Rektest - Death is available log

OK, I promise no more random stuff and random song lyrics coming.

I get it about your face, I just went literal with it, to take the mikey.
I imagine it's more like the "dead" look when it all goes flat... kind of thing.
No sparkle, just grey.
I know what you mean, i cannot describe it.

Anyway, take care, see ya next time.
No, no mom.
No pets, either, lol.

Music, everything, new, old, alive, dead, whatever I feel like at the moment.
But at gym just trance.

Jason Momoa so "exotic face"..
I get strong mommy vibes from you, could just be the tren talking though but I also have a strong idea your younger than me, are you a 90s baby?
Decided to try out higher test today, thinking Ill also try adding 3 extra pins of Tren A on Monday-Wednesday-Friday to bump it up 300mg to 1G also

So itll be
1G/wk test C
1G/wk tren A
10MG tirz (Also jumped this up today, 5mg yesterday and did 5mg today)
T3 daily
Adex 1mg many times a week

I feel wonderful right now which is kinda crazy, no night sweets, sleeping good, able to keep anger under control. I dont feel any negatives blood wise, compared to when I was running 200mg/wk test 700mg/wk tren and 4iu hgh back in February I felt like absolute garbage then
Now I don’t feel any different than when I just run my 200mg/wk test c TRT dose.
Damn you must be a monster, running a gram of Tren, any physic pics?
Oh. mommy iris wants a personal video?


I could make that.
Nah, public posting only, honey.

Allright, remember what I told you earlier, about reinstating your log to its serious/depressed/dark dungeon kinda mood?
The bantz are counterproductive.
So, I am outta here
Farewell, for now
Knew that chickflia brownie fucked me from Saturday, never again. Fuck that brownie.

Oct 28th - weight 206.4

Notes for future self - I started cardio last night, stair stepper 30 minutes. 134 heart rate 15 minutes, last 15 minutes 166.