RT's mixed compound cruising experiments

Sub'd. Interesting run, you're a detailed guy and once again this log will be great for the community. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication.
Overall Status:

203 lb @ 16%

gyno Significantly reduced already! only able to find a very very pea sized small lump under right nip.

Acne is mildly reduced so far.

Libido back to non-cycle average levels.

Energy/Mood still lagging here and not sure why. Might just be the cold season or over-worked. Will be getting bloods so we will see if anything is out or range.

Hair no changes.

Gym Performance better than last week but still not where I would like it to be, but again this is most likely due to the illness and groin strain and not yet able to be attributed to changes in supplementation.

Joints noticing the slightest of discomfort in some joints. I would not even give it a second thought if it were not for my drastic reduction in gyno showing I most likely have been successful in lowering my E2. I will completely drop ALL AI now and see how I feel.

PIP very mild (pharmacom from sept 2015).


This Week's Plan:
Drop ALL AI completely and see how I react moving forward. The lump behind right nip is basically gone, acne is reduced, and sex-drive is up to normal levels, so I think my E2 has been reduced. I will get bloods after a few more weeks to confirm.

A week totally off AI -- ZERO AI :D and it is going great.

Gyno lump is gone! all that is left it the residual gyno from puberty but the new occurrences and any pain/itching/lump not detectable anymore.

Acne is greatly improving. I am still battling it on my arms and some lower back, but overall much improved.

Sex Drive is still not up to par where it should be.

Strength/Recovery are down a bit.

Joints a little aches in my knees and the last time my E2 was low I did feel this.

Overall, I am happy and will continue as is unless any negatives get worse.
I may consider titrating up the testosterone to find a good spot whereas I avoid the gyno but enjoy a decent sex-drive and recovery/strength.
However, as things are now I am happy to wait until I get bloods in a few weeks before making any additional adjustments.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!
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This is going to be a very informative log RT, im subbed in and looking forward to learning from your experience. Great idea[emoji106]
My logs would be waay too much to read! Just because I'm very 'in tune' with myself psychologically and i notice small changes in my thinking patterns and behaviours, almost as if i where in a third person state of mind that purely observed.
I would end up writing half a novel basically... The psychological effects that AAS induce are beyond amazing to me, but i don't know anything about neurological chemistry so the logs would be pure drivel hahaha.
I might start one in my notes on my phone so i can edit it and make it interesting to read along.

Also I'm halfway through a cycle now.
I would be very interested in reading one or your logs bro. Half a novel or not, id read it an deff be subbed;)

Adding peptides:

took some time off the peptides to reduce variables but now that I have a good feel for things and everything is stable I started them again last week:
Mod GRF(1-29) + GHRP-2 100mcg of each 2x each day (morning and pre-bed).

206 lb @ 16%

gyno Significantly reduced! only able to find a very small pea sized small lump under right nip some days and on other days I can not even detect anything.

Acne was starting to clear up but this week all of a sudden I had a break-out on upper arms and lower back again. Really pisses me off -- Still a little better than when I was strait testosterone but not where I want things to be. I might give some Retin-A (reliableRX) a try and see if it helps.

Libido lower than average the past week or so.

Energy/Mood is better since the last update (I am finally over the flu).

no changes.

Gym Performance starting to get back on track after the injuries and illness -- much better sessions and making gains again.

Joints aches and pains in my right knee (not typical for me) but shoulders which usually bother me are doing great.

PIP very mild (pharmacom from sept 2015) with occasional 24 hours soreness on after some pins but not all.

Currently I am hoping to start my next cycle around the beginning of February. I will get pre-cycle bloods in a week or two which will show how the cruise is going and then will be able to make adjustments for the next cruise based upon those values.
Overall Status:

206 lb @ 16% (Body comp may have improved slightly – got a few compliments that I am looking solid)

gyno Excellent results--nearly non-excitant! (this was the main goal). what I can find is is about the size of a small pea and on some days I cannot even find that.

Acneis noticeably improved, Moderate on upper arms (improvement but still not what I would like), mild on my shoulders and lowerback, almost none elsewhere, ZERO on face.

Libido is still lower than all test-cyp TRT and obviously much lower than on cycle.

Energy/Mooddecent, nothing special good or bad.

Hair no changes.

Gym Performancemaking solid good gains! Almost to on-cycle strength levels within striking range of some PRs if I really buckled down, get good rest, push hard, and and eat big.

Jointsfeel fine no changes and no current issues.

PIPswitched to shoulders to give other sites a rest – no PIP.

Bloodwork: Had Bloods pulled this morning to get real number results for this cruise and to check hemocrit before I run a full Blast/cycle. I will update here with bloodwork results asap when they arrive.

Overall, I really feel good about the mixed cruising and will adjust dosages from my next cruise based upon these bloods.
Im interested in your hemo results, i was running eq for about 10 weeks, decided to go donate blood, big mistake!!!! Hemo was high so i am now banned for life from donating. Stopped the eq and will prob never run it again.
Im interested in your hemo results, i was running eq for about 10 weeks, decided to go donate blood, big mistake!!!! Hemo was high so i am now banned for life from donating. Stopped the eq and will prob never run it again.

wow, sorry to hear.
How high was it that they banned you?
And thanks fro the info, I will be sure to always get bloodwork now before donating.
wow, sorry to hear.
How high was it that they banned you?
And thanks fro the info, I will be sure to always get bloodwork now before donating.
It was 20 , they said anything over 19 is a no go. So 18.5 and i would have been gtg.

Lab Results:
sample taken ~24 hr after last pin (which was approx 30mg EQ, 18mg Test-E assuming the labels are accurate).

I am confused about the testosterone level because I am only running about 30 - 40 mg per week (so how could I be this high? i did pin one slin pin tick mark too much this time but that would only give 3mg extra (simply pulled a slight bit too much on accident) nothing that would matter; my EQ is NOT test or my E2 would be super high without any AI, I know from experience).

Also, I am disappointed at how strongly my RBC / Hematocrit is up on such a small dosage of EQ; I hear some people do not experience this while others, like me apparently, run into so issues with EQ and RBC/hematocrit levels.

Look like I succeeded in eliminating E2 -- but overkill!
Would you guy think that changing the ratio could fix this? by this I mean, lowering the EQ% and raising the test% -- maybe something such as 30 mg of each per pin for a total of 60mg EQ and 60mg test-E per week instead of the current EQ-to-TestE 90:30 ratio.

I wonder if the crashed E2 contributed to the lower sex drive?

Overall, I am still feeling better than previous 100% testosterone cruising, but the numbers do look like I have some serious issues to address.
Appreciate any thoughts or advice you guys have to offer, thanks.

The pre-bloods pin was 45mg EQ and 18mg test-E (I wrote 30mg EQ but every pin has been at least 45 mg EQ NEVER less than 45mg giving an EQ total of at least 90mg per week as originally planned).
My apology to anyone that will use the info in the future to help plan their own cruises; it was just a typo but I can not go back and edit it to correct.

Just to clarify:
I have been consistently running
90 mg EQ
30 mg Test-E
split into Sun/Weds pins.

Also using Mod GRF(1-29)+GHRP-2 2x a day to boost GH pulses.
Wow RT. I can't wrap my head around any of that. Those numbers don't make sense for your dosages.
I would probably take a low dose AI at least short term just to get your E2 out of the basement.
But your RBC, Hematocrit, and test levels don't make sense.
I'd be happy with that Test level but it doesn't jive with your Test dose and the blood numbers don't jive with your Eq dose.
Wow RT. I can't wrap my head around any of that. Those numbers don't make sense for your dosages.
I would probably take a low dose AI at least short term just to get your E2 out of the basement.
But your RBC, Hematocrit, and test levels don't make sense.
I'd be happy with that Test level but it doesn't jive with your Test dose and the blood numbers don't jive with your Eq dose.

yeah, I don't get it...

I use a slin pin to the delt since it is such a small amount I get a break from normal pins and glute/quads shots.

Both oils are 300 mg/mL on the label.

I first draw up to the 15 iu mark with the EQ then pull 5 more iu ticks of test-E (this last pin I pulled too far and added a little extra, but we are taking like 3 - 5mg extra only).

Each tick mark on a slin pin is 1/100th of a mL.
SO I would think then that each tick from a 300mg/mL vial is 3 mg.
EQ 15 ticks would be 15x3mg = 45mg EQ.
and likewise 5 more ticks of Test-E would then add 5x3mg = 15 mg Test-E each pin.

Did I do something wrong with that logic? that how I been using it twice a week.
Is there anything else that could be in there which would give these results at this dosage?
yeah, I don't get it...

I use a slin pin to the delt since it is such a small amount I get a break from normal pins and glute/quads shots.

Both oils are 300 mg/mL on the label.

I first draw up to the 15 iu mark with the EQ then pull 5 more iu ticks of test-E (this last pin I pulled too far and added a little extra, but we are taking like 3 - 5mg extra only).

Each tick mark on a slin pin is 1/100th of a mL.
SO I would think then that each tick from a 300mg/mL vial is 3 mg.
EQ 15 ticks would be 15x3mg = 45mg EQ.
and likewise 5 more ticks of Test-E would then add 5x3mg = 15 mg Test-E each pin.

Did I do something wrong with that logic? that how I been using it twice a week.
Is there anything else that could be in there which would give these results at this dosage?
Your math is sound. The calculation is correct.
@bickel29 @Wunderpus I respect you guys a lot and know you have been here and seen a lot. If you get any time please have a look at my bloods a few posts up (post #31) and let me know if you have any idea what could be going on. They just do not look at all like what I expected to see.

Here is what I have been crusiing with for many weeks now:
90 mg EQ per week.
30 mg Test-E per week.
split into Sun/Weds pins.
Also using Mod GRF(1-29)+ghrp-2 2x a day to boost GH pulses.
Your math is sound. The calculation is correct.

maybe I will just go donate asap.
Then schedule an appointment and get another bloodwork.
Can there be errors? I know my doc wants me to come in soon.
Since I know my Testosterone is not out of range (I have a lot left in this vial so nothing should change), and he usually never checks E2, I think I will be safe to go in and let him run another analysis.
@bickel29 @Wunderpus I respect you guys a lot and know you have been here and seen a lot. If you get any time please have a look at my bloods a few posts up (post #31) and let me know if you have any idea what could be going on. They just do not look at all like what I expected to see.

Here is what I have been crusiing with for many weeks now:
90 mg EQ per week.
30 mg Test-E per week.
split into Sun/Weds pins.
Also using Mod GRF(1-29)+ghrp-2 2x a day to boost GH pulses.
Don't look how you expected, in regards to what?
Im very surprised at your hematocrit numbers , very high for such a low dose. Id really like to know why that is.