RT's mixed compound cruising experiments


To find a mix of compounds for cruising (as opposed to true testosterone TRT) that allows me to enjoy the benefits of cruising between blasts/cycles while eliminating the need for an AI during these low dosages periods.

This log will not be a typical cycle/training log.
I will not be tracking workouts and meals nor posting on any regular daily or weekly schedule.
Instead, it is simply a place I can document my experiences in one location as opposed to making new threads when ever I make adjustments or have some information/date and hopefully get some feedback while also allowing for other to find in order to gain more information if they face the same issues and goals.
When I leave cruising to run a real cycle, I will make a true cycle log, in a separate thread, for the specific cycle and goals which will have much more details; then after returning to cruise I plan to come back to this log and track my cruise adjustments and bloodworks etc here in this thread (so this will be a long term project).

Many already know me here but to be more complete I will give some brief background info.
Currently at the time of writing this I am middle aged approx 40 years old.
approx 207 and 16% BF.
I suffer from low testosterone naturally and need TRT (most likely as a result simply aging and maybe amplified by long term work-related exposure to industrial chemical and organic solvents).

I am very E2 sensitive
and have existing natural gyno from puberty; in addition, I have found that even on 100mg /week of doc prescribed testosterone cypionate without any AI my E2 skyrocketed into the 60-70ng/dL range while only have TT in the 600s.
At 120mg cyp /week and 1mg arimidex I can get E2 into the 30s with a TT in the 700-900 range.
While "On" cycle with a TT in the mid 2000s (and also on NPP) I battled with gyno using increased dosages of adex and had to add tamoxifen. Recently I have been trying Aromasin to see if it works out better for me. The problem is I feel terrible with long term AI and SERM usage, my HDL took a hit, and I simply want periods of time to let my body enjoy being off of some many different pharmaceuticals.

Previous usage:
A year on 100 to 120mg testosterone cruising (TRT).
Experience with the peptides modGRF, GHRP2, TB500, and BPC157.
Very limited experience with actual GH.
HCG 3 months on and 3 months off (good results).
8-week blast using Test-prop, NPP, and Var (8-week blast log here: RT's blast and cruise log | MESO-Rx Forum)

Current Cruise Dosages:
120 mg Cyp /week
12.5 mg Aromasin EOD
10 mg Tamoxifen ED
100mcg modGRF(1-29) + 100mcg GHRP-2 ED

06-Dec-2015 I plan to switch to EQ/Cyp mix starting tomorrow morning.
30 mg Cyp /week
90 mg EQ /week (45mg:45mg/Sun:Weds)
12.5 mg Aromasin EOD (hopefully will be able to be drop this after a few weeks)

I am going to front load 150mg of EQ in order to prevent too large of a hormone drop-off.
In the plot below assume I am at the start of week-9 (this allowed me to simulate the levels I has achieved during the cruise). My hope is that I smoothly transition into the mixed cruise and retain the same anabolic effects while reducing the aromatization which would then allow me to drop some or all of my AI during cruising.

Ok, starting tomorrow--let the experimental cruise gains begin...for science! :D
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An article here on EQ used exclusively for HRT (completely replacing testosterone in the protocol):
The Use of a Single Anabolic Steroid for “Enhanced” Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

I do not want to completely replace the bio-identical hormone; instead, I simply want to reduce the overall aromatization. Therefore, I am not quite following this article's method but it is still a good relevant read for anyone interested.

side note:
If I get my hand on a good legit and reliable Drostanolone Enanthate product I will definitely find room to include it in my protocol. Currently, I just do not have access to any and as such I went with what I have available.
Subbed an I like the way you think lol. I believe this will be beneficial to all who are on trt an those of us that choose to blast an cruise. Ill try not to jam your thread up with my colorful lil bastards an empty comments haha:D:p Carry on my friend an Ill deff be in to lurk like a true creeping peeping tom on this one;):eek::confused::cool:
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An article here on EQ used exclusively for HRT (completely replacing testosterone in the protocol):
The Use of a Single Anabolic Steroid for “Enhanced” Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

I do not want to completely replace the bio-identical hormone; instead, I simply want to reduce the overall aromatization. Therefore, I am not quite following this article's method but it is still a good relevant read for anyone interested.

side note:
If I get my hand on a good legit and reliable Drostanolone Enanthate product I will definitely find room to include it in my protocol. Currently, I just do not have access to any and as such I went with what I have available.
Going to check that out.
I have seen there are a few guys here that cruise exclusively on deca or eq.
Im sure you'll get some good responses
Look forward to hearing the results!
Can you please confirm your goals? Eliminate the need for an AI during cruise and experience some of the other benefits of the added compound.

I'm really interested in this as well. Will be following closely.
Can you please confirm your goals? Eliminate the need for an AI during cruise and experience some of the other benefits of the added compound.

I'm really interested in this as well. Will be following closely.

My goal is too find a mix of compounds for cruising (as opposed to true testosterone TRT) that allows me to enjoy the benefits of cruising between blasts/cycles while eliminating the need for an AI during these low dosages periods.

It would be nice if the first thing I try works out perfectly; however, I expect I may need to play with the ratio of compounds or even use different compounds. I just wanted a place to track those trials and results instead of making a new thread every time I find an article, get an idea, or make a change. An added bonus would be if I could promote additional positive effects while eliminating negatives.

In summary, I want to eliminate an AI during cruising while retaining the same positive results/effect of a 100-120mg weekly cyp TRT.
Sunday 06-Dec-2015

First Pin on the new EQ/test mixed protocol.
Today is just going to be the EQ front load of 150mg.
This will help my EQ levels jump up (as can been seen in the plot included at the end of the original post) to avoid a drastic dip in overall androgen levels while I make the switch.
No testosterone in this pin; I will begin the small mixed (15mg test : 45mg EQ) bi-weekly regular pins on weds shot this week.
I have seen there are a few guys here that cruise exclusively on deca or eq.
Im sure you'll get some good responses
Look forward to hearing the results!

When you gonna do a log?? Would be an excellent read as well.
When you gonna do a log?? Would be an excellent read as well.
My logs would be waay too much to read! Just because I'm very 'in tune' with myself psychologically and i notice small changes in my thinking patterns and behaviours, almost as if i where in a third person state of mind that purely observed.
I would end up writing half a novel basically... The psychological effects that AAS induce are beyond amazing to me, but i don't know anything about neurological chemistry so the logs would be pure drivel hahaha.
I might start one in my notes on my phone so i can edit it and make it interesting to read along.

Also I'm halfway through a cycle now.
My logs would be waay too much to read! Just because I'm very 'in tune' with myself psychologically and i notice small changes in my thinking patterns and behaviours, almost as if i where in a third person state of mind that purely observed.
I would end up writing half a novel basically... The psychological effects that AAS induce are beyond amazing to me, but i don't know anything about neurological chemistry so the logs would be pure drivel hahaha.
I might start one in my notes on my phone so i can edit it and make it interesting to read along.

Also I'm halfway through a cycle now.

Sooooo soon. :)

Great answer though.
My logs would be waay too much to read! Just because I'm very 'in tune' with myself psychologically and i notice small changes in my thinking patterns and behaviours, almost as if i where in a third person state of mind that purely observed.
I would end up writing half a novel basically... The psychological effects that AAS induce are beyond amazing to me, but i don't know anything about neurological chemistry so the logs would be pure drivel hahaha.
I might start one in my notes on my phone so i can edit it and make it interesting to read along.

Also I'm halfway through a cycle now.

Never too much to read! more info the better because we are all in this together and have to have each others' backs since governments decided we are on our own with all of this. I would love to read your log if you run one.
Never too much to read! more info the better because we are all in this together and have to have each others' backs since governments decided we are on our own with all of this. I would love to read your log if you run one.
Sooooo soon. :)

Great answer though.
I'll start writing it up after christmas:D
I just want to create one with a nice easy to read template thats as interesting as a good story.
Overall Status:

202 lb @ 16% (lost some weight from my 210 peak as a result of recent two-week illness and fever).

Gyno only able to find a lump under the right nip. What I can find is is about the size of a peanut currently. Without tamofixen in gets to the size of an almond.

Acne is currently and usually very bad on my upper arms (embarrassingly bad and makes me feel shamed to wear tanks),
moderate on my shoulders and upper back,
bad on my outer low back, and very light to none on my face.

Libido is currently low. It was very high while on blast but as of late it has been low. No erectile disfunction if the GF puts in some work and initiates things, but no drive of my own to to initiate and no thoughts or desire without her initiating things. This normally would be bad, but after my crazy drive while on I am actually happy with thing currently (I wanted every female I looked at and I was getting it on with my GF 3x a day minimum -- but still not enough and started getting interested in women online and stuff but did not follow through).

Energy/Mood currently very sluggish and tired -- hard to correlate it to any usage because it is flu season, work can get hard, other life events and stresses etc. But I will report for completeness. I had greater energy on the second half of my blast once I got E2 down, but the first half of that blast I felt sluggish like this and then I found my E2 was in the 70s.

Hair thinning and light male pattern baldness before the use of any gear.
No noticeable change during cycle or TRT. I will track it here for completeness although it is unlikely to be effected (I believe I am just naturally going to continue to thin with age as my father and other male relatives). It will be interesting when I run TB500 to see if it has any restorative effects as some have reported.

Gym Performance coming off of an illness and some minor injuries that have effected my lifts--overall I am weaker than I was a few weeks ago but again this is NOT gear related and I fully expect my lifts to be back up in the next week or two if I can heal up.

Joints feel fine no changes and no current issues.

PIP none after first EQ front-load pin (pharmacom from sept 2015).


This Week's Plan:
Will start to reduce Aromasin from 12.5mg EOD down to ~6.25 mg EOD for this week (test levels should already be dropping according to the plot in my first post).
I will closely check the known gyno under right nip to see how I react. If all goes well, then I will consider completely dropping AI the following week.