Reacting bad from every steroid other then testsorone based family steroids

Ive been on trt now for 2 years 180mg a week. ive added a few compounds in for 2 over that course and seem to not react well to NPP, and Anavar. I do seem to react very well to t-bol and semi good to Dbol as long as i have AI on hand

I added NPP in at 350mg a week to my last blast of test E @550mg one year ago to help with my joint degeneration aches and strength boost on 3 seperate occasions. I think the longest i was able to stay on it was 1 full month before i started feeling moodier and mort tired after 2 weeks on it and after another 2 weeks i said fuck this i feel so off. Mr peckerwood would get hard but sensation was so low and was very hard to orgasm. So i tried dropping down to 200mg as well a few months after to see how i tolerate that and got kind of the same feeling again after 2 weeks. Stopped it again and gave it one more run another few months later being that i still had unused NPP and got to the same point again.

So i said ok fuck npp.
let me try anavar sinve that is the least aide effects. So i give anavar a run at 60mg. I felt fine the first week so i was getting a little happy about it, i kid you not by day 8 the moodiness, and agitation froom being moody started. But the first day im kind of figuiring i might just be having a bad day. You know just one of those days. Everyday after that was the same for the next 12 days. Even more moody then when i was on NPP, i felt it made me more angry bc felt so unmotivated that everything pissed me off. As well as very low sex drive. Dont even think about jerking off. So that was the first run which was 21 days before i stopped. Waited another 2 months and tried again and the same fucking thing....

Npp is from the 19 nor family and anavar is from the DHT family. Tbol and dbol and test are all the test based stuff. I was curious are their other ppl that dont react well to anything but tes based steroids? Also i Anadrol sitting here as well but im now scared to take them because since i was reading there in the dht family that i might not respond well to them either.

Anyone else have expierneces like this or some articles i can chexk out??
I'm assuming your e2 wasn't in check. How were your bloods?

There are plenty of other compounds you could try. Have you made a thread to get input to trouble shoot?

I have tried

The ones I don't like are deca and primo
But anavar and NPP arent suppose to raise E2. Npp will rais progesterone, which i did not take but i actually now do have cabaser. Anavar from what i thought reading tldoesent really aromatize but it will crush ShGb. I got labs while taking the anavar and my SHGB was very very low. Compared to my regular resutls when i do trt blood work
I personally don't get people who experience any kind of psychological effects from AAS. You are bit moody after few weeks? So what? Just push through, deal with your emotions like a man and after some time you probably get used to controlling your emotions and not let them affect you.
I personally don't get people who experience any kind of psychological effects from AAS. You are bit moody after few weeks? So what? Just push through, deal with your emotions like a man and after some time you probably get used to controlling your emotions and not let them affect you.
100% agreed
I personally don't get people who experience any kind of psychological effects from AAS. You are bit moody after few weeks? So what? Just push through, deal with your emotions like a man and after some time you probably get used to controlling your emotions and not let them affect you.
Yeah I constantly check in with myself to see how I'm feeling, if I'm grumpy or short tempered that day I am mindful of this and make sure to moderate myself to not let it affect interactions with my family, friends, coworkers etc.

Part of the game as far as I'm concerned. Even without gear, a man should be mindful of his feelings and be able to moderate them to keep an even keel imo.
Ive been on trt now for 2 years 180mg a week. ive added a few compounds in for 2 over that course and seem to not react well to NPP, and Anavar. I do seem to react very well to t-bol and semi good to Dbol as long as i have AI on hand

I added NPP in at 350mg a week to my last blast of test E @550mg one year ago to help with my joint degeneration aches and strength boost on 3 seperate occasions. I think the longest i was able to stay on it was 1 full month before i started feeling moodier and mort tired after 2 weeks on it and after another 2 weeks i said fuck this i feel so off. Mr peckerwood would get hard but sensation was so low and was very hard to orgasm. So i tried dropping down to 200mg as well a few months after to see how i tolerate that and got kind of the same feeling again after 2 weeks. Stopped it again and gave it one more run another few months later being that i still had unused NPP and got to the same point again.

So i said ok fuck npp.
let me try anavar sinve that is the least aide effects. So i give anavar a run at 60mg. I felt fine the first week so i was getting a little happy about it, i kid you not by day 8 the moodiness, and agitation froom being moody started. But the first day im kind of figuiring i might just be having a bad day. You know just one of those days. Everyday after that was the same for the next 12 days. Even more moody then when i was on NPP, i felt it made me more angry bc felt so unmotivated that everything pissed me off. As well as very low sex drive. Dont even think about jerking off. So that was the first run which was 21 days before i stopped. Waited another 2 months and tried again and the same fucking thing....

Npp is from the 19 nor family and anavar is from the DHT family. Tbol and dbol and test are all the test based stuff. I was curious are their other ppl that dont react well to anything but tes based steroids? Also i Anadrol sitting here as well but im now scared to take them because since i was reading there in the dht family that i might not respond well to them either.

Anyone else have expierneces like this or some articles i can chexk out??
what was your ai dosage during the 550 test and 350 npp blast? npp or nandrolone in general ins known to increase aromatization and if you write that you have ~40 pg/ml e2 with trt test and start to gst moody at 70pg/ml im curious what your e2 was on blast.

also i advise to use a test dosage that puts you at ~1000ng/dl not more as testosterone is the only steroid that can raise prolactin.
high estrogen exacerbates prolactin issues and by running test higher than trt plus nandrolone you will have increased prolactin from the test, way increased aromatization as nandrolone binds to the androgen receptors as it has a higher binding affinity for them than test, you will have a shit ton of test floating around in your bloodstream only getting aromatized plus the increased aromatization from the nandrolone. not a good combination.
The only time ive gotten blood work other then my normal every 4 month trt blood work was when i was on the Var, everything was normal minus shgb which i think was like 4 really low. Im going for blood work in 2 weeks again but im just on my regular trt dose. I could add the nandrolone now and see what my e2s looking like. But i try and come off everything other then trt 3 weeks prior to labs for to keep my levels all looking the same. I dont wanna go and my free test and total are tripled as well as E2s and hdl ldl
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I personally don't get people who experience any kind of psychological effects from AAS. You are bit moody after few weeks? So what? Just push through, deal with your emotions like a man and after some time you probably get used to controlling your emotions and not let them affect you.
Yeah but thats where your blinded, you only understand what your body can tolerate. Ppl that are giving methyl predniosone a small percent of them go into a psycosis. Im unfortunately one of them. Ive done lots of blow in my day and god damn after 3 days on methlypredinoskne for a allegic reaction i felt like i just dumped out a gramnof coke and blew it. Everyones body is different and tolerates,breaksdown and respinds different. Have some compassion for us overly sensative pricks will yaa!!
Ive been on trt now for 2 years 180mg a week. ive added a few compounds in for 2 over that course and seem to not react well to NPP, and Anavar. I do seem to react very well to t-bol and semi good to Dbol as long as i have AI on hand

I added NPP in at 350mg a week to my last blast of test E @550mg one year ago to help with my joint degeneration aches and strength boost on 3 seperate occasions. I think the longest i was able to stay on it was 1 full month before i started feeling moodier and mort tired after 2 weeks on it and after another 2 weeks i said fuck this i feel so off. Mr peckerwood would get hard but sensation was so low and was very hard to orgasm. So i tried dropping down to 200mg as well a few months after to see how i tolerate that and got kind of the same feeling again after 2 weeks. Stopped it again and gave it one more run another few months later being that i still had unused NPP and got to the same point again.

So i said ok fuck npp.
let me try anavar sinve that is the least aide effects. So i give anavar a run at 60mg. I felt fine the first week so i was getting a little happy about it, i kid you not by day 8 the moodiness, and agitation froom being moody started. But the first day im kind of figuiring i might just be having a bad day. You know just one of those days. Everyday after that was the same for the next 12 days. Even more moody then when i was on NPP, i felt it made me more angry bc felt so unmotivated that everything pissed me off. As well as very low sex drive. Dont even think about jerking off. So that was the first run which was 21 days before i stopped. Waited another 2 months and tried again and the same fucking thing....

Npp is from the 19 nor family and anavar is from the DHT family. Tbol and dbol and test are all the test based stuff. I was curious are their other ppl that dont react well to anything but tes based steroids? Also i Anadrol sitting here as well but im now scared to take them because since i was reading there in the dht family that i might not respond well to them either.

Anyone else have expierneces like this or some articles i can chexk out??
I'd stick with test. Personally I think it is all 99% of us would ever need.
I personally don't get people who experience any kind of psychological effects from AAS. You are bit moody after few weeks? So what? Just push through, deal with your emotions like a man and after some time you probably get used to controlling your emotions and not let them affect you.
Well said.
Yeah but thats where your blinded, you only understand what your body can tolerate. Ppl that are giving methyl predniosone a small percent of them go into a psycosis. Im unfortunately one of them. Ive done lots of blow in my day and god damn after 3 days on methlypredinoskne for a allegic reaction i felt like i just dumped out a gramnof coke and blew it. Everyones body is different and tolerates,breaksdown and respinds different. Have some compassion for us overly sensative pricks will yaa!!
I just saw this... Those are people with underlying mental health issues that get psychosis from corticosteroids...

So I guess you do have a mental health disorder?
I just saw this... Those are people with underlying mental health issues that get psychosis from corticosteroids...

So I guess you do have a mental health disorder?
Honestly wouldent be surprised. But how factual is the statement only ppl that get psycosis from cortico have mental health issues. Asking for some articles and not in a dick way but out curiousity
Ive been on Tren Ace for 39 days 525mg/week and I feel like absolute dog shit, horrible anxiety, shutting myself out from the world, lung capacity feels like I'm a 400lbs man. But GOD DAMN I am looking jacked as fuck but to be honest can't wait to move on lol.

I dread most of the shit I end up taking except for maybe a select few but the ones I hated the most gave me the best gains - Kind of fucked up haha
Honestly wouldent be surprised. But how factual is the statement only ppl that get psycosis from cortico have mental health issues. Asking for some articles and not in a dick way but out curiousity
Corticosteroids are prone to causing these issues with patients. It only makes sense it would exacerbate their baseline symptoms. Some patients who get mania/depression from it are already on medications to help control it. Then the medication to control their baseline symptoms aren't enough when they start steroid therapy. Seen a lot of bipolar women get straight up crazy manic on it.
Yeah thats where i was at last year on the npp. Finally after 2 months i decided to pull the plug and with ina week i started feeling better. My blood pressure was sky high which is why i actual pulled the plug. I was at 164/98 pretty steadily, and i noticed when my blood pressure is high trying to fall asleep is damn near impossible even with taking nyquil.

I did blow up though. The joint lubrication was amazing, i couldent finish some workouts bc i was getting such burning in my joints and once i added npp with in a week it was gone. I did also addabout 12 lbs and could no longer fit in any of my shirts without looking wayyy to tight. Which actually kind of sucked bc i had to by new cloth. But its not worth mental sides for me at least.
Ive been on Tren Ace for 39 days 525mg/week and I feel like absolute dog shit, horrible anxiety, shutting myself out from the world, lung capacity feels like I'm a 400lbs man. But GOD DAMN I am looking jacked as fuck but to be honest can't wait to move on lol.

I dread most of the shit I end up taking except for maybe a select few but the ones I hated the most gave me the best gains - Kind of fucked up haha

Hey man. Please take care of your health.

Unless your physique is something akin to 97' Ronnie Coleman, I don't think you have any business running that much tren(Respectfully)

You could get away with using much much less.

When the muscles are gone in your old age, and you can't enjoy sound health and peace of mind in your older years, I think you'll regret it. I think we all will.

I don't mean to sound like a sorry cunt, I'm quite fucking young and headstrong myself...but let's learn from those who have passed too soon and handed down valuable lessons about abusing our bodies...Otherwise, how foolish are we?

All love man.