Rektest - Death is available log

Yaaa….. Ya guys… I totally said that, yeeeep. Ill uhh.. get on that right away.


You are the best.
You are like a little bon bon, so delish.
And your delicious lies.....

Please drop the tren, at least somewhat.
You will make us all happy.
U hot anyway, you don't need it.
Here, since I am in a cracked mood I will tease you a little. You can thank lovely iris
Sept 28th I was 219.2, this picture is oct 2nd.
Oct 28th I was 206.

View attachment 300747

U could at least have made the effort to zip your pants up.
Unless this is a subliminal message to Paintdrinker, we know tren reigns supreme here.

Your skin is beautiful.

Flipping hell, the change is remarkable.

You are doing amazeballs.
U could at least have made the effort to zip your pants up.
Unless this is a subliminal message to Paintdrinker, we know tren reigns supreme here.

Your skin is beautiful.

Flipping hell, the change is remarkable.

You are doing amazeballs.
Well, since you won’t destroy me, I wouldn’t be opposed to him with his God like body, no homo

Dont lie to me. I am still a fat piece of shit in that picture. It is all I see.
Well, since you won’t destroy me, I wouldn’t be opposed to him with his God like body, no homo

Dont lie to me. I am still a fat piece of shit in that picture. It is all I see.

Allright, you found a new boyfriend.
I can't compete with that, I accept.

Nope, you know that the word "lie" does not go with me.
You are not a piece of shit, first of all.
Picture 1 and picture 2 is like 2 different people.
Two different planets.

But you still don't see yourself the way you want to be and that's fine.
You are still in the middle of it all and there will be more and better to come.
Maybe a bit of guidance and a different direction and you will be happier with it.

But, for me, what you have achieved, on your own, is outstanding.
I just hope that all this tren abuse has not caused any damage to your health.

Find a more sustainable and safer way to continue down your path.

Please accept that someone else may look at you and appreciate you in a way that is different from the way you look at yourself.
It doesn't make it a lie.


You are well posh.
Water flown in from flipping Antartica.
Did it come complete with a couple of bears to be enslaved as Baywatch style guards?
U posh people are creative.
Jolly good.

U must do a tren swim, in there, when it's full of old ladies.
Commando, of course.

can you spit in my mouth pls

Just because it's you.
Well I guess the posting pictures bandaid has been ripped off.

Here is 203.6 this morning. I am a machine. A machine that will never be fat again.
View attachment 300785
"Never be fat again"

That's the spirit homey! Victimhood mentalities we see around here at times always depress the shit out of me. While I admit I find your methods unorthodox to say the least, I am digging the fighting spirit.

Keep on banging it out.
Since some people wanted a little more info..

I wake up 6am everyday and pin my test/tren and HGH then fast til 10 ish
Test c is 250mg/day
Tren is… (iris look away) currently 200mg/day
HGH is vial daily, so 14iu.
I also take half an adex with test C and 50mg t4.

My first meal is my shake
Which is 480 ml whole milk, 5/6 scoops of transparent labs
1,080 calories
194 Protein

Last 2 days has been the same, I will then wait til after the gym around 4-5 and get chickflia
Chicken sandwitch and 8 nuggies, no sauce. Large diet coke and water.
670 Calories
56 Protein

1,750 calories
250 Protein

5pm on I eat nothing. Generally Ill do hotel cardio around 7pm, which i just started.
Ive talked some with a few people here and have plans of pushing HGH hard in my coming up bulk, 30iu daily…. Soooo… deciding if I should just up it now which would give me 2-3 months pre bulk of 30iu.
Ive talked some with a few people here and have plans of pushing HGH hard in my coming up bulk, 30iu daily…. Soooo… deciding if I should just up it now which would give me 2-3 months pre bulk of 30iu.
"Some people" told you to take 30iu hgh daily
Did they say to up the tren too and that you must continue just like that?
"Some people" told you to take 30iu hgh daily
Did they say to up the tren too and that you must continue just like that?
I wish… I wish I could continue the tren but I would legitimately die…… I need an emo chick to piss on my face before I die……………………

They actually told me to just do high test and mast with the hgh, and possibly slin.
Instead of high NPP
That blast of hgh in the morning doesn’t knock you out? Damn dude.

Is this diet because you’re travelling a lot? The big shake and then a chicken sandwhich?
That blast of hgh in the morning doesn’t knock you out? Damn dude.

Is this diet because you’re travelling a lot? The big shake and then a chicken sandwhich?
Ive ran hgh since end of 2023 always in the morning so I guess im just used to it.

I travel 100% for work


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