
Dear All

The product of the day is Pzifer Aromasin 25 Mg

ONLY $ 25

Pzifer Aromasin 25 Mg

Manufacturer : Pfizer
Active Substance : Exemestane
Pack : 30 Tabs x 25 mg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account:RoidForSale
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The product of the day is Anapolon 50 Mg

ONLY 13 $

Anapolon 50 Mg

Manufacturer : Abdi Ibrahim
Active Substance : Oxymetholone
Pack : 20 tablets X 50 mg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account:RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Xeno Test E 250 Mg

ONLY 30 $

Xeno Test E 250 Mg

Manufacturer : Xeno Labs
Active Substance : Testosterone Enanthate
Pack : 1 Vial x 10ml,250 mg/ml
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


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Use an insulin pen to draw ur gh out of the cartridge it what just about everyone does, idk to many people who order humas and use the pen device. And it's just as simple and easy to draw it out of the cartridge with an insulin needle. U just have to do the math which is pretty simple to figure out.

Also all the products if got from this src have been legit and all checked out and verified from the Bayer rimos, Aspen sust, Astra zenica arimadex, deca nolvadex, and Pfizer aromasin. Haven't had a chance to try the clen and t3 just yet but have plans to. The anadrol I got from him are also definitely legit as well
Thanks @Pounds23 . Can you help a brother out on the math? I have .3cc insulin syringes (30iu). When I draw from a huma, is 5iu on the syringe 5iu of GH? I get confused when they say 24mg / 72iu is in the humatrope.
Dear All

The product of the day is Arimidex 1 Mg

ONLY 20 $

Arimidex 1 Mg

Manufacturer : Astra Zeneca
Active Substance : Anastrozole
Pack : 28 tabs x 1 mg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is SoPharma Clenbuterol 0.02 Mg

ONLY 12 $

SoPharma Clenbuterol 0.02 Mg

Manufacturer : Sopharma
Active Substance : Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Pack : 50 Tabs x 20 Mcg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Pfizer Cabaser 1 Mg

ONLY 12 $

Pfizer Cabaser 1 Mg

Manufacturer : Pfizer
Active Substance : Cabergoline
Pack : 20 Tabs x 1 mg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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I wanted to comment that today I made my first order with these guys, the payment was made by Western Union and in a few minutes they processed the payment and they notified me that they had already received it and they would send me a follow-up tomorrow. At the moment the customer service a 10, I will update when the order arrives. Thanks roidforsale
Dear All

The product of the day is Xeno Bold 300 Mg

ONLY 35 $

Xeno Bold 300 Mg

Manufacturer : Xeno Labs
Active Substance: Boldenone Undecylenate
Pack : 1 Vial x 10ml,300 mg/ml
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Pfizer Genotropin 12 Mg 36 IU

ONLY 99 $

Pfizer Genotropin 12 Mg 36 IU

Manufacturer : Pfizer
Active Substance : Somatropin
Pack : 1 Pen x 36 IU 12 mg
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
All the best
I ordered 2 boxes of these. How do they stack up against iran hormone. Ive only ever done underground anadrol.

Such I'm such a dick sucker I'll be nice if u look in the testing section u'll see a testing report from skankhunt on the abidi anapolan anadrols.... But iv used them there legit, strong, and deff worth the price for the amount u get outta them
Dear All

The product of the day is Xeno Stan 10 Mg

ONLY 15 $

Xeno Stan 10 Mg

Manufacturer : Xeno Labs
Active Substance : Wistrol Stanozolol
Pack : 60 Tabs X 10 mg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Norditropin NordiFlex 15 Mg

ONLY 139 $

Norditropin NordiFlex 15 Mg 45 IU

Manufacturer : Novo Nordisk
Active Substance :Somatropin
Pack :1 Pen x 15 mg 45 IU
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale

All the best
Dear All

The product of the day is Xeno Test P 100 Mg

ONLY 25 $

Xeno Test P 100 Mg

Manufacturer : Xeno Labs
Active Substance : Testosterone Propionate
Pack : 1 Vial x 10ml,100 mg/ml
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

We arranged a list for you as Christmas gift and it will be live until last of the year.

Merry Christmas

10 x Testosterone Propionate (1 Vial x 100 mg) - $250
10 x Testosterone Enanthate (1 Vial x 250 mg) - $300

10 x Testosterone Cypionate (1 Vial x 250 mg) - $300
10 x Boldenone Undecylenate (1 Vial x 250 mg) - $350

You can follow our Telegram account:RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Norditropin NordiFlex 10 Mg

ONLY 89 $

Norditropin NordiFlex 10 Mg 30 IU

Manufacturer : Novo Nordisk
Active Substance : Somatropin
Pack :1 Pen x 10 mg 30 IU
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Omnitrope 10 Mg 1.5 mL 30 IU

ONLY $ 99

Omnitrope 10 Mg 1.5 mL 30 IU

Manufacturer : Sandoz
Active Substance : Somatropin
Pack : 1 cart x 10 mg 1.5 ml 30 IU
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account:RoidForSale
All the best
Can't beat those prices on those omnis and norditropin nordiflex pens, same with the saziens.... Can't wait to switch over and try out the nordis and saziens, maybe the omnis also

