Rektest - Death is available log


Just a personal log to start tracking over the years..

Starting Aug 1st 2024 - height 6ft - weight 260lb

600mg/wk test C
700mg/wk Tren A
Tirz 2.5mg/wk
HGH 10iu ED
T3 daily
1mg adex on test c pins
Sept 7th 2024 - weight 239lbs

Upped tirz to 5mg today.
Everything else the same, not gonna lie I went from 4iu hgh to 10iu hgh starting aug 1st and its getting expensive lol
Looks like you’re embarking on a serious journey! Impressive stack you’re running. Be sure to track your progress closely and keep an eye on how you’re feeling both physically and mentally—especially with the Tren and HGH combo. It’s great that you’re integrating Tirz, which could help with appetite control and insulin sensitivity.

One thing I’d suggest is ensuring you’re keeping an eye on your bloodwork, particularly liver enzymes, lipids, and E2 levels, considering the Adex and the higher doses of Test and Tren. Wishing you the best of luck on this cycle—stay safe and keep us posted on your progress
i should add previous..

I run TRT 200mg/wk test c when not on cycle, and get yearly bloodwork at my endo.

Ive ran HGH starting Nov 2023 for 4iu all the way until I started 10iu Aug 1st. Also tried high tren A in February but I was only doing 200mg/wk test c with it.
I was running a heavy bulk right up to Aug 1st so high water weight running
400mg/wk test c
700mg/wk npp
4iu hgh
1mg adex on test c pin days