RT's blast and cruise log


Hello all my MESO friends.

I have learned a lot in my first year here at MESO. By far this has been the best forum I have ever joined and as such I am going to do my log here.

A little back ground on me:

I am middle aged, recently divorced and had not been in a gym since college – safe to say I had gotten completely out of shape. Some bad habits had developed (heavy drinking for a couple years) as a result of the company I was keeping and honestly just feeling down after some tough times. Then one day I got sick of sitting around feeling like I was getting old and I stopped drinking cold turkey. Started taking walks every night and then after a few months started stopping in a park near me during my walks and hitting some pullups and pushups on the playground equipment haha even figured out how to do dips on the rails of the slides. After about a year of being sober and getting out moving around I was down about 40 lbs and looked lean and healthy. Decided I was not too old after all and joined a gym a few years ago– the rest is history.

Been training hard and dedicated natty up until about 8 months ago when I found my natural test levels were in the 200-300 (did four separate blood tests over a few months’ time and all showed this low) and I finally found a doc that would put me on TRT (@100mg Test cyp / week).

Many years ago I did PHs and once tried superdrol. Recently I did a six months run of 2x day Mod GRF 1-29 and GHRP-2 with some on an off uses of BPC-157 and TB500 to help heal injuries.

NO REAL CYCLES or blasts. I have some gyno from puberty and found that I am very gyno prone and E2 sensitive.

Here where my bloods from from months ago on just 100mg / week Test Cyp before I added Adex (I added the AI asap after these results and then a couple months later I added the HCG).

The plan is to run a short 6 week blast of short ester test-prop and NPP (maybe some Var if it looks tempting since my GF has that) and quit back down to TRT in time for my early November bloodwork.

Then I will evaluate how much time I have and plan the next blast/cycle (maybe run something longer if I get a nice 6 month stretch without doc appointments).

Currently running:
100 mg Test Cyp / week
0.25 mg Adex EOD
250 iu HCG EOD
(but about to switch the HCG to E3D)

I recently got pre-blast bloods:


In prep for my blast I picked up some tamoxifen, clomid, and more arimidex just to be ready for any issues or if I want to come off completely. Also, I donated blood this week in prep for my blast so my hemocrit levels would be better and also dropped creatine and reduced my overkill of protein to help my BUN (hopefully) values. Any other suggestions are always appreciated.

I have not started yet but I am leaning strongly towards the following:
(assuming dosages are as stated by the source – we all know how that goes)

Blast #1:
100 mg Test Cyp /week (to keep TRT levels as consistent baseline)
350 mg Test Prop /week (50mg/day)
350 mg NPP /week (50mg/day)
~1 mg adex /week (0.25 mg EOD will up immediately if there is any sign of a problem)
500-750 iu hcg /week (E3D)

*And possibly 30 mg Var /day (undecided if this is worth it)
**I will likely run my peptides at some point (have a huge stock in my freezer still); also plan to try some Albuterol and will make note of if/when that happens as well.

My gear should be hear this week if all works out smoothly--I went with Pharmacom for the gear and pharmacist for my AI and other compounds.

I train on a M/W/F fullbody focusing on big compound lifts and do some mobility work and walks on off days.

I will start logging now with today's pre-blast workout in the next post so we can have an idea of where I am at before I start. Let the gains begin!
24 Aug 2015
Bodyweight of 195 lb (5’8”) and approx 16% BF (guessing).


Low volume High frequency training has given me the best results of all the things I have tried. I will add weight or volume each session.

315x5 (near failure on last rep)

Standing Overhead Press strict form no leg drive (coming back from shoulder injury so starting light but it felt 100% perfect)


BW x8 to failure
BW x6 (super wide) to failure
BW x7 to failure

2 sets of “21s”
1 min plank

Reverse Fly machine
I'm subbed. Good looking cycle. I'm actually planning on running a test/NPP cycle this winter. Good luck man. Kill it

Great intro!! That's how I started back training as well...going for walks with my dog. Walking is underrated. Good luck!!
Weds: 26 Aug 2015

Tough day today; only got about 3 hour sleep and was really tired by the time I made it to the gym. It happens, this is real life and I am sure many of you also have less than perfect conditions for gains -- omitted the sets of weighted dips and pullups I wanted to do because I did not feel well by that point into the session but the bottom line is I did get in and did some work!

Warmup circuit
5 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs
light rear, front, and side DB laterals


315x5 (really had to grind out the last rep)

Flat Bench Press
245x4 (had to get spotter assist on 5th)

Pendlay Rows

BWx7 to failure
<<super set with>>

omitted planned sets of weighted dips and pullups


Posted a front pic the other day
and here is a back pic so I got something to compare with later
(sorry if it is a little goofy haha but you all understand I need to cover any tats or other things in the pic that LE or someone I know might recognize in the rare event it ever mattered):

Hoping my pack lands tomorrow.
The delay gave me some more time to think about things and do more reading.
I am leaning toward EOD pins instead of ED.
I asked in this thread what people thought of EOD vs ED and many think it really does not make much of a difference. https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/test-prop-and-npp-pin-ed-or-eod.134368236/

So if it won't make a difference I would obviously prefer less pinning.
I bet 95% of you all are like me on that preference but there are some out there that actually like pinning -- to each his or her own ;)
and let the gains begin! :D


27 Aug 2015 (Week 1: pin 1)

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP

@ Left Thigh (going to note these pin sites for my own record so I can keep track)

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)

Also, I won't be noting my AI and HCG unless the dosages change but as stated earlier I will be running 0.25 mg Adex EOD and 250 iu HCG E3D.
here are the supplements I take:

If anyone has any other good kidney (my BUN value was high) and liver support supplements and/or food ideas for me to look into please feel free to give me advice!
Great intro, I'm in. You have everything set up nicely imo. Only thing missing is nutrition part.. Food, cals, macros etc. What is your goal for the cycle? Are you bulking?
here are the supplements I take:

If anyone has any other good kidney (my BUN value was high) and liver support supplements and/or food ideas for me to look into please feel free to give me advice!

I think if you're drinking 1-2 gals of water ED you probably don't need a liver supplement. Orange Triad is one of the better multi vitamins imo, got a lot of shit in 'em.
Great intro, I'm in. You have everything set up nicely imo. Only thing missing is nutrition part.. Food, cals, macros etc. What is your goal for the cycle? Are you bulking?

Good Point! thanks.

Goal is a clean-Bulk and try to up my big compound lifts.

Here is an example of my total daily macros targets:

breakfast for example breaks down like this:

I split it into 5 meals spread evenly throughout the day.
and on workout days I have a post workout shake with carbs (powdered oats I make in the blender and some dextrose) and 2 scoops whey.

I am not going to be logging all my food and doing food pics often (I might take one once in a while but I was never big into stopping to do photoshoots while I am eating lol) but I promise you I am strict and super dedicated -- my GF works hard and is very dedicated so I enjoy the benefits of her already cooking and measuring portions on the food scale (I admit likely would not be as strict on my own).
Honestly, most of my income goes to good solid foods and very rare cheat meal maybe once a month. Zero alcohol at this point. Only drink water.

Protein sources
Chicken breast
94/6 Lean ground sirloin
Canned white albacore Tuna
99/1 ground turkey
Fresh wild Atlantic Salmon
Eye of Round roast
Greek Yogurt
Cottage Cheese
Organic Peanut butter
Mozzarella cheese (my GF makes a cheese and tomatoes salad with oil and vinegar multi times a week)
Supplements (whey and casein powders)

Carbs, miscronutrients and fiber from
Berries (blue berry, raspberries, black berries)
Brown rice (main carb)
quinoa/rice pasta
sweet potatoes
Brussels sprouts
Red/Yellow bell peppers
mushroom (rarely, just some on salads)
dextrose (small amount in PostWO shakes)

Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans in my oats every morning)
Organic Peanut butter
Egg yolks
Olive Oil (sometimes just take a spoon or two like a supplement if meal is low fat)
Coconut oil (just use it to cook with)

I am sure I left something out but that give a general idea.
I think if you're drinking 1-2 gals of water ED you probably don't need a liver supplement. Orange Triad is one of the better multi vitamins imo, got a lot of shit in 'em.

ok cool. I am going to definitely step my hydration game up a notch even if it means doing the steriotypical carry a gallon jug with me everywhere! I don't care anyway normal people (non-lifters) have already given up on accepting me as one of them :D
That's a lot of pinning!
What's that 7 prop/npp shots, 1 cyp and 2 hcg.
I am running prop 150 mg every
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat = 600mg
I would up the prop and pin less, but that's just me.
Cycle looks great good luck brother.
That's a lot of pinning!
What's that 7 prop/npp shots, 1 cyp and 2 hcg.
I am running prop 150 mg every
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat = 600mg
I would up the prop and pin less, but that's just me.
Cycle looks great good luck brother.

After more reading and asking here in MESO for adivce, I decided to go with EOD.
so it is 100mg prop and 100 mg NPP in same pin EOD.
one week it is 4 pins a week of that and the next week it is three pins.
The cyp will go into the same pin with the other oils on days it is scheduled to yeild a 100 mg / week ave.

So for IM shots it just come down to 4 pins one week and then 3 the next pattern (M,W,F,Sun; then T, Thurs, Sat; then following M again....)

For me, I have no problems at all with subQ for the HCG is easy (I ran so many pins with peptides in the past with GHR/GRHP multi times a day, TB500, BPC157 that this subQ schedule seems like nothing).
you protein is lacking, your barely over maintenance.

I agree and I would like to up it but my doc said that with my BUN score maybe too much protein is the issue. I want all the gains possible just like the next guy but man kidney damage is a tough one to trade for it :/ I will get bloodwork again in a few weeks and see how things look and if it is better after some of my changes then I can up that protein again.
Thank you for looking out for me though brother I do appreciate critique that can help me reach my goals.
lol well earlier today I was talking to someone and saying how I don't know what all the fuss is about with prop and pip because it just seemed like zero and too easy... humbled and am now a believer.

many hours later and you may as well call me
Gladys Knight :p

because I am in the Pips

