blood pressure. Especially if you are able to use it 4-5 days per week long term. It should be a traditional sauna at 180 degrees, not an infrared. I am going to be getting a sauna at my house very soon to use daily for the physical (and mental) health benefits

I think at least lowering the HGH might be worth a try. There's several things there. You can try them in whatever order you like.

The biggest factor has been 100mg test dose weekly, no hgh, no nothing except telmisartan at 80 mg a day, which I am considering lowering to 40mg. I have been eating less, too.

Plenty of caffeine, alcohol when I feel like it. :D
This is a serious post. I am 53. I am on 100mg testosterone weekly, along with 2 iu hgh daily. I also take 80mg telmisartan.

Blood pressure just now was 134/66.

Occasionally it is lower, e.g., 123/71 almost 3 weeks ago. 110/73 a week before that. But the 134/66 is more representative.

I am kind of getting sick of this. On cycle, with blood pressure meds, I am in the 140s or 150s over 80s or 90s. I dropped any plans of bodybuilding competition this year after my bulk to 251 pounds due to my blood pressure and concerns over longevity. I have no desire to die just for the reward of placing well or even winning again in an amateur bodybuilding contest.

Obviously, my blood pressure went down, but I would like to drive that top number down into the 120s consistently without blood pressure medicine.

I am soliciting thoughts here on how I might go about doing that, and the quickest way of doing so.

I took two months off lifting weights and stopped eating 4000 - 5000 calories a day. I dropped testosterone down again and again, and 100mg is where I am now. I recently started back in the gym, and it is amazing how little strength I lost during that time. My wife also kind of chuckled about how I still look good without working out and without a bunch of hormones. I lost more than 10 pounds (currently weighing 238-240 each morning), mostly water coming off a bulk and high carbs and testosterone.

I am guessing a severe calorie restriction and some hard fucking cardio, like riding my road bike and increasing speed and distance, or maybe upping the intensity and speed on some cardio machine like a step mill, which I normally keep my heart rate between 120 and 140 or so, bump it up. I am 53, so my maximum heart rate is supposed to be 167 (220 - 53 = 167).

Please share your thoughts.
Lose weight my man. That's the fastest way to have a good BP in your case and do cardio. Don't see any other way.