HGH facial growth part 2.

I didn't actually read the post, but has anyone else noticed there is stereotypical guy that frequents steroid communities?

He has severe body image issues
He's short
He has little bones
He has a tiny penis
He has no confidence

Then he's either looking for drugs to solve one or multiple of these issues.

After that doesn't work he then comes here convinced the drugs caused even worse problems. Usually the usage of said drugs is very short term as well.

Anyone notice anything else with these type of guys?
i think this situation is entirely different. hgh did actually fuck up my face and i didn’t start using it for any of those reasons
He has little bones

Dafuq?!? How did you know about my little bones? They called me names in grade school like Tommy little bones and Gumby :(. I once got hit by a car on the interstate and the doctor said "If it weren't for your little bones, you'd be dead kid."
Dafuq?!? How did you know about my little bones? They called me names in grade school like Tommy little bones and Gumby :(. I once got hit by a car on the interstate and the doctor said "If it weren't for your little bones, you'd be dead kid."
Yeah, but can HGH make my wrists bigger? Plz say yes. Even if you say no I'm going to argue with you and do it anyway.
My point is OP is probably delusional and has some kind of body dismorphia. His gf left him and he thinks it's because of his chin

It's likely you are right.
I doubt he would post a picture here, though, if he's so self conscious.
I really hope he will figure things out, in his head, if that's where the problem lies.
Shame it happened so early
Not how facial development works and i am not going bald anytime soon. orthodontist confirmed it was unnatural since you can see where the bone is weaker on the x-rays. Cranial vault thickening also happened and you can measure that in MM’s and see if it’s above average or not
why would i post a pic on a public forum when someone can just pm me for the pictures?
Listen, nobody here wants to bully you into doing anything.
You do what is right for you.
All I said is that I am not surprised you wouldn't.
I am sorry this is a bad situation for you.
But you are asking people for their opinion here, so it's fair enough you are going to get all sorts of things said
Listen, nobody here wants to bully you into doing anything.
You do what is right for you.
All I said is that I am not surprised you wouldn't.
I am sorry this is a bad situation for you.
But you are asking people for their opinion here, so it's fair enough you are going to get all sorts of things said
Sharing an experience isn’t a bad thing. People saying it isn’t real however is also weird. Unfortunately it did happen, no matter if someone thinks HGH actually causes facial changes or not it did change my face shape and how I looked. Ultimately negatively, if i was 50 years old like some of the guys commenting i don’t think i would have cared. But at 21 it certainly had a big life impact
Sharing an experience isn’t a bad thing. People saying it isn’t real however is also weird. Unfortunately it did happen, no matter if someone thinks HGH actually causes facial changes or not it did change my face shape and how I looked. Ultimately negatively, if i was 50 years old like some of the guys commenting i don’t think i would have cared. But at 21 it certainly had a big life impact
It goes without saying you wouldn't put yourself here to be made fun of.
You are right.
What I don't know is why you started taking hgh so young.
Was it prescribed by a doctor or something you did?


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