Rektest - Death is available log

I’m all for doing however much gear you please but looking through this post has brought up a couple questions.

1. You dont really think you are some bad ass knocking on deaths door running a gram of tren , right? I mean, it’s not healthy but I don’t think itl kill ya.

2. Is the whole I hate evrything please kill me why am I alive thing just a bit of a creative online persona or are these genuine thoughts you have going through your head day to day?

3. If question 2 is accurate, we have many members zero can help you out who may be able to closely relate to some things you may be going through. There’s also the option of seeking a therapist but I can see why that wouldn’t be option number 1.

Wish you the best
I’m all for doing however much gear you please but looking through this post has brought up a couple questions.

1. You dont really think you are some bad ass knocking on deaths door running a gram of tren , right? I mean, it’s not healthy but I don’t think itl kill ya.

2. Is the whole I hate evrything please kill me why am I alive thing just a bit of a creative online persona or are these genuine thoughts you have going through your head day to day?

3. If question 2 is accurate, we have many members zero can help you out who may be able to closely relate to some things you may be going through. There’s also the option of seeking a therapist but I can see why that wouldn’t be option number 1.

Wish you the best

Perma, this is lovely, but you saw my "yawn", just above you.
And this is why:

If you want to die, and I know this for a fact, you don't go around telling people about it, let alone put it on some social media site.
If you hate yourself and your life so much, you just fucking do it.
And if for whatever reason you back off or decide to postpone, maybe because the situation ain't quite right, yet, you still don't go around making sure people know about it.

It might be cynical, but someone with a comprehensive drugs schedule in place + future protocols in mind to look better than they currently do does not strike me as the perfect candidate for death wish.

Peds don't really make for quick and effective weapons of self destruction.
They are just for cosmetic purposes, no matter how much tren you take.

Maybe he wants a bit of attention. Maybe he is not getting the care he craves from mum, gf/bf, ex, an unrequited love, whatever.
So he looks to elicit a response from somewhere else.
Maybe he is just bored stiff.
And here we are.

Nevertheless, Perma sweetie, I just wanted to explain myself to you.
I like your response, there.
Perma, this is lovely, but you saw my "yawn", just above you.
And this is why:

If you want to die, and I know this for a fact, you don't go around telling people about it, let alone put it on some social media site.
If you hate yourself and your life so much, you just fucking do it.
And if for whatever reason you back off or decide to postpone, maybe because the situation ain't quite right, yet, you still don't go around making sure people know about it.

It might be cynical, but someone with a comprehensive drugs schedule in place + future protocols in mind to look better than they currently do does not strike me as the perfect candidate for death wish.

Peds don't really make for quick and effective weapons of self destruction.
They are just for cosmetic purposes, no matter how much tren you take.

Maybe he wants a bit of attention. Maybe he is not getting the care he craves from mum, gf/bf, ex, an unrequited love, whatever.
So he looks to elicit a response from somewhere else.
Maybe he is just bored stiff.
And here we are.

Nevertheless, Perma sweetie, I just wanted to explain myself to you.
I like your response, there.
Could it possibly be a cry for help? Maybe he’s In a rough space and wants someone to reach out
Also OP, I was wondering what you make of the Canadian's enthusiasm for assisted dying/euthanasia/assisted suicide.
I imagine you are from the US but if you are from Canada, even better.
Not like I'm milking this or anything.
U give me a bone...
Yo OP,
Love the thread bro.
I know how you feel... welcome to the real world. If you didn't feel like that, I'd say you're doing something wrong.
Although, all those grams... something to look forward to pinning each time. Yum yum. I'd be getting goosebumps during the draws into those syringes. I've got goosbumps right now just thinking about that. It must take forever to load that sucker... fingers crapping and all. Hell yeah!
Keep f-in going bro... you're my hero.

p.s.: alone in a hotel room?... at least get a good movie and rub one out... or, it's a missed opportunity... don't leave anything on the table!
Yo OP,
Love the thread bro.
I know how you feel... welcome to the real world. If you didn't feel like that, I'd say you're doing something wrong.
Although, all those grams... something to look forward to pinning each time. Yum yum. I'd be getting goosebumps during the draws into those syringes. I've got goosbumps right now just thinking about that. It must take forever to load that sucker... fingers crapping and all. Hell yeah!
Keep f-in going bro... you're my hero.

p.s.: alone in a hotel room?... at least get a good movie and rub one out... or, it's a missed opportunity... don't leave anything on the table!

U legend, Mojo.

Every time I see you in my notifications you make me smile, even before I read what you have written.
Let's hope you have the same effect on OP.
Yo OP,
Love the thread bro.
I know how you feel... welcome to the real world. If you didn't feel like that, I'd say you're doing something wrong.
Although, all those grams... something to look forward to pinning each time. Yum yum. I'd be getting goosebumps during the draws into those syringes. I've got goosbumps right now just thinking about that. It must take forever to load that sucker... fingers crapping and all. Hell yeah!
Keep f-in going bro... you're my hero.

p.s.: alone in a hotel room?... at least get a good movie and rub one out... or, it's a missed opportunity... don't leave anything on the table!
If you take enough tren there’s no possible way you could ever be alone in a hotel room. I mean comon, I’d be so miserable if I didn’t ever lower my standards on tren.
Bringing this here:

Not quite yet but soon I might

Incidentally, you don't owe anything, to anyone.
You want to put the pictures someone asked for, ok, if not, same thing.

If I look at who gave the thumbs up to the pictures request (one of the two there, specifically), all I would say to that satanic, envious, little shit is F Off.

But he has been told that, MAJESTICALLY, by Readalot earlier today.
Hopefully, that will shut him up for a while.

You do you, Rektest.
Whatever "problem" they got about what you take, they can lump it.

Im alright, I have dark tren thought times and sunshine times, I am in a sunshine time right now like a little butterfly blasting Poppy All The Things She Said 24/7

Lol, your choice of cover version may have given your young age away.
Is it on when you are training, too?
This is funny.
I do the same thing with music.
When a song appears in my head, I will have it on repeat for ages.

Right now, sitting in front of a laptop, I have on Placebo "Pure Morning".
Very old song that you would not know or like.
Resisting the urge to put the Soundcloud link here, so just a bit of the lyrics for you:
"A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who'll tease is better
Our thoughts compressed,
which makes us blessed
And makes for stormy weather"

Glad to know you are happy and bouncing about.
For some of us, it's back to black.

Lol, your choice of cover version may have given your young age away.

Right now, sitting in front of a laptop, I have on Placebo "Pure Morning".
Very old song that you would not know or like.


That song is only from 2009, wtf you talking “very old” goddamn that makes me feel old saying 2009 is “very old”
Id be curious how young you think I am
That song is only from 2009, wtf you talking “very old” goddamn that makes me feel old saying 2009 is “very old”
Id be curious how young you think I am

Placebo first released that song in 1998.
You googled wrong, lol.

Ok, honey, I am going to play Addison Rae's "Diet Pepsi", in your honour, and crunch a few numbers... let's see if I can figure it out.
Can you give me a clue, lol.

Am I going to get banned from your thread now that I wrote the P word?
We need the "Diet Coke" version of that song.
I just tried singing with that but it's tragic, lol.

Placebo first released that song in 1998.
You googled wrong, lol.

Ok, honey, I am going to play Addison Rae's "Diet Pepsi", in your honour, and crunch a few numbers... let's see if I can figure it out.
Can you give me a clue, lol.

Am I going to get banned from your thread now that I wrote the P word?
We need the "Diet Coke" version of that song.
I just tried singing with that but it's tragic, lol.

Damn addison rae does look like a gross pepsi drinker

Im old enough to have been on myspace in my teens and young enough to still be on Snapchat
I didnt update the thread last Friday, I was 209

Oct 27th - weight 208.6

Fucking kill me honestly, 0.4……

I did notice something interesting last week looking in the mirror at the gym I had like a deathly look to my face, like Im dying, I dont feel like Im dying, only my mental thoughts.
I did notice something interesting last week looking in the mirror at the gym I had like a deathly look to my face, like Im dying, I dont feel like Im dying, only my mental thoughts.

Potato, potato, u flippin' drama queen of the year, lol.
Honestly, you are worse than me on my period, lol.

They call it death face for a reason, lol.

If I could be a fly on the wall.
Who do you look like?
Like, your face, a bit reminiscent of someone famous, who would it be?

Song I am dedicating to you today (still going with the rock thing):
Royal Blood "Lights Out":

"Every time I'm with it alone
It picks me up
You just send me down
I can feel it rushing under my skin
You're a cage won't you let me in?
On my toes
Lock the door
Pretty face
Through the walls
Don't know if I'd be so sure again
My eyes are still burning red
So turn the lights out
You're not so hard to forget
With all the lights out"
Potato, potato, u flippin' drama queen of the year, lol.
Honestly, you are worse than me on my period, lol.

They call it death face for a reason, lol.

If I could be a fly on the wall.
Who do you look like?
Like, your face, a bit reminiscent of someone famous, who would it be?

Song I am dedicating to you today (still going with the rock thing):
Royal Blood "Lights Out":

"Every time I'm with it alone
It picks me up
You just send me down
I can feel it rushing under my skin
You're a cage won't you let me in?
On my toes
Lock the door
Pretty face
Through the walls
Don't know if I'd be so sure again
My eyes are still burning red
So turn the lights out
You're not so hard to forget
With all the lights out"
Are you a mom? Just curious…

I like to think I eat pretty clean besides my diet cokies,
Think your thinking of skull face

My nickname at work is the Lorax
But actually famous, no idea
Who do you look like?

You like alot of dad music it seems
Are you a mom? Just curious…

I like to think I eat pretty clean besides my diet cokies,
Think your thinking of skull face

You like alot of dad music it seems

Well, you said your face looks like you are about to drop dead, so death face, right?

No, no mom.
No pets, either, lol.

Music, everything, new, old, alive, dead, whatever I feel like at the moment.
But at gym just trance.

Jason Momoa so "exotic face".

P.S you are kind of right, I have the radio on, right now, to block some "other noise" from the shit next door and so they play a bit of this and that. Dad music included, yes.