Recovery Advice needed



I have been a Member of the AAS community for a long time even though i am only 22 years old. I peaked at 105kg this year in june relatively lean. Then something life changing happened to me: i tried to protect a girl from some guy which sexually assaulted her and got stabbed while trying to do so.

Because of being in the Hospital for a long time and having to take some antibiotics, i went from 105 to around 70kg. I struggled alot mentally seeing how my body was basically decaying.

I am at a point now where i start to eat reguarly again and want to go to the gym again. Due to my AAS abuse in the past, i obviously do not produce much testosterone at all anymore, so i wanted to hop right back in with a stack:

This is the basic Idea i had in mind:

300mg Test
300mg Primo
200mg NPP

If you have any Ideas or Recommendations on what to change or to add (maybe orals or some other supplements) to the cycle, please let me know.

Kind regards :)
Why not just hop on TRT and work your way back into the gym and get fully healed and then play with drugs again if you want?
Honestly a EGO thing, just want to get back as fast as possible to my old physique
i would honestly go slow man tissues heal differently as we age especially after being exposed to high amounts of aas man just saying you seem smart so just talk to your doctor and be honest and get some input wish you the best
Honestly a EGO thing, just want to get back as fast as possible to my old physique
At least you are honest and don’t equivocate. I agree that you should do TRT of at least 6 months then hop in to a blast. You will avoid a lot of tendon and joint issues. If you don’t … volume for a year… not heavy…. 10-15 reps.. no power lifting mixes