Rant: UGL made Clen is all garbage!

I came across this, a while ago:

This is a video of some of the article:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxptEX6LyHg

And this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QLvzCr6nz4

Yes, the first article is talking about small studies and other fields, not about weight loss drugs.
No, I am not into conspiracy theories.
But hearing about this made me question clinical research and they way it may be conducted, a little.
It had never dawned on me that things may not be as transparent as they are presented to me, with regards to this kind of thing.

My natural reaction is to trust and believe.
And that is why, IRL, 9 times out 10 I am disappointed by people, eventually.
Unfortunately, it is in my character to never assume that someone is lying or pretending. Why would they?
I will take it all at face value and go with it.
Sometimes, down the line, something may push me to say "ok but what if".
And this is one of those things, where I trust what I am told but, at the same time, there is something that makes me put a little question mark, there.
If you want to call this irrational, silly and unsubstantiated, I accept that.

Many of the studies are at least partially funded by pharma and it is disclosed on the manuscripts.

Yes, many others appear to have no affiliations or interests.
But, for example, if researchers involved in a clinical trial are not paid by the company but have bought into the company that makes the drugs they are researching, are they going to disclose that this is the case? Is it possible that this may influence the way the data is analysed, for example, as they have interest in the company’s financial performance?
Maybe this is far-fetched and irrelevant, in the greater scheme of things.
But with so much money behind it all, and these drugs now being touted as a cure for so many ills (when I am being told here that they have been around for 30 years), sometimes I feel like playing devil's advocate.
I have learnt you don't like the feelz, in this place, and that's all good.
And yes, I have read a few of the studies that have been referenced here by so many people (first and foremost, the in house GLPS pin up Ghoul). For that, I am thankful.
However, I am not going to pretend that I support something when it is not really the case, yet.
Until I make my mind up about this, I won't mention it again, otherwise it's just idiotic.