Really stressed out now, did I waste money on bunk test?

Bro, are you slow? Axle's stuff all tested perfectly before too. It was only when other people tested it that we found out shit was fucked up. Excuse me if I'm not bending over backwards to trust that a guy who is a pathological liar with years of history of using alt accounts to help himself out is suddenly honest and perfect.

I'm gonna call you Slow Joey from now on.

Actually @ohitsroy and @Meatgazer have posted evidence of correctly dosed product. Are you seriously suggesting that he’s just selling fake gear? lol really?
Actually @ohitsroy and @Meatgazer have posted evidence of correctly dosed product. Are you seriously suggesting that he’s just selling fake gear? lol really?
Wait, you're the thread starter and now you're shilling MC? And suggesting that you suspect your gear is underdosed and your great idea is to take more of it to compensate for a wild theory? While ignoring comments about getting your stuff tested (no matter what lab)? From a safety standpoint perhaps you shouldn't be injecting anything.
Actually @ohitsroy and @Meatgazer have posted evidence of correctly dosed product. Are you seriously suggesting that he’s just selling fake gear? lol really?
? He had two batches of NPP that were fucked, one that was severely underdosed and one that had Test mixed in it. All of this stuff is recorded in his thread, Slow Joey. Try keeping up.

For the record, as I've already stated, I think most of his stuff is fine and dosed correctly. You're just buying from a pathological liar that doesn't give two fucks about doing things the right way if he can get away with it.
Wait, you're the thread starter and now you're shilling MC? And suggesting that you suspect your gear is underdosed and your great idea is to take more of it to compensate for a wild theory? While ignoring comments about getting your stuff tested (no matter what lab)? From a safety standpoint perhaps you shouldn't be injecting anything.
I have never purchased mc product and yes that is my solution.
? He had two batches of NPP that were fucked, one that was severely underdosed and one that had Test mixed in it. All of this stuff is recorded in his thread, Slow Joey. Try keeping up.

For the record, as I've already stated, I think most of his stuff is fine and dosed correctly. You're just buying from a pathological liar that doesn't give two fucks about doing things the right way if he can get away with it.
Okay and? He addressed those issues whatever
You're one of the most obnoxious retards I've seen in a while, Slow Joey. To the ignore list you go!
lol the OP is def a MC teammate. All these useless post to finally bring up MC. The only two labs that had personal problems on another board. And guess what one of them were trying to badmouth each other bc of the personal vendetta against each other.

Go get bloods and lab test and shut your pie hole
I think it’s clear now all the months worth of test is bunk or contaminated

You're spoiled for choice when it comes to reliable brands here. If you're penny pinching buy from QSC. It's like $100 for ten vials of Test Cyp 250 shipped.
You're spoiled for choice when it comes to reliable brands here. If you're penny pinching buy from QSC. It's like $100 for ten vials of Test Cyp 250 shipped.
Oh I luckily have actually reliable sources to go back to, but fuck I I shot myself in the foot for trying out this lab. I literally just threw a chair across my room a few minutes ago that’s how pissed I am
Oh I luckily have actually reliable sources to go back to, but fuck I I shot myself in the foot for trying out this lab. I literally just threw a chair across my room a few minutes ago that’s how pissed I am
For what it’s worth I’m running axles test e 250 mast 400 and Deca 250 now that being said I ordered literally 2 days before the whole gluc thing blew up but the test is def good to go and so is the mast 400 im dense and extremely solid since starting the mast no water at all muscles are tight as hell all around I’m running 500mg test 400 mast 125 Deca a week the Deca idk yet obviously takes a little longer to kick and using for joint support more or less but has a little gluc smell so I’m very iffy on only grab 1 bottle so not crazy concerned and I don’t have issues with pip from it or any blood markers but I’ve seen cross is npp so makes me a little uneasy but I just use the shit fuck it but don’t condone on my ways that’s just me. But mast is def good to go.