Research Clomid turned thick white glue after 2.5 weeks of use?


New Member
So i been using Clomid and Nolvadex from superior peptides for my PCT and a few days ago my clomid (1/4 of a bottle left) turned to thick white paste. I still been sucking it up in a syringe and taking it but what gives...??
Call a trt clinic... I have never heard of such a thing, and how do i go about doing this?

The only reason i can think of this happening is maybe cross contamination between the nolvadex vial and the clomid vial. But literally, overnight it went from a liquid to a think white pastey glue like substance
Call a trt clinic... I have never heard of such a thing, and how do i go about doing this?

The only reason i can think of this happening is maybe cross contamination between the nolvadex vial and the clomid vial. But literally, overnight it went from a liquid to a think white pastey glue like substance
I really have no idea what to say about that . You can call trt clinics and show them low T levels and they will give you pharmacy grade Clomid if you ask for it
Well i get my clomid from a place that is liquid..from the taste dissolved in alcohol...can you pm me a place to raw clmoid/nolvadex powder?
b2b sites...plenty of suppliers. Clomid and Nolva are testable with labmax, melting point, taste, and appearance. 100g of each is cheap and will make thousands of caps...stored properly will last many many years.
Most of the time unless your gonna sell it with the minimums its not worth it getting raw powders for ancillaries. Just use a reliable rc company and you dont have these issues. Cem is good along with one or 2 others i use.
So i been using Clomid and Nolvadex from superior peptides for my PCT and a few days ago my clomid (1/4 of a bottle left) turned to thick white paste. I still been sucking it up in a syringe and taking it but what gives...??

I still been sucking it up in a syringe and taking it but what gives...??

Still injecting! I agree, "What gives...??" I never ceased to be amazed at the ...
Oral syringe...not injecting ancillaries
Dr. Scally meant the Oral Syringe, he doesn't understand why Anyone would use the Liquid, when It's so easy to get the Pills.
If you need it in a Hurry, try (, U.S. domestic and fast.
For Future reference, cheaper, but it's Overseas.
( or (
brotga maybe it was semen. you jnow semen stays clearish until exposed to air. perhaps you opened it up enough so that tue cun was able to dry into a thicker and stickier white sybstance. how did it taste was it delicious