Recomp/cutting cycle



I am having nice results so far, so I wanted to share and keep a log.

Age: 26
Height: 1.81 m
Starting weight: 95 kg
Current weight (6 weeks into the cycle): 92 - 92,8kg (it fluctuates)
Starting body fat: Around 23%
Current body fat: I don´t know, maybe 21%
Waist at the start: 102 cm
Waist now: 95cm
Years training (on and off, easy times and hard times): 8 years.

Week 1 - 3
500mg of testosterone cypionate
40mg ED oxandrolone

Week 4 - 12
250 mg of testosterone cypionate
400mg of masteron enanthate
20 mg ED oxandrolone (maybe I will drop this earlier).

Aromatization was very bad at week 3, fixed it with adex+nolva, I guess it was due to high bodyfat, I listened to advice on here and dropped test dose, I am good now.

Strength gains from 6 weeks of cycle:

FROM 120 kg for 6 reps of bench press TO 130kg for 7 reps.

FROM 6 reps with 40kg dumbbells of shoulder press TO 6 reps with 48kg dumbbells.

FROM 5 reps with 180kg of deadlift TO 4 reps with 200 kg.

FROM 4 reps with 140 kg in deep squat TO 150 for 6 reps.


2000 - 2200 calories; minimum of 200g protein a day, 150 - 180 grams of carbs and rest in fat. Being pretty strict. In 6 full weeks I cheated 3 times, some of them inevitable. One refeed on purpose, it didn´t do much, I just woke up the next day bloated. The second I had to go with co-workers and ended up drinking a lot of alcohol, curiously I woke up the next day weighting a lot less.


Amazed by strength gains and training intensity even with an aggressive calorie deficit. I wish I would have done this cut natty and then use the AAS power with a big bulking diet.

My waist is dropping, water retention is there, the stomach seems a lot flatter, and fat is getting squishy, but still, I feel like getting lean (around 12%) is miles away, and I don´t think I will make it to the end of the cycle. After cycle I will do maintenance while I recover my hormones and then keep cutting.
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Waist is down 1,5 cm more: 93,5 cm, finally getting below 20%. I was fatter than I thought.

Added ECA Stack today for last 4 weeks of cycle.

Also upped the calories to 2.400 and increased activity, doing a lot of spinning classes after weights, I sweat like a mf and end up exhausted.

8 weeks into cycle, 250mg test c + 400mg mast e, I have been on Mast E just 4 weeks, starting to kick in. Vascularity, redness at the gym and people staring at me lol

It's actually a great cycle, dropping off waist at high speed at the same time that i am increasing strength at the gym... the magic of AAS.

Thinking about upping testosterone to 500mg for the last 4 weeks of cycle, I know that after this I will be off for a very long time. It would make 500/400 test/mast. Advice please?
Sounds like your cut is going well. If things are going well and you’re cutting why would you up the test dose again when you had issues last time? What’s your goal or hoping to get by increasing the test? Depending on your goal you could up it to 300-350 to mitigate sides you had last time.
How did the last 3-4 weeks of your cut go? Yeah, based on a lot of the forums here it’s a split opinion but I’d say most agree that cut on cruise or cut off AAS is most prudent and blast to grow. I cut on cruise now.
How did the last 3-4 weeks of your cut go? Yeah, based on a lot of the forums here it’s a split opinion but I’d say most agree that cut on cruise or cut off AAS is most prudent and blast to grow. I cut on cruise now.
Did well, overall I cut about 8% bodyfat total, I was fatter than I thought at the beginning.

Will pct at maintenance and keep cutting.
AAS strength is so brutal even in caloric deficit, I am having minor injuries at the end of the cycle, I trained like a madman.
How did the last 3-4 weeks of your cut go? Yeah, based on a lot of the forums here it’s a split opinion but I’d say most agree that cut on cruise or cut off AAS is most prudent and blast to grow. I cut on cruise now.

No matter if you use grams of oil, no food = no muscle.

Better appearance, shape, hardness, the muscle you already have will look better overall (no only because decreased BF), but no really new muscle, so no, never again cycling on a cut, it is a waste imho.

Another case is if you are already pretty lean and interested in going to ridiculously low bodyfat levels like 5 - 8% while maintaining size and strength, then it would make sense.
No matter if you use grams of oil, no food = no muscle.

Better appearance, shape, hardness, the muscle you already have will look better overall (no only because decreased BF), but no really new muscle, so no, never again cycling on a cut, it is a waste imho.

Another case is if you are already pretty lean and interested in going to ridiculously low bodyfat levels like 5 - 8% while maintaining size and strength, then it would make sense.
Great insights. Trying stuff out is part of the process. Never blasted on a cut now I know it’s not really worth trying unless it’s a case like you mentioned. Sounds like overall your cut was successful at least and that you’re looking leaner and harder.
for my future self when i read this log:

don´t ever cycle again, PCT is awful, don´t risk again your precious 800ng/dL of natty TT.
for my future self when i read this log:

don´t ever cycle again, PCT is awful, don´t risk again your precious 800ng/dL of natty TT.
800 natty is a great number so I’m sure pct sucked since you were probably well below that for weeks.