Rektest - Death is available log

I dont. I also dont buy the cheapest on this site though
I have a feeling youd love the 600ml npp jug i have that I draw from with no stopper nothing lol straight from the bottle

Don't, you have to do it.
It's not about the cheapest gear.
It's safer for you.
Have a look at some of the threads discussing this, or ask Sampei, Bigmojo or Ghoul.

As for the rest of your message, glad I have inspired you.
Have fun.
Seriously what is the point of this… where are your lifts and your diet?
My diet has been posted but posting either is pointless as my diet never changes, its the same shake/chicken/diet cokes everyday and posting lifts on a cut when they are all down in the gutter.
When I bulk Ill be logging those things as they will be changing alot more.
My diet has been posted but posting either is pointless as my diet never changes, its the same shake/chicken/diet cokes everyday and posting lifts on a cut when they are all down in the gutter.
When I bulk Ill be logging those things as they will be changing alot more.

So your diet never changes during the course of a cut and you’re 100% on so there is nothing to report?
your lifts going down so much that you don’t want to log on that large quantity of tren is a bad sign…
I just used 225-300 the last month and I lost as little as 5% on some lifts and up to 15% on my weakest body parts over the course of the entire cut.
I’m not trying to be rude man, but you definitely don’t need a boatload of tren to accomplish what you’re trying to do.
You could do just as much and feel better in the process not just mentally but physically..
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Tips for interesting log that the rest of us want to follow.

1. Progress pics. It helps us live vicariously through your log.

2. Post what you are doing. Some workouts. No need for every workout, set, and rep, but give us a good idea. Maybe post up leg day. Tell us about your cardio.

3. Diet. Even if it is the same, supposedly, post it up every once in a while, along with your macros. Are you weighing, measuring, and tracking? If not, then start.

4. Take waist measurements, around the waist, at the bellybutton, not down on the hips where you wear your pants. Post updates once or twice a month about this measurement.

5. Post your weight at least once a week.

There are 5 tips for making an interesting log, and I am not charging for this consultation. :)

Kudos on posting the fat pic, but that is not even from this year, much less from this log.

Come on, man, draw us in. We need more than just "I am going a bunch of tren."
the tren fuels me… or just the thought of scoring an emo mommy that will piss on me..

Started incorporating cardio type shit…


Todays calories were 1580
9 diet cokes, 40 mins cardio and I was feening for a diet coke
I totally did not take an extra midnight snacky of a 100mg tren shot but I just want to apologize in advance to iris if I say some off the wall shit
the tren fuels me… or just the thought of scoring an emo mommy that will piss

View attachment 300734
Todays calories were 1580
9 diet cokes, 40 mins cardio and I was feening for a diet coke
I totally did not take an extra midnight snacky of a 100mg tren shot but I just want to apologize in advance to iris if I say some off the wall shit

I thought it was 6 diet cokes.
Am I wrong or did the diet change?
Are you trying to out do Trump?
The Donald is beating you on the diet coke front.
U catching up, though.

Is that a swimming pool in front of you, or what the hell am I seeing?
Did you go for a tren fuelled dip?

Baby, no need to apologise.
You be you.
I was just saying to someone that you are adorable and I like you a lot.

You can joke around with me as much as you like.
In fact, if you don't, I would miss you.
Whether is bantz or more serious things, I am here for ya.

1 page here, when I turned up with my "yawn".
And now the crowds have gathered and you are screwed.

Be safe.
Be awesome.
Be your mad but always sweet self.
OK, OK I got it.
You said that you are going to stop this tren crap and be a good boy.
And also filter all your gear before injecting.
Just a bit of testosterone.
And that's it.
Yaaa….. Ya guys… I totally said that, yeeeep. Ill uhh.. get on that right away.

