RoidTest...Odin labs

Hello, hopefully this is in the correct thread. I will post in another one just in case. I recently got "Odin Phama" anavar 10mcg tabs, for my wife. She didnt want to start anything without testing for. So I bought the RoidTest kit. I did the test. Instructions werent the best IMO. I watched two different videos and followed how they did the test. They used a vial "C" for the test. I performed the test how they did, waited my time and IMO the results are 50/50. I also performed a "B" test and it tested positive for DBOL. At the end of the day, I dont care if its DBOL, Ill take it, BUT my wife doesnt need it. Anyways, ill attach the pics and the order. I have attached the chart but I have the bag showing the anavar colors. I also did test "A" which test as anavar. Thanks for any input.

first pic is the VAR COLOR CHART

second pic is Test B color results

third pic is Test B results compared to VAR color

fourth pic is Test B compared to DBOL

fifth pic is a poor pic for the test C, which is on the fence for var and dbol

i performed test A which was suppose to be instant color change and it did not change colors.

pretty much 1 test positive for dbol, 1 tested positive for var, and the third is 50/50

thanks for the input and help


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roid test doesnt tell accuracy of dosing.

I refuse to give my wife anything untested and I cannot be sure of the actual accuracy of the drug.

sure 2mg difference isnt a big deal for us, but it can be a big difference for a woman.

what I am trying to say is

roid test doesnt tell accuracy of dosing.

I refuse to give my wife anything untested and I cannot be sure of the actual accuracy of the drug.

sure 2mg difference isnt a big deal for us, but it can be a big difference for a woman.

what I am trying to say is

lol yeah I understand what you mean, but i wasnt too worried about dosing because surely they arent OVERDOSING their gear. I just wanted it to be var. Where can I send it off to actually test to make sure its var or not?
thanks for the reply
lol yeah I understand what you mean, but i wasnt too worried about dosing because surely they arent OVERDOSING their gear. I just wanted it to be var. Where can I send it off to actually test to make sure its var or not?
thanks for the reply
I am sure it is Var tbh

if it was my wife, I would rather get her var liquid mix from a local source. I dont want to sound like but check out some of the dom sources or the 2.5mg var from turkish Pharmaceuticals(international)

If it was for you, I would say do your research, but since its your wife and it has to be particular. I would want it to be as accurate as possible. My wife runs the 2.5mg var from Turkish. the liquid is good too.

look up Jano here for testing.

I am pretty sure @SkankHunt knows where the odin 10mg var tests were. They were all over the place.
It probably is Anavar and RT just sucks, but you'll only be guessing how much is in there.

Odin isn't particular about their accuracy. They have so many resellers hyping their junk that they have no reason to spend money in an attempt to be more accurate.
It probably is Anavar and RT just sucks, but you'll only be guessing how much is in there.

Odin isn't particular about their accuracy. They have so many resellers hyping their junk that they have no reason to spend money in an attempt to be more accurate.
who do you recommend? even for raws? im about to either go qsc or ppl?
I believe I’m running Odin test E 250 mg. Turns out it’s 200 mg per ml.

Doesn’t make a difference as I use it for TRT and got tossed an extra to make my order right.

I could be wrong but if you fuck up test by that much I wouldn’t trust them with anything else.

Gotta say ZERO pip what so ever though.
who do you recommend? even for raws? im about to either go qsc or ppl?

Goodlyfe or Stan. No one else does testing so they can suck it. For raws, just about anyone other than Ciraws. Dingdong Sigma is a cunt that believes he's omnipotent and can go fuck himself, but their raws have tested well.
I believe I’m running Odin test E 250 mg. Turns out it’s 200 mg per ml.

Doesn’t make a difference as I use it for TRT and got tossed an extra to make my order right.

I could be wrong but if you fuck up test by that much I wouldn’t trust them with anything else.

Gotta say ZERO pip what so ever though.
i have odin, test e, c, deca, winnie, clen,and eq. (im not a fan boy just stuck with them because we saw good results off the test and a friend gets their hcg and seems legit.) i was getting eq from a local dude and got pip so much i almost gave up on eq then got odin and no pip. lol. i did retest the var last night with my wife and it all tested as var. some ppl say that roidtest is the best way to test. idk lol
I hope you know that the test is the biggest shitty invention there is. It's not even useful at all. Why am I saying that? Look, the test you performed does react with every single substance the tablets contain, even with the fillers of the tablets. So you cant tell if the color comes from the raw substance (that you would actually like to be tested) or if the color changed by the reaction with the filler (whatever they used, there's so many different things you can fill up the tablets with). Same thing for oils. Every single oil does give a reaction that shows a color. I once tested it and I had 5 different vials with different substances (test, primo, and so on) now what happened? They all showed the same fucking color, bc they were all brewed with the same oil and the only reaction you get from it was from the oil.

Do yourself a favor and try to get your money back or at least bin it. This shit aint working.
I hope you know that the test is the biggest shitty invention there is. It's not even useful at all. Why am I saying that? Look, the test you performed does react with every single substance the tablets contain, even with the fillers of the tablets. So you cant tell if the color comes from the raw substance (that you would actually like to be tested) or if the color changed by the reaction with the filler (whatever they used, there's so many different things you can fill up the tablets with). Same thing for oils. Every single oil does give a reaction that shows a color. I once tested it and I had 5 different vials with different substances (test, primo, and so on) now what happened? They all showed the same fucking color, bc they were all brewed with the same oil and the only reaction you get from it was from the oil.

Do yourself a favor and try to get your money back or at least bin it. This shit aint working.
wife just wanted to be safe bro
so without sounding like an asshole, what do yall do, just get whatever you get and take it?
ive done that with all my other stuff, cause idc if its dbol, or whatever as long as its gear (if that makes sense)
so without sounding like an asshole, what do yall do, just get whatever you get and take it?
ive done that with all my other stuff, cause idc if its dbol, or whatever as long as its gear (if that makes sense)
Yes that's what a large majority of us do, granted we try to pick very trustworthy sources, that being said, you don't get the same leniency if something isn't right with women, their endo systems are a whole different creature tbh.
so without sounding like an asshole, what do yall do, just get whatever you get and take it?
ive done that with all my other stuff, cause idc if its dbol, or whatever as long as its gear (if that makes sense)
Source have a reputation and tests to post. Go to the lab testing section of the forum. Get your car from one of the sources I listed. I only am telling you the ideal sources because it's your wife/gf and women are very sensitive to this shit
Source have a reputation and tests to post. Go to the lab testing section of the forum. Get your car from one of the sources I listed. I only am telling you the ideal sources because it's your wife/gf and women are very sensitive to this shit
Meant to say var, not car
so without sounding like an asshole, what do yall do, just get whatever you get and take it?
ive done that with all my other stuff, cause idc if its dbol, or whatever as long as its gear (if that makes sense)

i get everything from tested sources. We shouldn't have to play guessing games with our gear. Source doesn't want to test? Source can fuck off.
Yeah same. I buy what was at least once tested by others if not more and usually the source is trustworthy in any possible way (according to multiple tests done on several different orals, oils, peptides or GH kits).
It does minimize the risk and I save money by not buying any sketchy fake products.

The general consens is to search for good reviews and lab tests of the specific underground lab or source before one buys their stuff. If you buy it first and then look up if it's good, well, that's obviously the wrong way.