Really stressed out now, did I waste money on bunk test?


Hey guys sorry for the lack of introduction, I normally just lurk and use this forum for sources. However, recently upon reading Axle Labs threads I’m very concerned and frustrated. I purchased quite a lot of product from this source most specifically test and mast and now I’m beginning to wonder whether I just wasted money on bunk oil.

If that’s the case I still have another reliable quality source to buy from, just a longer TA time and no tracking. But this will now take extra time and money, meanwhile I have all this product from Axle which I don’t know is real or not. The TNE and cialis I can definitely feel but I haven’t tried the test p and mast p.
Of course he posted all of his recent tests from Jano which have come back with accurate dosing, but I don’t whether he just used a few samples just for show or not. Sorry for rambling I’m just stressing tf out now with the money I spent on months worth of supply.

Plus there’s the alleged alt accounts used for shilling which is a huge red flag when it comes to product quality and integrity. For those of you who have used this lab, are these guys good to go? Or should I tie my losses?
The only way to know accurately is to get it tested yourself. That is the only certain method, you can do blood work but that wouldn’t exactly pinpoint the exact dose per mg.

If you’re able to invest lots of money on a cycle and it’s worth it to test then do it, if not then discard it. However, you will never be certain it is the reason your response to the gear is subpar.
Hey guys sorry for the lack of introduction, I normally just lurk and use this forum for sources. However, recently upon reading Axle Labs threads I’m very concerned and frustrated. I purchased quite a lot of product from this source most specifically test and mast and now I’m beginning to wonder whether I just wasted money on bunk oil.

If that’s the case I still have another reliable quality source to buy from, just a longer TA time and no tracking. But this will now take extra time and money, meanwhile I have all this product from Axle which I don’t know is real or not. The TNE and cialis I can definitely feel but I haven’t tried the test p and mast p.
Of course he posted all of his recent tests from Jano which have come back with accurate dosing, but I don’t whether he just used a few samples just for show or not. Sorry for rambling I’m just stressing tf out now with the money I spent on months worth of supply.

Plus there’s the alleged alt accounts used for shilling which is a huge red flag when it comes to product quality and integrity. For those of you who have used this lab, are these guys good to go? Or should I tie my losses?

Do you also think your girlfriend cheats on you when all signs point to loyalty but some jackass at works tells you he saw her flirtng around over the weekend?

This is an anxiety issue. Test your vials if thats what you need to do to calm dowm but re read your post. You can *feel* the TNE and Cialis, all of his recent tests from Jano have come back accurately dosed. You speak nothing of the members that have had the gear tested themselves, nor the even larger volume of members running the gear happy as clams.

Most of us, are too busy getting shit done day to day and cant be bothered to come on the forums to reassure everyone the gear is good to go when a few people decide to make it their mission to discredit a source. We just keep injecting, eating, lifting and sleeping.
Do you also think your girlfriend cheats on you when all signs point to loyalty but some jackass at works tells you he saw her flirtng around over the weekend?

This is an anxiety issue. Test your vials if thats what you need to do to calm dowm but re read your post. You can *feel* the TNE and Cialis, all of his recent tests from Jano have come back accurately dosed. You speak nothing of the members that have had the gear tested themselves, nor the even larger volume of members running the gear happy as clams.

Most of us, are too busy getting shit done day to day and cant be bothered to come on the forums to reassure everyone the gear is good to go when a few people decide to make it their mission to discredit a source. We just keep injecting, eating, lifting and sleeping.
that’s the thing I haven’t see anyone else who has tested his products to be accurate or any positive reviews. Most of his positive reviews are quickly shut down by other member as being shills and alt accounts. Idk what to believe. Sure I can test it myself but that will take time and I only have his test p on hand so Im hoping im not injecting just bunk oil

I think im just overreacting, at worst his test prop may be 10% underdosed at the worst, if that.
that’s the thing I haven’t see anyone else who has tested his products to be accurate or any positive reviews. Most of his positive reviews are quickly shut down by other member as being shills and alt accounts. Idk what to believe. Sure I can test it myself but that will take time and I only have his test p on hand so Im hoping im not injecting just bunk oil

I think im just overreacting, at worst his test prop may be 10% underdosed at the worst, if that.

I am not taking a swing at the new age of testing, and i appreciate all the guys who truly are just trying to watch out for their fellow bodybuilders when it comes to keeping sources honest.

That said, inject it, look in the mirror, step on the scale, hit the gym. Ive been at this on and off for over 10 years, i dont need a test to tell me if I am on quality gear. Accurately dosed? I dose as needed for my goals, i dont care if the label says 100mg or 500mg, if I need more I inject more, if I need less i inject less.

By all means send a vial off for testing if it gives you peace of mind. Me... That oil belongs in a syringe in my ass cheek.
that’s the thing I haven’t see anyone else who has tested his products to be accurate or any positive reviews. Most of his positive reviews are quickly shut down by other member as being shills and alt accounts. Idk what to believe. Sure I can test it myself but that will take time and I only have his test p on hand so Im hoping im not injecting just bunk oil

I think im just overreacting, at worst his test prop may be 10% underdosed at the worst, if that.

I'd be more concerned about guaiacol contamination (a carcinogen used by some labs to make their jobs easier) or some other brewing error based on what others have said.

Faking test is a rarity, the testosterone content is less than $1. If something's wrong it's typically a screwup.

I realize this is an unpopular opinion with some, but I'll never understand the obsession a few have with tiny labs, especially for something as basic as a vial of test.

There are much larger companies, a number sponsoring the big ads on the right of the Meso screen, that sell 1000x as many vials a month, and have easily findable Jano tests from multiple customers. There's safety in numbers, because regularly faking or screwing up gear would be quickly discovered with that many customers and be reported all over the place,

Something as basic as Test doesn't benefit from a tiny "boutique" shop making it, that's where most of the fûckery comes from, like the guaiacol "surprise".

Better off with a mass produced product from a company with a long history.

Small labs are for the guys who self admittedly like to switch from brand to brand for whatever reason. I prefer consistency, or at least a better shot at consistency than you can get from brand hopping.

Stay on the beaten path.
I'd be more concerned about guaiacol contamination (a carcinogen used by some labs to make their jobs easier) or some other brewing error based on what others have said.

Faking test is a rarity, the testosterone content is less than $1. If something's wrong it's typically a screwup.

I realize this is an unpopular opinion with some, but I'll never understand the obsession a few have with tiny labs, especially for something as basic as a vial of test.

There are much larger companies, a number sponsoring the big ads on the right of the Meso screen, that sell 1000x as many vials a month, and have easily findable Jano tests from multiple customers. There's safety in numbers, because regularly faking or screwing up gear would be quickly discovered with that many customers and be reported all over the place,

Something as basic as Test doesn't benefit from a tiny "boutique" shop making it, that's where most of the fûckery comes from, like the guaiacol "surprise".

Better off with a mass produced product from a company with a long history.

Stay on the beaten path.
Someone recently posted a test showing negative presence of guaiacol for one of his batches. I was mainly concerned whether the test p I bought was fake
Someone recently posted a test showing negative presence of guaiacol for one of his batches. I was mainly concerned whether the test p I bought was fake

Finding a brand that's been selling all Test esters reliably for 5 years or more isn't rocket science. Some people around here want to pretend they have to be on an endless quest for legit gear. Skip the drama and go with a big recognizeable name. Most of the time they're even cheaper.

And if guiacol ever shows up in a single place where it shouldn't be, I'm done with that brand. With disclosure is one thing, but surprise discovery is another.

Axle handled it as responsibly as he could, to his credit. His brewer did this to him, but why would anyone risk it going forward?
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Im a big skeptic of Axle's but not sure what you're worried about. Haven't seen anything to indicate he's faking shit, just had some issues with poor QC on his NPP and he seems to bathe in guaiacol so the smell of it is on most of his vials even if it's apparently not inside.
Im a big skeptic of Axle's but not sure what you're worried about. Haven't seen anything to indicate he's faking shit, just had some issues with poor QC on his NPP and he seems to bathe in guaiacol so the smell of it is on most of his vials even if it's apparently not inside.
I only smelled it in my TNE oil, can’t smell it with the npp or test I bought from him fortunately
Nothing has been tested that would make me think his gear is fake. Some issues with NPP, but other than that his gear has been tested and seems to be legit. I would worry about it, get it tested pull bloods and just run the stuff.
Nothing has been tested that would make me think his gear is fake. Some issues with NPP, but other than that his gear has been tested and seems to be legit. I would worry about it, get it tested pull bloods and just run the stuff.
There’s also the fear that the 100ml test prop turns out to really be 50-60 ml test prop meaning instead of injecting 350mg test weekly I’m just running regular trt dose wasting time
There’s also the fear that the 100ml test prop turns out to really be 50-60 ml test prop meaning instead of injecting 350mg test weekly I’m just running regular trt dose wasting time

The only way 100ml of anything could be 50-60ml is if you have bunk syringes with fake markings.
The only way 100ml of anything could be 50-60ml is if you have bunk syringes with fake markings.
Pharmacon definitely underdosed their test e by at least 40% in the past. Also cross contaminated primo with deca. So these incidents are very well possible even today
I had 400ng/dl test levels taking 350mg of pharmacon test e a few years ago.

I haven’t slept well the past week with a lot of stress and problems I have to investigate in my life atm please forgive my rambling.
Your fear sounds like it's on the edge of paranoia. 100ml might be 50-60? You either read the reviews and trust it, or get it tested yourself. If you can't handle either of those, gear isn't for you. Nobody has their mom holding their hand through this.