Rob's log part 2 (gonna take a crack at PLing)

Ahhhhhhh don't rub it in! I'm waitin until my bulk is done to buy new clothes currently just rockin Walmart XL shirts and all my other stuff is too tight or what most call "fitted" but I like the shirt and can't wait. What size you rockin?

The XL feels like a damn shmedium lmao. That shit runs small as fuck.
The XL feels like a damn shmedium lmao. That shit runs small as fuck.

Ya all my SBD stuff is large and my IPF shirt I can't even wear as its so tight it's see through they are definitely sized too small that's why Ima wait and then just try them on when I'm at the appropriate size cause it might be XXL by then with them.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 4
385 x 3
405 x 3
425 x 3 @9RPE
405 x 3 @8RPE
405 x 3 @8RPE
405 x 3 @9RPE

Bench paused
135 x 8
185 x 6
226 x 6
275 x 4
315 x 3
335 x 3 @9RPE
315 x 3 @8RPE
315 x 3 @8RPE
315 x 3 @8.5RPE
315 x 3 @9RPE

Front squat
185 x 10
225 x 10
245 x 8
255 x 8 @8RPE
255 x 8 @8RPE
255 x 8 @8RPE

Leg extensions
4 sets of 12 with 150

Cable fly
4 sets of 12 with 45lbs per hand

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Sumo deadlifts
135 x 8
225 x 6
315 x 6
405 x 4
455 x 3
495 x 3 @9RPE more like 10RPE[emoji19]
455 x 3 LD @8RPE
455 x 3 LD @9RPE

I had a long night and weights moved slow AF and felt heavy as fuck. I did manage to catch one of the 455 x 3 for DLs I'll post up

TNG bench
135 x 10
185 x 8
225 x 6
275 x 4
295 x 4
335 x 3
355 x 3 @9RPE
335 x 3 LD @8.5RPE
335 x 3 LD @9RPE

Leg press
450 x 10
540 x 9
630 x 8
720 x 8@8RPE
720 x 8@8RPE
720 x 8@8.5RPE and done

Chin ups (each set was a different grip)
4 sets of 12

Chest fly (peck deck)
190 for 4 sets of 12

Struggled today with a lot of this. Got some news last night that I'll share a bit later on. Plus I started my volleyball leagues that'll be on Friday nights too. I need to work getting a little more limber. I'm not used to much besides lifting. Lol. Sand volleyball is hard on the legs.

I meant to show you this the other day.


It's a screenshot from one of those videos I posted on programming. The chart in the lower right corner is his own custom RPE chart that shows what number of reps with what weight equals what RPE. When I ran RTS last year I never got around to making my own. Seems like @Docd187123 and @theprodgicalson were discussing this awhile back.
I meant to show you this the other day.

View attachment 40757

It's a screenshot from one of those videos I posted on programming. The chart in the lower right corner is his own custom RPE chart that shows what number of reps with what weight equals what RPE. When I ran RTS last year I never got around to making my own. Seems like @Docd187123 and @theprodgicalson were discussing this awhile back.

I need to do some more research as it looks like I'll be doing my programming or following another one similar to sheiko or something along those lines
I need to do some more research as it looks like I'll be doing my programming or following another one similar to sheiko or something along those lines

I'm in the process of getting something put together. When it's done I'll post it and tag some of the programming guys for input and go from there. I've got some good ideas and a rough outline in my head of what it's going to be. I just need to get some time to get it all drawn up.
I'm in the process of getting something put together. When it's done I'll post it and tag some of the programming guys for input and go from there. I've got some good ideas and a rough outline in my head of what it's going to be. I just need to get some time to get it all drawn up.

I have no clue so we shall see how it all pans out. Maybe I'll just come up with a few ideas and work from there
Sumo deadlifts
Still trying to figure out where I'm at with these so I didn't really follow the "protocol" tonight but was rather impressed by the pulls managed to get my big one on video. Lots of my face shown so if you wanna see hit me up and I'll share it on PM.

135 x 10
225 x 8
315 x 8
405 x 6
455 x 6
495 x 5 felt close to 8.5RPE
545 x 2 on video. Felt about 9-9.5RPE
Side note 550 was my conventional max at my mock meet a few weeks back.

Seated OHP
135 x 10
155 x 8
185 x 8
205 x 6
225 x 5 @9RPE
205 x 5 @8RPE
205 x 5 @8.5RPE

Was a good day. Just trying to see where I'm with the sumo deadlift. I need to take each session and figure out different maxes. 10rep 5rep 3rep 1rep. That way I can continue on like I do with my squats and bench. I figure it'll take a good month to get the weights right with the RPE.