Idk I already am saving alot on what i ordered to home brew. From buying 20 dollars a vile to making 2.90 a vile. .....I mean...that's pretty good. Plus the fact I can control the oil now and make unique setups. I fail to see how none economical it is. A still air box is very cheap to make and even cheaper to keep sterilized for a small batch of viles. I think the over emphasize on the sterilizing and medical grade setup is over stated. It's not that hard to be sterilized unless you live In garage or some horders house. Personally my clean room along side a very cheap plastic still air box with some clorox. Airsol spray alcohol and some little bit of preparation is enough for me to trust my environmentBro, I genuinely get it. I appreciate what you do and the pursuit of excellence in doing it. Don't misunderstand me.
I find it fascinating, intellectually, and under other circumstances I would be the guy that keeps going until I have the hermetically sealed room, bodysuit, higher standards than pharma. Which is one reason I don't dare start.
I already do that kind of thing on a micro scale with syringes (TLDR BD Eclipse for gear, BD VEO for peptides lol) and other accessories.
I'm gently mocking the guys doing it for the "savings", which really aren't there unless you use a lot of gear.
I mean this will last me just around 6.6 years at the trt dosage.'s almost magic